“depth” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “depth”:

+ This increased the rate of erosion and cut nearly all of the Grand Canyon’s current depth by 1.2 million years ago.

+ The depth of most kettles is less than ten meters.

+ The water depth is between one and two thousand meters.

+ Its average depth is 240 metrem.

+ The temperature of the crust increases with depth because of geothermal energy.

+ Cephalocaridans are found from the intertidal zone down to a depth of 1500 metres, in all kinds of sediments.

depth how to use in sentences
depth how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “depth”:

+ Tides cause changes in the depth of marine and estuarine waters.

+ It then crosses the Sicilian Channel at a water depth of over 650 metres or 2100 feet.

+ On average, the North Sea has a depth of only 94 meters.

+ Psychodynamic psychology and depth psychology do things like interpreting people’s dreams to understand the unconscious mind.

+ Dvorak classifications began on July 30 in response to an increase in vertical depth and organization of the convection.

+ These differences give information that the brain uses to calculate depth in the visual scene.

+ Per the enwp, it unanimous keeps with users finding in depth coverage as well as saying that something called :en:WP:BOOKCRIT is met, I do not know is this valid here but well given that we have a unanimous delete here vs a keep result on en, I am thinking can we re-look at this.

+ Tides cause changes in the depth of marine and estuarine waters.

+ It then crosses the Sicilian Channel at a water depth of over 650 metres or 2100 feet.
+ On average, the North Sea has a depth of only 94 meters.

+ Her ideas on morals have the same depth of judgment and delicacy of feeling as those of janitresses and kept women….

+ The lake is large, 79.8km but its mean depth is only 10 metres.

+ It was centred 40km west of Christchurch, near the town of Darfield, at a depth of 10km.

+ About 100 species have been described; most live in a depth of less than.

More in-sentence examples of “depth”:

+ The planets of our own Solar System have been studied in depth by many visiting spacecraft such as Cassini-Huygens and the 2.

+ At UNI, Warner was third on the Panthers' depth chart until his senior year.
+ Each color has strengths and weaknesses, A series of articles written by Mark Rosewater describing each color in depth can be found at the game's official site at :,,, and.

+ The planets of our own Solar System have been studied in depth by many visiting spacecraft such as Cassini-Huygens and the 2.

+ At UNI, Warner was third on the Panthers’ depth chart until his senior year.

+ Each color has strengths and weaknesses, A series of articles written by Mark Rosewater describing each color in depth can be found at the game’s official site at :,,, and.

+ The video probes were lowered to a maximum depth of 42 feet to observe the conduit formation and the processes that took place in the conduit.

+ A seed drill is a sowing device that sows the seed precisely in the soil at proper depth and distance.

+ It has an average depth of 7m.

+ The lake has a surface of 84 km² and the greatest depth is at.

+ These animals usually do not live in the tidetidal zone, they dig themselves into muddy or sandy ocean floors, up to a depth of about 700m.

+ By keeping the nesting of #if, #ifeq, #ifexpr or #switch to just 1-level coding, then the template would have a total nesting depth of just 2 levels.

+ Even though this correlation is there, it may be difficult to link one to the other: This correlation depends on several factors, such as the depth of the earthquake, terrain, population density, and damage.

+ The maximum depth is 20,300feet.

+ It makes very short radio waves which go into the food to a depth of about 2.5cm.

+ In some cases, avoiding the use of other templates inside a template can also reduce the nesting: whereas using a #ifexpr increases the depth by 1 level, invoking another template containing that #ifexpr increases depth by 2 levels.

+ Its deepest point is the Timor Trough in the northern part of the sea, which reaches a depth of 3,300m.

+ The presence of dams along the Mississippi River and the waterway’s relatively shallow depth render it useless for anything more than recreational watercraft traffic.

+ The current depth of allows for handling of Gearless Panamax size ships.

+ Some time later, Jack awakens, alone, outside the cave, as if lifted from the depth of the cave by an unseen force.

+ The average depth of the Arctic Ocean is.

+ Its depth range is from warm surface waters down to about.

+ If the pressure is kept low by staying at a shallower depth it will not happen.

+ Hypereutrophic lakes have a visibility depth of less than three feet.

+ Most of the snow falls between November and April with an average snow depth between 0.1 and 0.4inches.

+ In the west route, the deepest depth of water was 140 meters and the nature of the soil was easy to drill rocks, so west route was then chosen.

+ Unlike depth charges, mines are put in the water and left to wait until they make contact with a ship.

+ However, inside an infobox, the depth-limit message might be announced as “”Expansion depth limit exceeded”” at 41 levels.

+ It is about nine miles, wide with a maximum depth of slightly more than.

+ They are found from the surface down to a depth of about 50 cm.

+ The strait has an average depth of 128 metres.

+ Moray eels live in coral reefs and rocky areas, at a depth of about 200m.

+ Defense in depth has long been explained by using the onion as an example of the various layers of security.

+ This method measures the depth of the water at a single location each time.

+ The average depth is.

+ The depth varied according to terrain.

+ In geometry, the fourth dimension is related to the other three dimensions by imagining another direction through space; just as the dimension of depth can be added to a square to create a cube, the fourth dimension can be added to a cube to create a tesseract.

+ Points along the same depth will have the same pressure, while points at different depths will have different pressure.

+ It contains pages where MediaWiki has detected that the expansion depth limit of 40 levels has been exceeded.

+ A cube is a block with all right angles and whose height, width and depth are all the same.

+ The deepest mine in 16th century was the Osel mine, which reached the depth of 600 metres.

+ The original design was for lattice girders supported by brick piers resting on bedrock shown by trial borings to lie at no great depth under the river.

+ At the end of the English Channel, this depth increases to about 100 meters.

+ It reaches a maximum depth of more than 9,300 feet northwest of Corsica.

+ Pressure increases because as you go deeper, fluid at a lower depth has to support fluid above it as well. Therefore to define fluid pressure, we can say that it is the pressure at a point within a fluid arising due to the weight of the fluid.

+ I only found sources with passing mentions online, no in depth coverage.

+ Miners sometimes use them to determine the depth of a mine.

+ Romania just has a further depth of articles about Romania because there have been people that cared enough about Romania to add them in the first place.

+ The Three Gorges Dam will become much less spectacular, because the water level will rise up to in places, reducing the depth of the canyons.

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