“dioxide” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “dioxide”:

– The authors were able to experimentally work out a rate law at 261.2 K for the reaction of 1,2-dimethylidenecyclohexane with sulfur dioxide to give the corresponding sulfolene.

– Dissolved carbon dioxide combined with water can cause further corrosion.

– Oxygen enters and carbon dioxide leaves the planarian’s body by diffusing through the body wall.

– Americium-Aluminium alloys are formed by the melting of americium dioxide with aluminium and a fluxing agent.

– It also produces carbon dioxide as a waste product, which then enters the circulatory system.

dioxide in sentences?
dioxide in sentences?

Example sentences of “dioxide”:

- Chlorine dioxide can react with bromide when in sunlight to make bromate.

- Upon heating, Nitrogen Dioxide decomposes back into lower oxides of Nitrogen as well as Oxygen.
- Trees and shrubs take in water and carbon dioxide and give out oxygen with sunlight to form sugars.

– Chlorine dioxide can react with bromide when in sunlight to make bromate.

– Upon heating, Nitrogen Dioxide decomposes back into lower oxides of Nitrogen as well as Oxygen.

– Trees and shrubs take in water and carbon dioxide and give out oxygen with sunlight to form sugars.

– Models of the changes suggest that decreasing levels of carbon dioxide became more important.

– Some people think that too much carbon dioxide in the air may cause a greenhouse effect.

– Carbon dioxide is used in the light-independent reactions.

– For example, carbon dioxide is added to flavored water under pressure to make it “fizz” as a carbonated water soft drink.

– The arsenic trioxide is condensed, while the sulfur dioxide does not condense.

– Some metals, such as tin, make sulfur dioxide and tin sulfate.

– Some people propose making biochar to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

More in-sentence examples of “dioxide”:

– In April 2021, the oxygen generator in the “Perseverance” created oxygen from carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere.

– Finally, the carbon dioxide from cellular respiration is breathed out of body from the lungs.

– Carbon in biomass is captured from carbon dioxide in the air by plants.

– During the Eocene-Oligocene extinction event about 34 million years ago, levels of carbon dioxide were about 760 parts per million.

– Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.

– For example, acids can be made by nitrogen compounds made by lightning, and volcanic eruptions can release sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere.

– The oxygen is absorbed into the animal’s blood, causing carbon dioxide moves out of the animal’s blood and into the water through the gills.

– The only way the body can get rid of carbon dioxide is by breathing it out.

– Some things that could reduce warming are to burn less fossil fuels, grow more trees, eat less meat, and put some carbon dioxide back in the ground.

– It is made by reacting sulfur dioxide with potassium hydroxide.

– Once the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood is normal again, the medulla tells the body to breathe slower again.

– One is photosynthesis, which is a very important process through which plants form oxygen from carbon dioxide and water.

– Then the tellurium dioxide is reacted with sulfur dioxide dissolved in sulfuric acid to make tellurium metal.

– It is mostly carbon dioxide with some argon and nitrogen and tiny amounts of other gases including oxygen.

– The blood that now carries oxygen goes through the dorsal artery, which divides into smaller and smaller vessels and go all over the body to then distribute the oxygen and gets carbon dioxide and waste.

– Carbon fixation is a process by which the atoms of atmospheric carbon dioxide are made available to organisms in the form of fuelenergy-rich molecules such as glucose.

– The Civil Defense Agency reported extreme levels of sulphur dioxide gas in the area, and Talmadge Magno, the Civil Defense Administrator for Hawaii County, stated that power lines had melted off the poles due to heat.

– A carbon footprint is the carbon dioxide that is put into the air because of a person, a group of people, an event or a product.

– After the blood is pumped and the nutrients have been absorbed, it flows back to the heart to take the carbon dioxide away and to get new oxygen.

– Photorespiration can occur when carbon dioxide levels are low, for example, when the stomata are closed to prevent water loss during drought.

– It can react with carbon dioxide temporarily to make the bicarbonate.

– Selenic acid is made by oxidation of selenium dioxide with hydrogen peroxide.

– The first person to predict that carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels could cause global warming was Svante Arrhenius.

– Almost half of the carbon dioxide from people is because of burning coal so it is the biggest single cause of global warming.

– More recently, increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have resulted in more of it dissolving in the ocean forming carbonic acid and has raised this pH level to 8.1.

- In April 2021, the oxygen generator in the "Perseverance" created oxygen from carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere.

- Finally, the carbon dioxide from cellular respiration is breathed out of body from the lungs.

– It is used for baking bread because the yeast makes carbon dioxide as a by-product of it eating sugar.

– It can be made by reacting tellurium dioxide with water.

– Carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant and along with chemicals in the chloroplast, ATP, and NADPH, glucose is made and finally, transported around the plant by translocation.

– It reacts with sulfur dioxide to make copper chloride.

– Tin oxide, also known as tin dioxide or stannic oxide is a chemical compound.

– Callisto is surrounded by an extremely thin atmosphere made out of carbon dioxide and probably oxygen molecules.

– The proteins and the carbon dioxide in the RBC are buffers for the blood.

– Animals, microorganisms and plants breathe out carbon dioxide and breathe in oxygen.

– It reacts with carbon dioxide to form lithium carbonate.

– One of the benefits of using MOX-type fuel is that the plutonium dioxide that is produced, can be re-used for energy generation.

– When people cut down many trees, this means less carbon dioxide is taken out of the atmosphere by those plants.

– Formation occurs at depths between Kimberlite material is erupted rapidly and violently, often with considerable carbon dioxide and other volatile components.

– It reacts with carbon dioxide to make thallium carbonate.

– It releases oxygen to turn into tellurium dioxide when heated.

– Among the greenhouse gases, the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main cause of global warming, as predicted by Svante Arrhenius a hundred years ago, confirming the work of Joseph Fourier more than 200 years ago.

– It is an endothermic chemical process that uses sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into sugars.

– Phosphorus is made now by heating calcium phosphate, carbon, and silicon dioxide in an electric arc furnace.

– If this process could be harnessed it could dramatically reduce pollution, because the carbon you make your fuel with is the carbon dioxide from the air.

– Selenium dioxide is used in making organic compounds.

– It easily turns back into tellurium dioxide and water.

– Carbon dioxide levels and sea levels were also higher than today.

– Oxygen from the outside environment is diffused into the body, and carbon dioxide is diffused out of the body.

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