“declare” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “declare”:

+ I’ve written him telling him to not declare his sexuality or his age to all and sundry.

+ Bowen to declare a successful “blanket amnesty”.

+ I dislike the fact that there are editors here who quite openly declare that they are banned on en.wiki.

+ Section 3 says that a President can declare themselves “unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office”.

+ He decides to declare his love to Josephine.

+ It was the first of the thirteen original American colonies to declare independence from British rule in 1776.

+ Due to financial problems they could not get the licence and the club declare bankruptcy.

+ The railroad experienced hardships in 1893 and almost had to declare bankruptcy.

declare some example sentences
declare some example sentences

Example sentences of “declare”:

+ By 686 Caedwalla was able to declare himself king.D.

+ In the finale, Bob and Betty declare their love for one another.

+ Most open content licenses say that when others change the work, they must also declare it to be open and under the same license.

+ On July 9, 2019, Sanders and Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Earl Blumenauer proposed legislation that would declare climate change a national and international emergency.

+ Victor Donahey to declare martial law.

+ Petitions circulate to world leaders to officially declare the holiday with the objective of complete world participation every April 3, with everyone in the world having a party in their own way, where ever they are.

+ The fact that Sir John Roper was the first nobleman to declare the Kingship of James I makes him to be remembered for the brave act which happened after he was knighted in the year 1616, although several sources indicated that he might have been knighted in the tear 1587.

+ By 686 Caedwalla was able to declare himself king.D.

+ In the finale, Bob and Betty declare their love for one another.

+ The weather caused multiple states in the Mid-Atlantic StatesMid-Atlantic to declare a state of emergency.

+ Italy began to murmur against this indignity and Maxentius used this sentiment to declare himself emperor in Italy, to the fury of Galerius.

+ Cordray left the agency in November 2017, with many people believing that he would declare his candidacy for Governor of Ohio in the Ohio gubernatorial election, 20182018 gubernatorial election.

+ In most countries, the law says that if someone has been missing for many years, the government can declare that the person is dead.

+ The last thing he did as lord lieutenant was to declare Irish support for James II of England after the death of Charles II.

More in-sentence examples of “declare”:

+ On May 15, 2020, Slovenia became the first European nation to declare the end of the COVID-19 epidemic within its territory.

+ Professor Emanuel and Lucy declare their love for each other before Professor Emanuel leaves, making Lucy the principal of a school in the meantime.

+ On May 15, 2020, Slovenia became the first European nation to declare the end of the COVID-19 epidemic within its territory.

+ Professor Emanuel and Lucy declare their love for each other before Professor Emanuel leaves, making Lucy the principal of a school in the meantime.

+ From the lack of actions for more than a year, and the very low amount of edits within the past year, this is enough to declare oneself semi-retired from editing.

+ Some people, including lawyers representing the mining company, think that the owners of the mine will declare bankruptcy after the miners are rescued.

+ In 2006, it was revealed that Hatch did not declare his winnings, among other earnings, in his tax return and was sentenced to 51 months in prison.

+ Two countries might agree to stop a war, or declare war on a common enemy.

+ To declare the President unable to do his job, these people would have to sign and give a letter to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House.

+ After inspection of the pond the mandarin’s inspectors declare that the tadpoles are the true offspring of Catfish.

+ Hindenburg could not accept this, so von Papen suggested Hindenburg declare martial law and do away with democracy.

+ He was the one to formally declare independence for Slovenia on June 25, 1991.

+ The pair declare their love.

+ France showed a strong interest in Morocco as early as 1830, not only to protect the border of its Algerian territory, but also because of the strategic position of Morocco on two oceans. In 1860, a dispute over Spain’s Ceuta enclave led Spain to declare war.

+ After approaches to the government to reconsider the acquisition bill failed, Casley and his associates resorted to a United KingdomBritish law which they felt allowed them to secede and declare their independence from the Commonwealth of Australia.

+ For these reasons, we, members of the Provisional Government, representing the whole Vietnamese people, declare that from now on we break off all relations of a colonial character with France; we repeal all the international obligation that France has so far subscribed to on behalf of Vietnam and we abolish all the special rights the French have unlawfully acquired in our Fatherland.

+ The law requires the Chinese military to invade Taiwan immediately if they declare independence.

+ A referendum was held in November 2018 to see if New Caledonia should declare independence from France.

+ Locksley and Marian declare their affection before departing.

+ Civil wars happen whenever people declare independence, and start fighting.

+ In 2019, the British Parliament became the first national government in the world to officially declare a climate emergency.

+ Some editors declare an interest in a particular topic area.

+ He escapes and returns to declare his love to Marie.

+ The sinkings were the main reason that led the Brazilian government to declare war against the Axis.

+ It described how he was sitting sadly by the bell, afraid that Congress would not be able to declare independence.

+ When Germany took over Denmark on April 9 1940, the Althing decided that Icelandic’s should rule the country themselves, but they did not declare independence yet.

+ Sometimes when people declare independence, they start a civil war.

+ Uusitalo is remembered mostly because of his proposition to declare 19 September as a second independence day of Finland.

+ Many revolutionary leaders, led by Mariano Moreno, wanted to declare independence immediately.

+ They had gathered to decide acceptance of an American proposal for a truce or to declare a new state of Israel.

+ The Founders of NAM have preferred to declare it as a movement but not an organization in order to avoid bureaucratic implications of the latter.

+ They both believe they are about to die, and they declare their love for one other.

+ As coronavirus diagnoses spiked in the city of Bnei Brak, reaching nearly 1,000 infected individuals at the beginning of April, the cabinet voted to declare the city a “restricted zone”.

+ When the Germans invaded Poland on September 11st September declare war on Germany.

+ In 1993, Nikkatsu was forced to declare bankruptcy.

+ It allows other executive officials to declare the President unable to do his job.

+ He was titled “King in Prussia” because this was only part of historic Prussia; he was to declare himself “King of Prussia” after acquiring most of the rest in 1772.

+ This led Mexico to declare war to the Axis nations and entered the conflict.

+ After the number of patients in the country had reached 23, the Bulgarian Parliament voted unanimously to declare a state of emergency from 13 March until 13 April.

+ In addition, roughly 120,000 Italian tourists visit Croatia each year, so many in the service and tourist industries have some knowledge of the language.As the 3/4 of the Italian community is concentrated in Istria, according to Ethnologue’s estimates, at least 20% of the population of Istria is Italian mother tongue, although many simply declare themselves as Istrian.

+ After the new cases emerged, the Ministry of Health requested that the Government of Kosovo declare a state of public health emergency.

+ He took it from an old Scottish custom known as the “Crann Tara” used to declare war.

+ Following the enactment of the 1969 Constitution of Kenya, the system of election by the National Assembly was replaced by direct elections under a first-past-the-post system, yet true separation of powers was still not established; The President had to also be elected as an MP and he had to appoint his Ministers from among MPs, the President was still able to dissolve the National Assembly, and the Assembly was still able to declare no confidence in the ministers.

+ The storm caused the government to declare the five regions as disaster areas.

+ It was the first country to declare itself socialist and build towards a communist society.

+ Also, if any country that signed the pact was attacked by another other country that had not joined the war, such as the United States or the Soviet Union, all of the other countries in the pact countries would declare war and help.

+ In time, Baum had to declare bankruptcy.

+ During the summit, Bush and Gorbachev would declare an end to the Cold War, although whether it was truly such is a matter of debate.

+ The governor of the state in which the disaster occurred must declare a state of emergency and formally request from the President that FEMA and the federal government respond to the disaster.

+ Walsh stated that Trump’s behavior in office motivated him to declare his candidacy.

+ For these reasons, we, members of the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, solemnly declare to the world that Vietnam has the right to be a free and independent country-and in fact is so already.

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