“descended” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “descended”:

– The names used to describe the different types often refer to one species that is the main ancestor of that group, for example, Gallica roses are mostly descended from “Rosa gallica”.

– It does not include the land vertebrates or tetrapods, which descended from fish.

– As well as designing and granting new arms, the College tries to answer many requests from people trying to prove that they are descended from an “armigerous” from an armiger may be reissued that ancestor’s arms.

– On 16 July morning, Sergeant John Middleton and Trooper William Hosie stationed at Tuena, descended upon Fogg’s humpy occupied by Fogg, his wife and children, Frank Clark armed with a six-shot revolver handgun, and Jim Barney, an old man.

– Today almost 80 million people around the world are descended from Irish immigrants.

– In the late 19th century, some Europeans began to use the name “Aryan” for only the Nordic peoples of Europe, as a “pure” “noble” and “superior” race they claimed were descended from the original Aryans.

descended use in sentences
descended use in sentences

Example sentences of “descended”:

– Over the course of the series, readers find out he is descended from Asura Otsutsuki.

– The name also suggests that they may have been descended from a family of blacksmiths.

– Beyti Güler is descended from Turkic people who fled from Samarkand to Crimea in the 1720s.

– A Native American is someone who is mostly descended from the people who lived in the Americas before the Europeans arrived.

– Originally they were descended from Anglo-Saxons and Celts.

– Basque is a language isolate since it is not known to have descended from any language family.

– The Durrani tribe which ruled Afghanistan for quite some time, is a branch descended from the main Tarin tribe.

– The current population is thought to have descended from 15 ancestors, eight males and seven females, who arrived on the island at various times between 1816 and 1908.

– Feral camels, descended from pack animals that escaped in the 19th and early 20th centuries, thrive in the Australian interior today.

– Someone can have a coat of arms either because they are descended from a person with a right to bear a coat of arms, or by having a new “grant of arms” to him or herself.

– Many people of the Li family say they descended from Laozi.

– During the Tang Dynasty, they were described with “red hair and green eyes”, while those with dark hair and dark eyes descended from the Chinese.

– Her future husband, Franklin was descended from the Jacobus branch.

– Thu Al issba’a Al Adwani is a figure of the tribe In the pre-Islamic era, in which he’s known as a poet and a man of wisdom.Furthermore, Banu Thabet are people descended from Thabit.

– Some believe that the emperor is descended from gods.

- Over the course of the series, readers find out he is descended from Asura Otsutsuki.

- The name also suggests that they may have been descended from a family of blacksmiths.
- Beyti Güler is descended from Turkic people who fled from Samarkand to Crimea in the 1720s.

More in-sentence examples of “descended”:

– DNA studies show that the Columbian mammoth was a hybrid between woolly mammoths and another lineage descended from steppe mammoths.

– It is probably descended from seeds carried by migrating birds.

– The Chagossians are mostly descended from African people, particularly from Madagascar, Mozambique and Mauritius.

– The Internal Troops are the descended from the Soviet Union’s Internal Troops.

– He was descended from knights who had participated in the Crusades.

– The proposed “Fabrosaurs” descended from a “Lesothosaurus”-like animal.

– Türk Mitolojisi Ansiklopedik Sözlük, Celal Beydili, Yurt Yayınevi This tree connects the sky and earth and nine human races are descended from the tree.

– The princely clan of Parspatuni descended from the Matianian kings of Sangibutu.

– Ulster-Scots were largely descended from colonists from Galloway, Ayrshire, and the Scottish Borders Country, although some descend from people further north in the Scottish Lowlands and the Highlands.

– According to myth, the first Vietnamese people were descended from the Dragon Lord Lạc Long Quân and the Immortal Fairy Âu Cơ.

– Muhammad descended from Abd Munaf via his son Hashim, the Umayyads descended from Abd Munaf via a different son, Abd-Shams.

– It is now thought possible that all modern birds descended specifically from a semi-aquatic bird similar to “Gansus”.

– Almost all parasitoid wasps are descended from this clade.

– According to tradition, the two lines, the Agiads and Eurypontids, were descended from the twins Eurysthenes and Procles.

– The Celtic phenomenon of the “blood feud” demanded “an eye for an eye” and usually descended into murder.

– It also shares along with CS Herediano being the only team that has never descended nor played in the Second or Third division.

– For a long time, society was headed by white creoles, people in Venezuela that were descended from Spaniards but considered Venezuela home.

– However, recent discoveries show that the Cetacea were descended from early artiodactyls.

– This period lasted until about a few years after 1494 when Charles VIII of France descended into Italy, marking the beginning of Italy’s foreign domination and political decadence.

– He descended from “conversos” – his parents had practiced the Jewish faith.

– They claimed they were descended from the noble Countess Matilda of Canossa.

– Both ammonoids and coleoids probably descended from Bactritidabactritids, which in turn arose from straight-shelled orthocerid nautiloids.

– Natives in Southwest Alaska are descended from different tribes, the Yupik, the Alutiiq, the Aleut peopleAleut and the Athabaskans.

– In the Cook Islands, Uanuku Rakeiora is said to be an important chiefly ancestor from Raiatea Island in French Polynesia over 27 generations ago, who was descended from Iro-nui-ma-Oata.

- DNA studies show that the Columbian mammoth was a hybrid between woolly mammoths and another lineage descended from steppe mammoths.

- It is probably descended from seeds carried by migrating birds.
- The Chagossians are mostly descended from African people, particularly from Madagascar, Mozambique and Mauritius.

– Both groups descended from early amniotes, probably in the Lower or Middle Carboniferous.

– In endosymbiont theory, chloroplasts are descended from cyanobacteria.

– They are descended from old warriors of Khas Kingdom.

– Then Hera descended from Olympus to Argos and cause the wife of Sthenelus, son of Perseus to gave birth to Eurystheus after only seven months while Hera tried to prevent Alcmene into giving birth to Heracles by sending her daughter Eileithyia and witches.

– There is no doubt that the ratites are not a monophyletic group, because they are not descended from a single ancestor.

– Instead of being descended from a common ancestor, today’s science shows that these animals just made similar adaptations independently through convergent evolution.

– One of these clans, the Minamoto clan are descended from the 57th emperor Yōzei.

– European astronomical clocks are probably descended from the technology of the Antikythera mechanism.

– Allan Ramsay was descended from the lowland Clan Ramsay.

– This article deals with the most senior figures who were descended from Charles’ illegitimate male children; the names of his daughters are also mentioned.

– Moldovan Americans are Americans who are from Moldova or are descended from Moldovans.

– All of these branches descended from three legitimate grandsons of Louis XIV.

– According to the ancient Indian texts known as the “Puranas”, “Chitraguptavanshi” Kayasthas are descended from the Hindu god Chitragupta, who is responsible for recording the deeds of humanity, upholding the rule of law, and judging whether human beings go to heaven or hell upon death.

– The major ethnic groups living in France today are descended from Celtic people and Roman people.

– Saunders, JP ‘Various Historical Accounts of the Tribes of the Northern Punjab’, Lahore, 1922 All these tribes were inter-linked and were of indigenous Indian Hindu origins but they wanted to impress the colonial rulers of British India by claiming to be descended from an Arab who came and settled in India, after ruling in Afghanistan, Saunders so they made up a fictitious ancestor who was a ‘hero’ and won many battles and then left Afghanistan and came to India Saunders and married local Hindu women, and had several children who founded these tribes.

– His family descended from Irish peopleIrish-Scots immigrants.

– Common Brittonic is descended from Proto-Celtic, a hypothetical parent language.

– The Abe clan are said to have descended from a son of Emperor Kōgen.

– Medieval Arab genealogists separate the Arabs into two groups: the “original Arabs” of South Arabia, descending from Qahtan of North Arabia, descending from Adnan who is descended from Ishmael.

– While some other insects, such as fleas, also lack wings, these are descended from winged insects, and have lost them during the course of evolution.

– At the death of Philippe in 1701 the Dukes only held the rank of Prince of the blood but maintained their rank due to being descended from a son of a previous king.

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