“deliver” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “deliver”:

– The flight was planned to deliver emergency supplies to victims of an earthquake in Nicaragua.

– In early February 2019, Abrams became the first African-American woman to deliver a State of the Union response to President Trump’s earlier delivery.

– Triple H took advantage again by trying to deliver Cena another Pedigree but was countered into the STFU again, and as a result, Triple H tapped out and Cena retained the WWE Championship.

– RBI intervention in currency markets is solely to deliver low “volatility” in the exchange rates, and not to take a “view” on the rate or direction of the Indian rupee in relation to other currencies.

– A Private communication device is a device that is designed to deliver communication to one person at a time via a single process.

– Publishers of printed and recorded music in Germany are required by law to deliver two copies of every edition to the archive.

– After the March concluded, Lindo spoke to News 5 and said that he has full confidence that Contreras will win and deliver Cayo West for his People.

– In the end, the Inquisition deliver a death sentence on Carlos.

deliver in-sentences
deliver in-sentences

Example sentences of “deliver”:

– There are very advanced mines which can cost millions and have several kinds of sensors, and deliver a warhead by rocket or torpedo.

– The farmer laughed at the stork and said, “I have taken you with these robbers, the cranes, and you must die in their company.” Another common legend is that Storks deliver babies to mothers instead of the parents giving birth.

– He was the recipient of the 2000 University of Louisville and Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Grawemeyer AwardGrawemeyer Award in Religion, and was also selected to deliver the prestigious Gifford Lectures in 1984–85.

– During this time also she was invited by the Allahabad University and Benaras Hindu University to deliver lectures.

– He was to become “legendary as a UK club act, known to deliver 110% at every performance.” Lance returned to Atlanta in 1974.

– After an order, Kamprad would often deliver it himself.

– The spines deliver a very painful venom which is released at the slightest touch.

– Helicopters have the advantage of being able to deliver and extract soldiers to and from the battlefield with more precision.

– If blood cannot get through to the lungs, it cannot pick up oxygen or deliver it to the body.

– They can also do other things, such as deliver medicines and cure diseases.

– A project usually needs resources to deliver its results.

– This forced the Japanese to return to using destroyers to deliver the necessary supplies.

– Companies that use silver have benefited from speculators who sell promises to deliver silver that does not exist, keeping prices artificially low.

– Undertaker was caught unawares by Kane, who lifted him into a tombstone piledriver position, but Kane managed to weigh himself backwards onto his own feet and deliver the tombstone himself.

– Chapters 40-57 tell about how God will deliver and comfort His people.

- There are very advanced mines which can cost millions and have several kinds of sensors, and deliver a warhead by rocket or torpedo.

- The farmer laughed at the stork and said, “I have taken you with these robbers, the cranes, and you must die in their company.” Another common legend is that Storks deliver babies to mothers instead of the parents giving birth.

More in-sentence examples of “deliver”:

– It is based on the true story from the nonfiction book “And Deliver Us From Evil”.

– To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium.

– The grid connects all of those parts in power systems to deliver power from the generators at the power station to the customers or load center which will use the electricity.

– Punches in boxing deliver more rotational force to the head than impacts in sports such as American football;boxing carries a higher risk of concussion than football.

– Iontophoresis uses the same idea of gel electrophoresis to deliver drugs into the human body through the skin without using needles to inject the drug.

– Cardiac muscle cells, unlike most other tissues in the body, rely on the coronary arteries to deliver oxygen and nutrients and remove waste products directly.

– The purpose of the Postal Service is to deliver equal service to all citizens of the United States.

– Once the oath was made, Hera hurried to Alkmene’s house in Thebes, where Eileithyia, goddess of childbirth, had come to help deliver the twins; Hera arranged for Eileithyia to keep her legs and arms crossed, causing Herakles and his twin to be trapped in the womb.

– However, some special nerve cells can make hormones themselves, and deliver them to glands which act as storage organs.

– Magic Alex dreamed and talked big, but could not deliver on the promises he made.

– Sealed in clay vessels with a certain number of such tokens, with that number written on the outside, they represented a promise to deliver that number.

– A post office is a place that is made available by the Postal servicepostal system to post, receive, sort, handle, and to move or deliver mail.

– Jordan’s keynote address made her the first African-American woman to deliver the keynote address at a Democratic National Convention.

– The Runners deliver things from person to person as an underground system, as the city spies on the citizens a lot.

– The Japanese decided to risk not using fast warships to deliver their men and supplies to the island.

– The main sexual function of the penis is to be inserted into a female’s vagina and deliver semen which may cause pregnancy.

– The purpose of blood is to deliver oxygen to the tissues.

– Until 2011 MAN will deliver 135 busses with natural gas engines for the municipal use of the city Den Haag.

– He was supposed to deliver pizza and beer to someone named I.C.

– Their purpose was to deliver aid, to meet with NGOs and residents, and to ask Israel and Egypt to open their borders into Gaza.

– The Shannon–Hartley theorem tells us that, all else being equal, a paper sent along a path that picks up less dirt can reliably deliver more information than another paper sent along a path that picks up more dirt.

– Méphistophélès states that only a mortal hand can deliver Marguerite from her fate, and Faust offers to rescue her from the hangman, but she prefers to trust her fate to God and His angels.

– The mission will deliver data of the formation of the first stars, the beginning of black hole accretions, and the reionization of the universe.

– The players take turns to deliver stones.

– The damage done to Tanaka’s convoy during the Battle of the Eastern Solomons made the Japanese decide not to deliver more troops to Guadalcanal by slow transport.

– Although strongly humiliated, Zenigata tries to deliver the recognition to the gentleman thief, who however, seeing the inspector coming in the distance, believes that the he wants to arrest him and therefore begins to run away with Fujiko and Jigen.

- It is based on the true story from the nonfiction book "And Deliver Us From Evil".

- To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium.

– During World War II, the United States had about 6,000 Trainingtrained glider Soviets also experimented with ways to deliver light tanks by air, including the Antonov A-40, a gliding tank with detachable wings.

– Participants accused the government of failing to deliver on reforms.

– Baldwin was chosen as they could deliver the engine – built mainly from standard parts – more quickly than British builders,Thomas Middlemass, “Encyclopaedia of Narrow Gauge Railways of Great Britain and Ireland”, Guild Publishing, 1991, page 212.

– The mail does not deliver the puppies, so Billy goes to get them.

– They must deliver the pizza by walking.

– The Postal Service has almost 500,000 employees to deliver and sort mail, as well as run management and clerk positions.

– He can deliver pizza and do other side missions that don’t relate to the movie and the game.

– Heckler and Koch are one of the most famous weapon manufacturers and deliver weapons to many government agencies such as BundeswehrGerman Armed Forces or the US Army.

– Friedman/Fairfax Publishers,2001 In this way the Regia Marina was able to deliver the military supply and oil for the “Axis” victory of Tobruk and for the advance toward El Alamein in Egypt.

– Takagi’s carriers were to deliver nine Zero fighter aircraft to Rabaul.

– The latest milestone in GPU computing was AMD’s announcement AMD Supercomputer To Deliver Next-Generation Games and Applications Entirely Through the Cloud of a Super-Computer based on GPUs at the CES in January 2009.

– Network protocols including TCP/IP deliver transport and addressing functions.

– He makes SpongeBob and Squidward deliver the pizza.

– A spinning knee, discus knee, or rolling knee is where a wrestler moves towards their opponent, performs a 360° spin and uses the momentum that they gained to deliver a jumping knee strike to their opponent’s head.

– A good here is defined as a physical product that one can deliver to a buyer.

– Then he tells the Marschallin what he has come for: he wants a young knight to deliver the silver rose to his bride Sophie.

– The sources doesn’t deliver much and all the links of other sites between the article doesn’t make this article a good one.

– His mother was employed as a midwife to deliver Emperor Shenzong of SongEmperor Shenzong and afterwards she became the Emperor Shenzong who was to start his reign in 1051 and continue until 1107.

– In August 2008, Virgin Records filed a $30 million lawsuit, claiming the band refused to deliver three albums as required by its contract.

– There Holmes is about to deliver a fatal blow to Moriarty’s criminal organization.

– The chances of being pollinated are often scarce, so orchid flowers usually remain receptive for very long periods, and most orchids deliver pollen in a single mass.

– In June 2010, the ship was boarded by Israeli Defence Forces while it was trying to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

– He also had to deliver more troops to fight for the Royalist side in England.

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