“deliberately” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “deliberately”:

+ According to Tomlinson Holman, the inventor of the THX system, the name of the technology was deliberately chosen because it contained both a reference to his name, and to Lucas’s early movie “THX 1138”.

+ Pheromones are odors that are deliberately used for communication.

+ According to a conspiracy theory, the chemicals are said to be deliberately sprayed for reasons that are kept secret by the government.

+ A portion of deliberately deteriorated gunpowder, at such a low quality as to make it unusable in firearms, when placed in a heap and ignited, still managed to create a large explosion.

+ The band had deliberately changed their sound for this record.

+ Its disgusting taste means that fishermen did not deliberately try to catch it, that is, before scientists started offering rewards.

+ They deliberately avoided using lots of scenery and made use of symbolic ideas, especially lighting.

+ Please watch out for a number of IPs deliberately changing dates and date of births to be incorrect.

deliberately in-sentences
deliberately in-sentences

Example sentences of “deliberately”:

+ Misgendering is when someone does not use the pronouns preferred by a transgender person, deliberately or by accident.

+ The ideas of clear tonality are often deliberately blurred.

+ Advertisers use many different techniques to get people to notice their adverts, often using deliberately shocking or provocative images.Once they have managed to make people notice their advert, they need to ‘sell’ the product or brand.

+ It was also the first spacecraft to be deliberately crashed.

+ Their ID numbers, home addresses and telephone numbers were deliberately leaked online.

+ Killer whales imitate others, and seem to deliberately teach skills to their young.

+ Half an hour after the election results, the SPD chairman Franz Müntefering announced that the chancellor would clear the way for premature federal elections by deliberately losing a vote of confidence.

+ There is the role of Oktavian in Richard StraussRichard Strauss’s opera “Der Rosenkavalier but this opera was deliberately trying to produce the old-fashioned atmosphere of Mozart’s time.

+ In the 1974 entry draft, Buffalo Sabres General Manager Punch Imlach deliberately selected an imaginary Japanese center, Taro Tsujimoto, supposedly of the Tokyo Katanas of the Japanese Ice Hockey League, in the 11th round.

+ Misgendering is when someone does not use the pronouns preferred by a transgender person, deliberately or by accident.

+ The ideas of clear tonality are often deliberately blurred.
+ Advertisers use many different techniques to get people to notice their adverts, often using deliberately shocking or provocative images.Once they have managed to make people notice their advert, they need to 'sell' the product or brand.

+ Britten deliberately uses a limited number of musical sounds.

+ They do this to deliberately cause traffic disruption.

+ The driver was among the dead and is believed to have deliberately caused the crash.

+ He does not know how to use the magical powers deliberately but in times of danger he somehow manages to use the power.

+ If the speaker were deliberately attempting to divert the issue, this would be an example of a red herring.

+ She had a relationship with movie producer James Orr, who deliberately injured her, for which he was convicted of assault.

+ However, she has telekinesistelekinetic powers which she uses to take revenge on the people who deliberately cause her suffering.

More in-sentence examples of “deliberately”:

+ The group’s song “Euro-Vision” was a cheerful bleepy song with deliberately banal lyrics about the contest itself.

+ But he said that “Lincoln’s rhetoric is, instead, deliberately Biblical”.

+ A placebo is a treatment for a disease or condition which is deliberately ineffective.

+ There have been many countries deliberately missing the Olympics in order to make political statements.

+ The car is put under severe conditions to see what will make it fail, or deliberately crashed to measure the damage.

+ A rumour that the Soviets had persuaded him to lose deliberately to Botvinnik in the 1948 World Championship has no evidence to back it up.

+ The language of the libretto is very deliberately old-fashioned.

+ Three days later, he deliberately consumed 250 micrograms of LSD, and experienced far more intense effects.

+ Goodall observed dominant females deliberately killing the young of other females in the troop in order to maintain their dominance, sometimes going as far as cannibalism.

+ Led by Admiral Sir George Somers and Lieutenant-General Thomas Gates Sir Thomas Gates, they had deliberately steered their ship, “Sea Venture” to a reef to escape a storm.

+ Poseidon deliberately disobeys Zeus by diving into the sea from Olympus and causing a tidal wave which drowns Hyperion’s men.

+ Many Sportspersonathletes and dancers stretch deliberately before or after exercise in order to enhance performance and reduce injury.

+ Steve Wilhite says that the intended pronunciation deliberately echoes the American peanut butter brand Jif, and CompuServe employees would often say “Choosy developers choose GIF”, spoofing this brand’s television commercials.

+ In December 1982, the recently elected Chancellor Helmut Kohl deliberately lost a motion of confidence in order to hold new general elections.

+ I think we should only categorize people as terrorists when they deliberately harm other people, when a person because of his of hers political or religious conviction tries to kill people, or a person orders to do so.

+ In the 16th Century Renaissance, lawns were deliberately cultivated by the wealthy in both France and England, though they were more likely planted with chamomile or thyme than with grass.

+ In February 1983 the Federal Constitutional Court said that deliberately losing the vote was allowed, so the general elections could take place.

+ Whoever carts off government-owned items, of whatever sort, from said location to another, deliberately damages, destroys, squanders, alters or uses for any other than purpose than prescribed; apart from the penalty, according to circumstances, is liable to some or all of the prisoners for any losses incurred.

+ Some were deliberately built to look partially ruined.

+ He said that Germany should rely on “Deutsche Physik” and ignore what he said were the false and deliberately misleading ideas of “Jewish physics”.

+ It was introduced deliberately to the U.S.A.

+ Professionals disagree on whether the Haltlose are actually unable to understand the difference between good and evil, or if they understand but do not care, or if they deliberately choose evil instead of good.

+ Because the story of the opera is set in the 18th century, the style of the music is deliberately like music from that period.

+ The trial was deliberately staged in order to attract publicity to the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, where it was held.

+ As the date of the trial comes closer, the kids get a better understanding of the situation and why their father would deliberately choose to take this case if it meant the hardships he would have to ensure.

+ Then we see her deliberately getting the illness cholera and being taken to hospital.

+ Sometimes buildings are deliberately buried to make way for new buildings.

+ In 2002 at times the two drivers, Heinz-Harald Frentzen and Enrique Bernoldi deliberately failed to qualify for a couple of races in an attempt to save some money.

+ This showed that Von Osten was not deliberately giving him secret signs.

+ I deliberately didn’t delete the stubs which at least contained a table and further prose which therefore showed notability.

+ They are infamous for their outrageous lyrics and deliberately explicit behavior.

+ This is normally when they are deliberately imitating a guitar.

+ The later groups, on the other hand, were deliberately chosen for variety.

+ And sometimes political movements have deliberately and openly talked about and treated some groups as not having human dignity.

+ The memorial has a star for them, instead, but the number of stars is deliberately inaccurate.

+ We deliberately aren’t using this keyword for bugs which are resolved one way or another — the point of adding this to the template is to note to all readers of the page that the seriousness of a bug has been critical.

+ Harassment is a pattern of repeated rude or nasty behavior that seems to a normal observer to deliberately target one or more people.

+ The opera is very well known and Baz Luhrmann deliberately used parts of the story in his movie.

+ For example, some Advertisingads for the Subaru Forester are deliberately aimed at women buyers.

+ This exemption for size is just as a sanity check, and a user could still create a larger section to foster rogue ideas, but that notion, of deliberately creating invalid text as a separate section, cannot be determined without a wider discussion with other users.

+ This was not the first or last time Owen would deliberately claim a discovery as his own, when in fact it was not.

+ The upper age range is deliberately lower than sister station Radio 1 which is closer to 35.

+ The Lunar ascent stage, the part that helped it take off from the surface, was deliberately crashed back onto the Moon so that shock waves could be measured by seismic equipment left behind.

+ This is most strikingly seen when killer whales deliberately beach themselves to catch seals.

+ They claim that Aleksandr Taraikovsky was deliberately and cynically killed by an employee of the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit “Almaz” Korovin Nikita Yuryevich, with the complicity of other unidentified employees of this spesial forces unit.

+ Wagner and his partners deliberately dressed the actors in the opera “Ring des Nibelungen” so they would look like ancient Germans and so the audience would feel like modern Germans came from medieval Vikings.

+ The group's song "Euro-Vision" was a cheerful bleepy song with deliberately banal lyrics about the contest itself.

+ But he said that "Lincoln’s rhetoric is, instead, deliberately Biblical".
+ A placebo is a treatment for a disease or condition which is deliberately ineffective.

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