“devoted” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “devoted”:

+ Kobayashi devoted so much energy to his Takarazuka project out of a love of drama that dated back to his childhood.

+ Though the Scuderia and Ferrari Corse Clienti continue to manage the racing activities of numerous Ferrari customers and private teams, Ferrari’s racing division has completely devoted its attention and funding to its Formula One team, Scuderia Ferrari.

+ He devoted himself to international peace.

+ Although the union was political, Marie Clotilde and Charles Emmanuel were devoted to each other.

+ Taylor devoted consistent and generous humanitarian time, advocacy efforts, and funding to HIV and AIDS-related projects and charities.

+ He was an excellent lawyer and was able to work very sensibly as a court official while, at the same time, spending some time devoted to art.

+ He devoted the fall of 1889 however to “The Gondoliers”.

devoted - sentence examples
devoted – sentence examples

Example sentences of “devoted”:

+ There is no delegation of administrative powers to neighborhoods, although there are several neighborhoods associations devoted to improve their own standards of living.

+ The nighttime shows focus specifically on new music, with each show devoted to a particular genre.

+ There is no delegation of administrative powers to neighborhoods, although there are several neighborhoods associations devoted to improve their own standards of living.

+ The nighttime shows focus specifically on new music, with each show devoted to a particular genre.

+ He is devoted to his many nieces and nephews, as well as to his Jesuit religious family.

+ Around that same time the American cook Fannie Farmer devoted herself to cooking.

+ She said her whole life would be devoted to the service of British Commonwealth and Empire.

+ Reddit has occasionally been the topic of controversy due to the presence of subreddits devoted to explicit or controversial material, including subreddits r/Creepshots and r/jailbait.

+ During the first few months of their marriage, the couple appeared devoted to each other, but the duke went back to the life of “libertinage” he had led before his marriage.

+ Special volume devoted to materials presented at SCAN 2012.

+ She is considered one of the most devoted Sufi saints.

+ He was his life was devoted entirely to the movement of liberation movements liberalism Gender and Korean, and made ​​it possible to introduce improvements on all male rights, offer of male shelter and Protective Facility.

+ His devoted wife Anne Marie died in 1728 after a series of heart attacks.

+ He was very devoted to what he did, and always looked for the word that would best fit the context.

+ In 1931, Hugo Cabret, a 12-year-old boy who lives with his father, a widowed, but kind and devoted master clockmaker in Paris.

+ Agrivana® Media, LLC, is a company founded by Joe Lamp’l that is devoted to creating quality broadcast and online content to inspire and promote environmental stewardship around the world.

+ Persons who are more devoted the their Christian faith prefer not to use the word so broadly, but only use it to refer to those who are active in their Christian religion and really believe the teachings of Jesus and their church.

+ The building’s east side is devoted to the various offices of Cook County.

More in-sentence examples of “devoted”:

+ Bibat is an important museum, devoted to archaeology and playing cards.

+ Most publications are devoted to art, culture, and travel.

+ John Campbell, who published a biography of Heath in 1993, devoted four pages to a discussion of the evidence concerning Heath’s sexuality.

+ She is devoted to Kilometre1000m short track speed skating.

+ The Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia is the only other site devoted to a woman that has a flag flying at all times.

+ Ginny seems devoted and loyal to Hugo.

+ Exceptions—websites that can be both references and “Other websites”—include any official sites for the article topic, or websites that are specifically devoted to the topic, contain multiple subpages, and meet the above criteria.

+ It is home to the Indian Statistical Institute, an institution of national importance devoted to the research, teaching and application of statistics, natural sciences and social sciences.

+ For the record, the section on the problems in France after the metric system was introduced runs to 328 words while 173 words are devoted to metrication in the United Kingdom and 286 to metrication in the United States.

+ Gould writes: “If Morrell wished to gain an undeserved reputation as an Antarctic explorer, one would think he could have gone a better way about it than to bury his “pièces justificatives”, after he had forged them, in an undistinguished corner of so bulky a book.” Gould, p.268 In the relatively few pages devoted to the Antarctic, Morrell’s account of his discovery is brief and entirely matter-of-fact, crediting it to Captain Johnson two years earlier rather than to himself.

+ The final part of the poem is devoted to the “eternal war” between Europe and Asia, about the Persian Wars and Alexander the Great.

+ As a population, they are devoted to family and church and bring island dance and song to this corner of Arkansas.

+ All of these groups were devoted to the Bible and to being morally pure.

+ As a result, some members who were interested in playing football left and founded a club devoted principally to that activity: Estudiantes de La Plata.

+ Rachel was always devoted to Andrew.

+ On the surface, Iroh is a cheerful, kind, optimistically eccentric tea-loving old man, but he still remains a powerful warrior and a devoted surrogate parent to Zuko.

+ However, one of the first corresponding reactions can be found on the thread on By 2005, Orz spawned a subculture: blogs have been devoted to the emoticon, and URL shortening services have been named after it.

+ The lives of these women were devoted to war.

+ The first one was devoted to new trends in the plastic arts.

+ Hutter wakes up to a deserted castle the morning after and notices fresh punctures on his neck which, in a letter he sends by courier on horseback to be delivered to his devoted wife, he attributes to mosquitoes.

+ During this time he stayed devoted to God, moving back to Quebec to be a priest there.

+ Although the union was arranged for political reasons, Charles Emmanuel and his wife became devoted to each other.

+ Princess Mary was devoted to her children and to her public duties.

+ She also devoted her life to improving the Catholic church, helping the ill, poor, and spiritually underprivileged.

+ After taking part in the 2000 Summer Paralympics, for personal reasons, she left international competition and devoted herself to sport climbing.

+ Bibat is an important museum, devoted to archaeology and playing cards.

+ Most publications are devoted to art, culture, and travel.
+ John Campbell, who published a biography of Heath in 1993, devoted four pages to a discussion of the evidence concerning Heath's sexuality.

+ Its rock garden is the oldest English garden devoted to alpine plants.

+ Many other websites became available year-round, devoted to Santa and purport to keep tabs on his activities in his workshop.

+ A serious illness interrupted his career and forced him to retreat to his native city, where he devoted himself to music criticism and teaching.

+ In 1993, the Accounting Education Change Commission Statement Number 4 Professional accounting institutes, perhaps fearing that management accountants would increasingly be seen as superfluous in business organizations, subsequently devoted considerable resources to the development of a more innovative skills set for management accountants.

+ McCarty devoted his life to studying infectious disease organisms.

+ Wilson’s book had almost 700 pages, which were almost entirely devoted to social behaviour in animals.

+ One primary candidate in particular, Sulaimon Brown devoted his efforts to attacking Fenty rather than establishing his own positive campaign.

+ He devoted the rest of his life to ‘ahinsa’ and ‘dharma-vijaya’.

+ It was not entirely devoted to science.

+ Zaman, who happens to be an expert in Islamic History, said that “You can’t look at something that already existed – and there is a shrine devoted to it – and now say it was unacceptable.” In March 2012 at the Human Rights Council, Hina Jilani, who was then also Chair of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and former said, “it was very important to emphasize that a serious obstacle was the persistent denial of protection for people from violence on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

+ After the game was released, “Doki Doki Literature Club!” got a very devoted fanbase very quickly.

+ It is devoted to using the World Wide Web.

+ He has been devoted to the study of the Holocaust and genocide since the mid 1960s.

+ For instance, Pope Benedict XVI, in his Wednesday catecheses from March 7, 2007, to June 25, 2008, on the Church Fathers, devoted two talks to him.

+ Juan was so devoted to Jesus Christ that he called him “bossing”.

+ It continues to hold a strong fanbase with many fansites devoted to it.

+ The Royal Institution in London has similar aims, and is devoted to science.

+ He stops with the active playing football quite early and becomes devoted to the coaching instead.

+ Nilsson devoted a whole album to music from “The Point!”, alternating songs from the show with his own of the story.

+ Segregation would end when devoted Christians, doing God’s work on earth, led a nonviolent crusade to destroy it.

+ Growing fruit means having orchards devoted to fruit.

+ It was the first book devoted to the topic of human evolution, and discussed much of the anatomical and other evidence.

+ He became a devoted husband and father.

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