“deposition” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “deposition”:

– Oil shale, formed by the slow anoxic deposition of mud and dead vegetation on the lake bed, is the primary rock at the site.

– It shows that sediment deposition was broken for a time, usually because the land was above sea level at that time.

– It was deposition deposited during the Devonian period and contains the oldest fossil insect in the world.

– Thick deposits of silty material that result from “wind” deposition are often called “loess”.

– In volcanic areas a pattern of deposition in lakes may be regularly interrupted by Volcanic eruptioneruptions of volcanic ash, so that in the record of the rocks shales and mudstone alternates with tuff.

– During his time as pope, there was a dispute that arose over the deposition in 991 of Arnulf, Archbishop of Reims.

– He demanded his deposition by John XV.

deposition - sentence examples
deposition – sentence examples

Example sentences of “deposition”:

– Usually, the older layer was exposed to erosion for some time before deposition of the younger.

– The independent works depicted in Perugia are: the “Ansidei Madonna “, the Deposition by Raphael “Pala Baglioni”, this masterpiece was expropriated by Scipione Borghese in 1608, cf.

– John, Brian 2007: ” ” This theory is not preferred, because there is no evidence of glacial deposition within southern central England.

– His descendants were accepted as “princes strangers” at the court of France, where some held prominent positions, eventually coming to reign as kings of Sardinia from 1831 to 1861 and as kings of Italy from 1861 until the dynasty’s deposition in 1946.

– It is believed that the Narrows were most likely formed after deposition of the Harbor Hill Moraine about 18,000 years ago just before to the end of the last ice age.

– Then the normal processes of deposition and fossilisation produces strata containing exceptional fossils.

– Physical changes could be: melting, freezing, boiling/evaporating, condensing, deposition and sublimation.

– Layers are made by deposition of sediment, organic matter, and chemical precipitates.

– Chemical vapor deposition makes the thinnest computer and television display screens possible.

– GlacierGlacial scouring and deposition by the Wisconsin Stage created the rolling hills and good, healthy dirt in the region.

– The Carolingian kingship begins with the deposition of the last Merovingian king, and the accession in 751 of Pippin IIIPippin the Short, father of Charlemagne.

– Some of these rocks have mud cracks and stromatolites, suggesting that deposition occurred in tidal or, at deepest, continental shelf environments.

– Widespread carbonate deposition suggests that the Seaway was warm and tropical, with abundant calcareous algae.

– Chemical vapor deposition is also a widely used high temperature method for the preparation of coatings and semiconductors from molecular precursors.

– They can develop where a stream, river, or ocean current Deposition deposits sediment and granular material.

– Chemical vapor deposition can place a film of a ceramic on another material.

– In physical geography, a dune is a hill of sand, usually Deposition or sometimes by the flow of water.

– Sometimes the deposition of carbonate was interrupted, and different organisms produced silica, which we see as beds of chert.

– Spits are created by deposition of sand.

– The importance of the Indus River and the Shyok rivers is in the deposition of a huge thickness of Quaternary sediments a treasure trove for geology researchers.

- Usually, the older layer was exposed to erosion for some time before deposition of the younger.

- The independent works depicted in Perugia are: the "Ansidei Madonna ", the Deposition by Raphael "Pala Baglioni", this masterpiece was expropriated by Scipione Borghese in 1608, cf.
- John, Brian 2007: " " This theory is not preferred, because there is no evidence of glacial deposition within southern central England.

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