“deprivation” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “deprivation”:

– Sleep deprivation can even be used for torture.

– The sensory deprivation sessions are short, and the person can choose to stop the session at any time.

– On 25 December, Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to eleven years’ imprisonment and two years’ deprivation of political rights by the Beijing No.

– The area suffers from deprivation and a high crime rate.

– Castle Vale became infamous from the 1970s onwards as a large scale example of a failed postwar overspill estate, which suffered from poor construction and maintenance, social deprivation and high levels of crime.

– It’s not deprivation or a screwed up childhood…

– Equal provincial membership in the Senate, thus, balances the provincial inequality in the National Assembly and dispels doubts and apprehension, if any, regarding deprivation and exploitation.

– Sensory deprivation can be used in good or bad ways.

deprivation use in-sentences
deprivation use in-sentences

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