“describe” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “describe”:

+ There are many authors who describe how they see the New Age in books.

+ Jähns used the word to describe Weber’s work.

+ Urban Zulu uses loan words borrowed from other languages to describe new ideas.

+ Longinus was a teacher of rhetoric, and used the sublime to describe great language in this context.

+ Rules suggested to describe optical illusions such as simultaneous brightness contrast illusion, such as Wallach’s ratio rule cannot explain White’s illusion.

describe in sentences?
describe in sentences?

Example sentences of “describe”:

+ The mathematical bases of special relativity are the Lorentz transformations, which mathematically describe the views of space and time for two observers who are moving relative to each other but are not experiencing acceleration.

+ The names used to describe the different types often refer to one species that is the main ancestor of that group, for example, Gallica roses are mostly descended from “Rosa gallica”.

+ Both describe him as the One Divine Person, Jesus Christ, who has a Divine Soul of Love, Divine Mind of Truth, and Divine Body of Activity.

+ Which since it is about something in the bible I think it should describe it accurately.

+ On March 15, Sgt Robel told the court that Arvizo said he had been molested five to seven times but could only describe two of the molestations in detail.

+ The process is hard to describe in words, but fortunately there is an excellent video which explains what goes on.

+ The records of Asama Shrine at the base of Mount Fuji describe events in this time frame.

+ However, the term is still used to describe the agency business as a whole and the large, New York–based agencies in particular.

+ It is often used to describe the movement of celestial bodycelestial bodies such as stars and planets.

+ These people use different words to describe their gender.

+ The mathematical bases of special relativity are the Lorentz transformations, which mathematically describe the views of space and time for two observers who are moving relative to each other but are not experiencing acceleration.

+ The names used to describe the different types often refer to one species that is the main ancestor of that group, for example, Gallica roses are mostly descended from "Rosa gallica".

+ Bookchin was the first to use the term “Libertarian municipalism”, to describe a system in which libertarian socialismlibertarian institutions of directly democratic assemblies would oppose and replace the State with a confederation of free municipalities.

+ Causality is a way to describe how different events relate to one another.

+ The term “Gothic” was first used to describe this script in fifteenth century Italy, in the midst of the Renaissance.

+ It may used to describe giving someone unrestricted funds for a project, for example; “The city council gave the contractors a blank cheque to build the new library”.

+ Archaeologists use the word “terrazzo” to describe the floors of early neolithic buildings PPN A and B, ca.

+ Measure words can also be used to describe groups of countable nouns.

+ Alfred Kinsey used the label “X” to describe asexual people.

More in-sentence examples of “describe”:

+ The word “cellulite” only refers to how the skin looks, and does not describe a medical condition.

+ A red herring is used to describe a plot device in mystery fiction that leads the reader to a wrong solution.

+ The term was later used to describe the situation in the Niger DeltaNiger delta, and in Western New Guinea.

+ The term “public domain” is only used to describe things that can be copyrighted, such as photographs, drawings, written articles, books or Play plays, or similar works of art.

+ Mass is the term used to describe celebration of the Eucharist in the Western liturgical rites of the Roman Catholic Church, Old Catholic Churches, in the Oxford MovementAnglo-Catholic tradition of High Church Lutheran regions: in Baltic countries the Lutheran Eucharistic service is also known as “the Mass”.

+ I don’t really care how you describe those bottles containing liquids or foam, used to get rid of fires.

+ Words that were used to describe people with an intellectual disability have changed a lot.

+ Scrap is a term used to describe recyclable materials left over from every manner of product consumption, such as parts of vehicles, building supplies, and surplus materials.

+ This concept is not one theorem itself; it is a way to describe many other theorems.

+ On this page, we describe what botanists call a fruit.

+ After Russell’s paradox was found in the 1901, mathematicians wanted to find a way to describe set theory that did not have contradictions.

+ The name “ping-pong” then came to describe the game played using the rather expensive Jaques’s equipment, with other manufacturers calling it table tennis.

+ Many design procedures describe how to calculate an approximate value, and then “round” to some standard size using phrases such as “round down to nearest standard value”, “round up to nearest standard value”, or “round to nearest standard value”.

+ These names were used to describe a new sound that was developing out of UK garage, drifting away from its house music influences and instead drifting towards darker themes and sounds.

+ Note: The conventional color description describe only the peak of the stellar spectrum.

+ Analytic philosophers like Bertrand Russell thought that ordinary language was confused, and tried to use the ideal or most accurate words to describe ideas.

+ The term was later used to describe the head of a community of priests, as the chapter of a cathedral, or a section of a diocese.

+ The terms proximal and distal are used to describe parts of a feature that are close to, or distant from, the main mass of the body.

+ The term “monadnock” is used by American geologists to describe any single mountain formed when erosion removes softer rock and leaves harder rock behind.

+ Some may describe it as “gender blind” because those who identify as pansexual do not consider gender important when they are attracted to others.

+ One way we describe this is “The limit of.

+ When this new unit is used to describe the orbits of electrons in atoms, the angular momentum of any electron in orbit is always a whole number.

+ This way of making music describe things became very popular with Romantic composers.

+ The word “fortepiano” is sometimes used to describe the pianos of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

+ The word "cellulite" only refers to how the skin looks, and does not describe a medical condition.

+ A red herring is used to describe a plot device in mystery fiction that leads the reader to a wrong solution.

+ These terms describe the growth of the amino acid chain.

+ The term tent city is used to describe a variety of temporary housing facilities made using tents.

+ In music, the term “abstraction” can be used to describe improvisatory approaches to interpretation, and may sometimes indicate abandonment of tonality.

+ The term “fish” is used to describe at least four different kinds of vertebrates.

+ Today, a lot of the medical terms used to describe cancer come from ancient Greek and Latin.

+ Idiot is a word used to describe someone who is stupid.

+ Some European languages have adopted “mob” as a loanword to describe special kinds of bullying.

+ They help describe the anatomy of animals.

+ It is used mainly in the United States to describe buying something and quickly reselling it for profit.

+ The term “disc jockey” was ostensibly coined by radio gossip commentator Walter Winchell in 1935, and the phrase first appeared in print in a 1941 “Variety” magazine, used to describe radio personalities who introduced phonograph records on the air.

+ The name Restoration is also used to describe the Latter-day Saints and the Jehovah’s Witness Movement.

+ Scientists can now describe in detail how the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs produced its huge crater.

+ Others were folk remedies, some well known to today’s herbalists and naturopaths, but Cayce would sometimes describe them using terms that had fallen out of general use.

+ Sometimes the term is used to describe everyone who left the country because of changes in the government.

+ In the United States the term ‘Swing’ became the most common word used to describe the dance.

+ Like Richard Strauss in “Der Rosenkavalier”, Ravel was trying to describe the music of a century ago.

+ Bush in his State of the Union speech on January 29, 2002 to describe the governments of Iraq, Iran, and North Korea and later Cuba, Libya, and Syria.

+ Plans are a set of two-dimensional diagrams or drawings used to describe a place or object, or to communicate building or fabrication instructions.

+ You claim that the other lists only describe people born within those country borders, and you uses Tesla and the Croatia list as an example, but that same list contains American men, with English names, born in the USA, with Croatian last names, such as John Arthur Miskovich.

+ Some describe Rainier as dormant or inactive.Ball, Jessica.

+ Nazarene is a word used to describe Jesus.

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