“dictionary” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “dictionary”:

– Gamsberg Macmillan, has published the only dictionary in Herero.

– Sentences such as “the mouldy cheese is escaping” or “I like pie and spam” might be described as “random”, although this is not the proper dictionary or mathematical meaning of the word.

– Bergen Evans, “Comfortable Words” New York: Random House, 1957 Bryan Garner, “A Dictionary of Modern American Usage”, New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998 “Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of American English”, Merriam-Webster: 2002 In the novel, the monster however is called “creature”, “monster”, “fiend”, “wretch”, “vile insect”, “daemon”, “being”, and “it”.

– See Bruce Caldwell’s article on positivism in “The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics”, Second Edition, 2008.

– A pyramidion is the very top piece of an Egyptian pyramid.Toby Wilkinson, The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, Thames Hudson, 2005.

– Besides the history of Augustus’ reign, his major works included an Etruscan civilizationEtruscan history and eight volumes on Carthaginian history, as well as an Etruscan dictionary and a book on dice playing.

– This root dictionary may be completed with other word lists to guarantee that the articles look familiar to readers.

– He taught and continued research at the University of Bonn and University of Kiel.Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf, In A Dictionary of Scientists.

dictionary some example sentences
dictionary some example sentences

Example sentences of “dictionary”:

– Originally, this referred only to the average color of the French mole, Maerz and Paul “A Dictionary of Color” New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 205; Discussion of the color Taupe, Page 183 but like the colors pink and lavender, the name expanded to encompass a wide range of varying shades.

– Whenever doing LZ78 compression, the dictionary always starts out empty.

– The Oxford dictionary of dance, p374.

– People seem to think that “simple” means give a dictionary definition because “simple” readers won’t be able to understand anything more complex.

– An encyclopedic dictionary gives less information about the topic than a real encyclopedia does, but more than a simple dictionary.

– The second dictionary has many volumes.

– An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.

– The Cockapoo has been around since 1950 and the first dictionary reference was a 1960 Oxford English Dictionary citation.

– Work began on the dictionary in 1857, but it was not until 1884 that it began to be published in parts, under the name of “A New English Dictionary on historical principles; founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological Society”.

– Shavit, David The United States in Asia: A Historical Dictionary Greenwood Press page 129 He later taught at many schools.

– The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed.

- Originally, this referred only to the average color of the French mole, Maerz and Paul "A Dictionary of Color" New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 205; Discussion of the color Taupe, Page 183 but like the colors pink and lavender, the name expanded to encompass a wide range of varying shades.

- Whenever doing LZ78 compression, the dictionary always starts out empty.

More in-sentence examples of “dictionary”:

– The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya: An Illustrated Dictionary of Mesoamerican Religion.

– Abate, “Oxford Pocket Dictionary and Thesaurus”, s.v.

– Alexander Kazhdan, ‘Komnene, Anna’, in The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium ed.

– Papinot is best known for creating an “Historical and Geographical Dictionary of Japan” which was first published in French in 1899.

– This template is to be used in the references section of an article in order to identify that it contains text taken from the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships.

– Another rumor is that Miyamoto used a Japanese-to-English dictionary to find words that meant stubborn gorilla and came up with “Donkey Kong”.

– However, the earliest form comes from the Oxford English Dictionary as “chipmonk”.

– The first time Chinese would be written using the Latin alphabet and tone markers was the Portuguese-Chinese dictionary written by Matteo Ricci and Lazzaro Cattanero written around the 16th century.

– Some of its features include a definition link for most searches including dictionary words, the number of results you got on your search, links to other searches.

– An Illustrated Dictionary of the Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya, by Mary Miller Karl Taube Publisher: Thames Hudson.

– The team that built it read thousands of documents and their translations and built a dictionary for Yandex Translate.

– Brearley was born in Sheffield, England, the son of a steelworker and his wife.Oxford Dictionary of National Biography He left Woodside School at the age of twelve to enter as a labourer in his father’s steelworks.

– Oxford English Dictionary – Pea This was the original model organism used by Gregor Mendel in his early work on genetics.

– The first known use of the word “boredom” is in the novel “Bleak House” by Charles Dickens, written in 1852, Oxford Old English Dictionary but the saying “to be a bore” had been used to mean “to be tiresome or dull” since 1768.

– Creutzfeldtndash;Jakob disease Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary or CJD is a Neurologyneurological disease.

– It has a dictionary and parts of the Bible were translated into Shawnee.

– It was the first time a dictionary had been published that gave examples of how the words had been used by well-known writers.

– This work is made harder by the fact that many of the dab pages here are more like lists of dictionary definitions than they are like links to pages a reader might be looking for.

– Not really the best thing to have a list for; it could go on forever and might encourage people to write dictionary definitions for the words that don’t have articles.

– Alphonse Mucha, Grove Dictionary of Art Online.

– The “Oxford Dictionary of Science” defines “adaptation” as “Any change in the structure or functioning of an organism that makes it better suited to its environment”.

– The information in this article appears to fit better in a dictionary than an encyclopedia.

– Delete: dictionary item if at all: term is long outmoded.

– The Oxford English Dictionary gives its appearance as 1762.

- The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya: An Illustrated Dictionary of Mesoamerican Religion.

- Abate, "Oxford Pocket Dictionary and Thesaurus", s.v.

– The brute force attack can be used together with a dictionary attack.

– It is currently presented by Nick Hewer and Rachel Riley; etymologist Susie Dent is in the dictionary corner.

– He wrote eight dictionaries, four seminal works on dictionary science in Kannada.

– The “Suda” is somewhere between a grammatical dictionary and an encyclopedia in the modern sense.

– It was made by IALA – a group of people who worked on it for more than 20 years, and they finished and published the first dictionary in 1951.

– The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church 3rd ed.

– Notability has not been established because the source dictionary gives nothing more than a note of their existence.

– The dictionary was exported to America.

– The codex was as common as scrolls by about AD 300.”Codex” in “The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium”, Oxford University Press, 1991, 473.

– Books show that many of these differences come from the writings of English-lover Noah Webster, who made the American dictionary following the American War of Independence.

– The first dictionary for the language was finished and published in 1951.

– One dictionary may have a list of 500,000 words.

– The dictionary definition for angst is a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity.

– Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

– When you change an article, change the spelling dictionary to the new Simple English dictionary.

– At the beginning of the book we can find a list of the main characters and a dictionary of abbreviations.

– It also has study tools and a dictionary and thesaurus from Merriam-Webster.

– Loading the dictionary into Firefox underlines all words that are complex as if they were spelling mistakes.

– The dictionary is little more than a list of names.

– The Oxford English Dictionary traced the history back to 1382.

– The Oxford English Dictionary says the ethnonym “Bosniak” was first used in English by the British diplomat and historian Paul Rycaut in 1680.

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