“definite” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “definite”:

– Other sexually-transmitted infections may be affected as well, but they could not draw definite conclusions from the research they were working with.

– In such cases, it is very difficult to tell anything definite about the prehistory of China or any other country.

– Also in the nineteenth century, Siméon Denis Poisson described the definite integral as the difference of the antiderivatives at the endpoints a and b, describing what is now the first fundamental theorem of calculus.

– In everyday life, things have a definite position at all times.

– Trying to pin a thing down to one definite position will make its momentum less well pinned down, and vice-versa.

– There is no definite order for the Labors.

definite in sentences?
definite in sentences?

Example sentences of “definite”:

– There are two kinds of articles: definite articles and indefinite articles.

– The name has nothing to do with Sherlock Holmes but refers to a famous gambler who is supposed to have won £10,000 at Faro through his wager in connection with this card.Blackjack was not conceived by any one person at one definite point of time.

– The law of definite proportions is the basis of stoichiometry, together with the law of multiple proportions.

– Before that, scientists believed that polymers were clusters of small molecules, without definite molecular weights, held together by an unknown force.

– Temporary abdominal closure techniques are used to postpone definite closure until predisposing factors causing pathologic elevation of intra abdominal pressure are resolved.

– Russell was concerned that his supporters should feel part of a unified movement.” “Religion in the Twentieth Century” by Vergilius Ture Anselm Ferm, Philosophical Library, 1948, page 383, “As the Society expanded, it became necessary to incorporate it and build a more definite organization.

– A square matrix filled with real numbers is positive definite if it can be multiplied by any non-zero vector and its transpose and be greater than zero.

– Depending on what we measure and how we measure it, we can make our location come out more definite or we can make our momentum range narrower.

– Critics mentioned Brosnan was a definite improvement over Timothy Dalton in regards to acting as James Bond.

– There is no definite cure.

- There are two kinds of articles: definite articles and indefinite articles.

- The name has nothing to do with Sherlock Holmes but refers to a famous gambler who is supposed to have won £10,000 at Faro through his wager in connection with this card.Blackjack was not conceived by any one person at one definite point of time.
- The law of definite proportions is the basis of stoichiometry, together with the law of multiple proportions.

– Since a fluid has no definite shape, its pressure applies in all directions.

– Euplerids have definite breeding seasons.

– A metallic bond is the sharing of many detached electrons between many positive ions, where the electrons act as a “glue” giving the substance a definite structure.

– Montgomery’s contribution to restoring the situation was that he turned a series of isolated actions into a coherent battle fought according to a clear and definite plan.

– In fact, the resolution of a goal clause with a definite clause to produce a new goal clause is the basis of the SLD resolution inference rule, used to implement logic programming and the programming language Prolog.

– Renting is where someone pays money to use something for a definite amount of time.

– A definite “V”, a point on that surface.

– Cardinal numbers are definite numerals.

More in-sentence examples of “definite”:

- Yet the particle is not "definitely" anywhere in the field, but there at a definite "probability" in relation to whether it was had been at the adjacent location.

- It can be informal, in which case it can be considered as a blueprint or user manual from a developer point of view, or formal, in which case it has a definite meaning defined in mathematical or programmatic terms.
- There was no definite history about the beginning of Arul Nool; but the followers believe that it was written by Citars and by those who get possessed by divine power.

– Yet the particle is not “definitely” anywhere in the field, but there at a definite “probability” in relation to whether it was had been at the adjacent location.

– It can be informal, in which case it can be considered as a blueprint or user manual from a developer point of view, or formal, in which case it has a definite meaning defined in mathematical or programmatic terms.

– There was no definite history about the beginning of Arul Nool; but the followers believe that it was written by Citars and by those who get possessed by divine power.

– Its tooth replacement and determinate growth, means juvenile growth has a definite stopping-point are mammalian features.

– There is no definite evidence for any of these ideas.

– Today, there is no definite explanation for what caused the explosions, or for what happened.

– We now know that the last definite sight of a Thylacine in the wild was in 1930.

– This gives the relationship between the definite integral and the indefinite integral.

– The rainbow has no definite number of physical colours but seven are traditionally listed, below is listed a 7 color adoption.

– It was really a tease, which was revealed when she suddenly steals Percy’s sword from his sheath and at the brings her own sword to his throat and says, “First rule of battle strategy, never let your opponent distract you.” In the movie, Annabeth is seen with brown, straight hair, a definite change from the book’s description of her.

– The grounds were saved with definite shape of foundations, and transferred to the National Trust in 1899.

– They are important in automated theorem proving by first-order resolution, because the resolvent of two Horn clauses is itself a Horn clause, and the resolvent of a goal clause and a definite clause is a goal clause.

– If the mathematical model is an accurate representation of the real world, then no photon or other subatomic particle has either an exact position or a definite momentum.

– There is only one definite smallest superpermutation for each number of symbols.

– In his analysis, German critic Paul Bekker says that “The opening sonata-allegro movement gave the work a definite character from the beginning…

– A mineral is a solid—that is, it has a definite volume and a rough shape.

– Although pulmonary arterial pressure can be estimated on the basis of echocardiography, pressure sampling with a Swan-Ganz catheter provides the most definite measurement.

– There is no definite list, but five great powers are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and eight are in G8.

– The “duck test” ndash; “if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck” ndash; means you can work something out by looking at what it does without needing definite proof.

– The Ediacaran biota include the oldest definite multicellular organisms.

– In 1994/5 the study of brown dwarfs changed with the discovery of two definite substellar objects.

– Saudi Arabia discussed from the beginning of the 1920s with its neighboring countries about fixing of definite boundaries.

– Esperanto has only definite article “la”.

– These macroscopic characteristics constitute the essential distinctions: a liquid flows, lacks a definite shape, and cannot withstand a shear stress; a solid does not flow, has a definite shape, and exhibits elastic stiffness against shear stress.

– It is a definite fault to serve a couscous dish with too little liquid.

– There is variability in the use of the definite article, and whether it is capitalized.

– Well, it would have been nice for a crat to close the RFA when the deadline expired, because at that time the RFA was a definite not promoted.

– Their first definite fossils are in the Eocene epoch,Feduccia, Alan 1999.

– However, when definite dinosaur fossils appear orders, the Saurischia, and the Ornithischia.

– A determiner may show whether the thing described is definite or indefinite, closer or more distant, singular or plural, etc.

– Details for early rulers are uncertain with the first definite dates available from 1839 CE onwards.

– It moves in an unreal world without definite locality or definite creatures and is filled with the marvelous.

– There are five redlinks left, and some references could be found with more sourcing, but other than that, this article is extremely long with 83 references, so I think it is a definite VGA candidate.

– Werner Heisenberg stumbled on a secret of the universe: Nothing has a definite position, a definite trajectory, or a definite momentum.

– If there is no definite evidence of wrongdoing by an official, then his/her denial can be taken as sincere.

– We can take care in designing the experiment to avoid various ways of jiggling the apparatus, but we cannot get rid of the fact that there was nothing completely definite to begin with.

– A gas has neither a definite volume nor a definite shape.

– Many great thinkers have had definite ideas on human nature, but some ideas have lasted better than others.

– Reviews of studies on the effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique show some results are not definite while some reviews of studies show patterns of positive effects.

– So when it was briefly at some definite place it immediately lost all of its motion.

– However, people very often have a definite preference for using the left or right hand for things such as: using a pen, using a knife, using scissors, brushing teeth, blowing their nose, and so on.

– I just wondered if there was definite rule or policy on this.

– It has been hailed as the first definite physical proof that birds from some of the modern groups lived in the Mesozoic.

– In mathematics, a surface integral is a definite integral taken over a surface.

– A liquid has a definite volume but not a definite shape, and it thus takes the shape of the container in which it is.

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