“demolish” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “demolish”:

– On their failed mission to demolish the Allied powers at Imphal and attack India, the Japanese were crushed once more into Burma confronting hefty misfortunes.

– Their culture has survived for thousands of years despite efforts by their Arab, Turkish and Kurdish neighbors to demolish it: it remains a strong influence on their way of life.

– Earthqake bolts were added to unreinforced masonry buildings to add support to the structure without having to demolish the building due to instability.

– Their culture has survived for thousands of years despite efforts by their neighbours to demolish it: it remains a strong influence on their way of life.

– One of the things he did was demolish the building where Nicholas II and his family were shot.

– Baptiste is forced to give them a USB flash drive, which details Morel’s plans to acquire housing projects and demolish them.

– Also, if you have to demolish a building, you must use and demonstrate that you recycled all materials in the construction.

demolish - some sentence examples
demolish – some sentence examples

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