“diagram” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “diagram”:

– This template is used to generate an external link to the Federal Aviation Administration diagram for a specific airport.

– The diagram illustrates the encryption process.

– The diagram combines many food chains into energy relationships among organisms.

– The diagram shows that throughout the Oligocene and the first half of the Miocene, climate remained warm.

– Exhibition in the geology section of Derby Museum and Art Gallery, exhibited February 2011 Derby Museum has a diagram of Ecton Hill made from Ashford Black Marble and other minerals.

– To investigate the structure of a flower, it must be dissectiondissected, and its structure summarised by a floral diagram or a floral formula.

– By measuring the properties from a star’s spectrum, the position of a main sequence star on the H-R diagram can be found.

diagram use in-sentences
diagram use in-sentences

Example sentences of “diagram”:

- However, a chart or a diagram may not relate one quantity to other quantities.

- In other words, the chemists draw the phase diagram of the substance.

– However, a chart or a diagram may not relate one quantity to other quantities.

– In other words, the chemists draw the phase diagram of the substance.

– The simplest method is shown in the diagram to the right of this text.

– This module implements the Coxeter–Dynkin diagram template, Template:CDD.

– In the diagram to the left, the white pawn can capture either the black rook or the black knight.

– Points B, C and D on the diagram are considered to be productively efficient as it is not possible to produce more of either good without having to reduce the production of the other.

– A family tree is a diagram of the members of a family.

– In particular, during their hydrogen burning period, stars lie along a curve in the diagram called the main sequence.

– The diagram illustrates the Gallic group in relation to other irregular satellites of Saturn.

– The Venn diagram shows a function.

– Her mission is to get the diagram so it can be destroyed.

– A Venn diagram is a diagram that shows the logical relation between sets.

– A Feynman diagram is a diagram that shows what happens when elementary particles collide.

– The main sequence is a region on a Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram where most stars appear.

More in-sentence examples of “diagram”:

– The vertical axis of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram shows the luminosity or brightness of the stars, as if they were all measured from the same distance.

– The diagram below shows how this part of respiration is an ever-repeating cycle which produces ATP and gives off CO.

– The above diagram would be to play an open E chord, picking each string individually, and then strumming the chord.

– It follows a very inclined and very eccentric orbit illustrated on the diagram in relation to other irregular satellites of Neptune.

– They can be seen on the diagram above as “ventricular folds”.

– Also from this diagram one can see, that indeed with the amount of words suggested by @Eptalon most of the words are covered.

– This is a diagram showing a pattern of ancestor/descendent relationships.

– In a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram the absolute magnitude for a group of stars is plotted against the spectral classification of the stars.

– The full range of colors is usually shown as CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram shaped like a horseshoe.

– Do you allow your 12 yr old who had his first wet dream to read an article about “Ejaculation” that is rated 15+ or 13+? The 15+ one contains a live person video while the 13+ one contains only a diagram and some images of semen.

– When the crest and the trough of two waves of equal magnitude and frequency intersect or collide when in phase with each other the result is called constructive interference and the magnitudes double, when 180° out of phase the result is destructive interference with each other the resulting wave is the undisturbed line that is in the middle of the diagram having zero amplitude.

– The diagram is incorrect by a typo error: The stratum germinativum is the stratum granulosum layer, the stratum basale is also called the stratum germinativum.

– This template is part of the project:route diagram template and currently a work in progress.

– In the Unified Modelling Language, a sequence diagram shows the interaction between different systems.

– The Coxeter-Dynkin diagram graphs are also given below the Schläfli symbol.

– This same relationship exists in the diagram on the right.

– As shown by the diagram to the right, the incoming warm and moist air is drawn by the prevailing winds towards the top of the mountains.

– To use it simply pass the names of the parts of the diagram in order as template parameters.

– A diagram of a two-electron fragment approaching a four-electron π-system using frontier molecular orbitals is shown below.

– These are shown in the diagram below.

– The “lines” in a Feynman diagram represent the probability amplitude for a particle to go from one place to another.

– The problem with this approach is, that except for the signs of the zodiac, and one diagram possibly showing the classical planets, no one has shown that the symbols are found in other astrological traditions.

– The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is more often used in astronomy, because it relates three important variables: the absolute magnitude, the luminosity and the surface temperature.

– The diagram is based on human anatomy.

– Converts a legacy route diagram into Routemap format.

– This diagram is meant to set up a universal unit of length and a universal unit of time for the rest of the image.

– The circuit diagram makes it easier to understand a circuit.

– The Venn diagram is one of many ways to represent logical relationships.

– Sao has a very inclined and eccentric orbit seen on the diagram in relation to other non-sperical moons of Neptune.

– A circuit diagram is a diagram that shows an electrical circuit.

– A star chart is a graphic device or diagram which shows the night sky as seen from Earth.

– The diagram shows a single-shaft gas turbine.

– The polar area diagram is similar to a usual pie chart, except sectors are equal angles and differ rather in how far each sector extends from the center of the circle.

– The diagram illustrates its orbit in relation to other non-spherical moons of Saturn.

– The diagram to the right shows two examples.

– Operations may go “off the scale;” for example, the diagram above shows that the slide rule has not positioned the 7 on the upper scale above any number on the lower scale, so it does not give any answer for 2×7.

– The route diagram templates encompass a main container, named, and its auxiliary templates see the navbar at the end of the page, most of them having BS at the root of their name.

– The “Typical residential floor in Grenfell Tower” diagram shows 4 two-bedroom and 2 one-bedroom flats.

– The various rounded shapes in an orbital diagram indicate where electrons would most likely be found in an atom.

– There is a diagram of the change in spin of the electron of a hydrogen particle.

– Derby Museum has a diagram of Ecton Hill made from Ashford Black Marble and other minerals.

– The diagram illustrates the orbital parameters of the retrograde non-spherical moons of Uranus with the eccentricity of the orbits represented by the segments extending from the pericentre to the apocentre.

– That is, the left of the diagram contains stars with the highest temperature plots while the right shows stars with temperatures of only 3000K.

– A Venn diagram uses closed curves drawn on a plane to represent sets.

– An NMR diagram displays an x-axis with units of parts per million, or “shift.” Peaks that occur farther to the left in the diagram ring.

– In the diagram shown, the cost curves of a perfectly competitive market is shown in its long run equilibrium.

– A complete presentation of the members and their names with dates and a diagram can be found at and therefore that information is not repeated here.

– If an editor wishes to place an RDT inside an template be used instead of direct transclusion in order to prevent the diagram from “breaking apart”.

– The diagram illustrates its orbit in relation to other prograde non-spherical moons of Saturn.

- The vertical axis of a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram shows the luminosity or brightness of the stars, as if they were all measured from the same distance.

- The diagram below shows how this part of respiration is an ever-repeating cycle which produces ATP and gives off CO.
- The above diagram would be to play an open E chord, picking each string individually, and then strumming the chord.

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