“declared” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “declared”:

+ They initially organized a Council of State, through which they directed civil affairs until October 1943, when they declared the Philippines an independent republic.

+ He had been declared “dictator perpetuo” by the Senate.

+ Only in the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan written by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto after the secession of East Pakistan they were declared non-Muslim.

+ Not only that, but until the first multiparty elections in 1992, only one candidate – that of the Kenya African National Union – was nominated and automatically declared winner of the elections without voting actually being held.

+ Former Governor Gary Johnson of New Mexico declared his candidacy for the Libertarian Party nomination for President of the United States on January 6, 2016.

+ The Supreme Court, in an 8 to 1 decision, declared the act unconstitutional in the “Civil Rights Cases” on October 15, 1883.

declared how to use?
declared how to use?

Example sentences of “declared”:

+ When Italy declared war in May 1940, the Italian troops were not prepared for a prolonged war in Eastern Africa.

+ In 1832 South Carolina declared secession from the United States.

+ On 2 August 2005, after a petition by the Bangladesh Legal Aids and Services Trust the High Court had declared Gram Sarkar illegal and unconstitutional.

+ In 1972, Iceland unilaterally declared an Exclusive Economic Zone extending beyond its territorial waters, before announcing plans to reduce over-fishing.

+ The Candies, Candies suddenly declared their breakup in spite of its strong popularity.

+ He is the Senior Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the PhilippinesAssociate Justice and former acting Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines.He replaced Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno who was ousted by “quo warranto” proceedings that voided her appointment as illegal and declared her term of office as “de facto” tenure.

+ If two-thirds of both the House and Senate agree, the President is declared unable to discharge his duties and the Vice President stays in control of the Presidency.

+ Research analyst Kalli Raptis in her book “Nagorno-Karabakh and the Eurasian Transport Corridor” wrote: “‘In July 1918, the First Armenian Assembly of Nagorno Karabakh declared the region self-governing and created a national Council and government.

+ Orthodox Christians recognize Edward and other Westerners whose sainthood was declared before the formal split between Orthodox and Catholics in the 11th century.

+ The privy council investigation declared that the story was false.

+ A state of emergency was declared on November 17, ordering the closure of all schools, keeping children under 17 away from public events, and making vaccination mandatory.

+ When Egypt declared independence from the Turks a hundred years later, Northern Somalia became part of Egypt.

+ Being in danger to lose his job a lot of the fans declared their solidarity.

+ Around 1810 the earliest known metallic garrotte appeared in Spain, and on 28 April 1828, the garrotte was declared the sole method of executing civilians in that country.

+ When Italy declared war in May 1940, the Italian troops were not prepared for a prolonged war in Eastern Africa.

+ In 1832 South Carolina declared secession from the United States.

More in-sentence examples of “declared”:

+ However, Hassan declared a state of emergency and suspended parliament in 1965.

+ On November 11, 1810, the city of Cartagena de Indias declared its independence from Spain.

+ However, some candidates declared their support for the administration of the time.

+ Karpov was declared world champion in 1975 when Bobby Fischer failed to defend his title.

+ Armero was not rebuilt because the old lahar traces were discovered, and the Colombian government declared the site “holy ground” so that no one would ever suffer again like Armero.

+ The first building to be started on the new campus, the College Building, built 1910–1912 opened in 1913; in 2001, it was declared a National Historic Site of Canada.

+ This time the season managed to gain high TRP ratings and was declared a hit.

+ In July 2003, state-operated radio declared Obiang to be a god who is “in permanent contact with the Almighty” and “can decide to kill without anyone calling him to account and without going to hell.” He personally made similar comments in 1993.

+ In 1991 Georgia declared their independence from the Soviet Union.

+ The city was declared provisional capital on two occasions, the first 1806, and then click 1955 during the events of the Revolution freedom.

+ For the good government of the CHT, in 1900 the British government enacted the CHT Regulation 1 of 1900 and declared it as an Excluded Area, in order to protect the Jumma people from economic exploitation by non-indigenous Bengali people and to preserve their traditional socio-cultural and political institutions based on customary laws, community ownership of land and so on.

+ The organizers of the ConVENTion eventually declared Dunham a “retired champion”, ineligible from entering any more competitions, as other attendees were too intimidated to compete against him.

+ In 1772, Mir Haibat Khan, the eldest son of Mir Gul Muhammad Khan, was declared to be the chief of Upper Tanawal.

+ Board of Education” declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional, many American schools continued to remain largely segregated due to housing inequality.

+ In 1995, Betlém was declared as monumental reservation of people’s architecture.

+ On 12 March, Prime Minister Edi Rama declared a “war” on COVID-19.

+ All of Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava TubesJeju Volcanic Island was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007.

+ In the late morning, the local government declared a state of emergency and tried to stop the rally, but no one left.

+ In 1945, after the Soviet Union declared war on Empire of JapanJapan, the United States bombed Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, severely weakening the Japanese Empire.

+ Finally, Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia and WWI commenced.

+ In 2000, Botha declared his support for President of South AfricaPresidents Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki.

+ In 1978, Carter declared a federal emergency in the neighborhood of Love Canal in the city of Niagara Falls, New York.

+ In the 19th century, the Prussian king, William I, was declared German emperor on 18 January 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors by Bismarck and the victorious German princes and lords.

+ Martial law was declared in Rangoon and the surrounding metropolitan areas.

+ However, Hassan declared a state of emergency and suspended parliament in 1965.

+ On November 11, 1810, the city of Cartagena de Indias declared its independence from Spain.
+ However, some candidates declared their support for the administration of the time.

+ The electric chair has been declared as a cruel and unusual punishment in many states and is no longer used in most states.

+ While the Duke retained his style of “Royal Highness”, the new King declared that the Duchess would not be allowed to do the same.

+ On January 5, 2016, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder declared a state of emergency for Flint.

+ Fidel and Guevara declared Cuba a communist country.

+ Chrysler declared Chapter 11 Bankruptcy on August 30, 2009.

+ In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court voted to overturn Lawrence’s conviction and declared the Texas anti-sodomy statute unconstitutional.

+ Though declared by the rebels as a “state” or “emirate”, there are questions whether the region being should be called such.

+ On October 9, 1820, Olmedo and others declared the city of Guayaquil independent from Spain.

+ Morocco declared a state of medical emergency on 19 March 2020, to take effect on 20 March 2020 at 6:00 pm local time and to remain in effect until April 20, 2020 with possibility to extend for a longer period.

+ Following repeated demands by the Australian Taxation Office for the payment of taxes, on 2 December 1977 the province officially declared war on Australia.

+ They declared the papal see as vacant; which led to the Western Schism.

+ It slowly acquired subtropical characteristics, and late on December 10, the NHC declared it Subtropical Storm Olga while just north of Puerto Rico.

+ Henry gained enough power and support to have himself declared King Henry IV.

+ Since being elected, Cameron’s government has declared £6.2 billion worth of cuts to help reduce the budget deficit.

+ He was declared legally dead in 2002.

+ On 8 June 2020, he suddenly collapsed and was taken to Rairangpur Government Hospital for treatment, where doctors declared him dead.

+ On 4 February 1915, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany declared the seas around the British Isles a war zone.

+ On March 2, 1836, Texas declared independence from Mexico and soon they were at war.

+ On 15 March, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev declared a state of emergency from 16 March to 15 April 2020.

+ All of the town is a historical site; the architecture that has survived through the years gives “Santa Fe de Antioquia” the aspect of a city “suspended” in the colonial era, which is the reason the city was declared a National monument.

+ Co-ops smaller amounts of food to sell, and coop managers were often drafted, whereas business opponents were able to have even clerks declared vital for the war effort.

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