“disable” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “disable”:

– And that template has the ability to disable the categorisation to CAT:TWU.

– The player must fight through Covenant forces to disable the bombs.

– Neo uses his powers to disable all the attacking machines, but falls unconscious.

– If the administrator requests more information or indicates that the request is “not done for now” or similar, they may still disable the tag to ‘clean up’ the category.

– The game is designed where certain body parts of the demon enemies can be damaged, so attacking and destroying those body parts can disable certain attacks and make them easier to kill.

– They might also disable the whole Firewire subsystem, or not provide Firewire at all.

disable how to use in sentences
disable how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “disable”:

- They also usually provide an option or plugin to disable it.

- The Covenant board the ship the player is aboard, and attempt to plant bombs to disable it and the other ships in the human fleet.

– They also usually provide an option or plugin to disable it.

– The Covenant board the ship the player is aboard, and attempt to plant bombs to disable it and the other ships in the human fleet.

– These areas are harder to miss, and are more likely to disable the target.

– Reference tags can be used for this purpose.It’s polite if you inform the administrator of the page you link to that you are deep linking to the content of his page, marking it as an external source, also providing a link to his complete page and that if he doesn’t like it he can use a script to disable deep linking.

– Or if that doesn’t work, you may be able to disable the infobox’s italics code altogether.

– As such, I think it’s probably time that the community discuss whether or not we wish to continue to permit editing by anonymous editors or whether we want to disable it.

– Any text before the code will disable the code and prevent a redirect.

– The second part of the Latin name comes from the fact that it can be used to temporarily disable the eye’s adaptation to light.

– Add anywhere in the template to disable labels, so only the text supplied as parameters appears, separated by semicolons.

– By default, “extension” and “mime” are displayed using ; to disable this.

– To disable the inclusion of such territories in a template, include the parameter “countries_only=yes”.

– Personally, I’d like to disable to content translator for use here, because it can’t produce simple English.

– If you want to disable wikitext in it, you should use lt;nowiki tags inside the template.

– Once VisualEditor is enabled you will have the option to disable it in your preferences so that you will no longer see it while it is in beta testing.

– Like all cnidarians, “Hydra” uses nematocysts, stinging cells which disable its prey.

– Please, disable it here.

– If the attackers advance at a more rapid rate than the defenders can kill or disable them then the attackers will reach the defenders.

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