“ddt” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “ddt”:

+ A shooting star DDT is a move where the wrestler jumps forward from higher ground, does a backflip in midair, catches the standing opponent and performs a DDT on the way down.

+ This meant that DDT did not work anymore in these areas.

+ The use of certain pesticides, especially DDT was not good for the animals.

+ The study also found that DDT could cause cancer.

+ Guerrero used a DDT and Frog Splash maneuver on Angle that would result in a two-count pin attempt.

+ The book looked at problems with DDT and other pesticides.

+ He won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1948 for his discovery of insecticidal qualities and use of DDT in the control of vector diseases.

+ Farmers killed them, and so did the DDT picked up from their prey.

ddt how to use?
ddt how to use?

Example sentences of “ddt”:

+ This is why DDT was replaced by other pesticides.

+ The European otter was common as recently as the 1950s, but became rare because of DDT pesticides, habitat loss and water pollution.

+ This is why DDT was replaced by other pesticides.

+ The European otter was common as recently as the 1950s, but became rare because of DDT pesticides, habitat loss and water pollution.

+ This book led to a change in the national pesticide policy and a ban on DDT and some other pesticides.

+ It could be shown that in areas where DDT was used, the thickness of the shells of their eggs was reduced.

+ Scientists have discovered high levels of DDT and other organic compounds in this deadly plastic soup.

+ This is why DDT is still allowed to be used for controlling malaria.

+ And DDT is not the only chemical that can be used for vector control.

+ Since the use of DDT has been forbidden in many countries, their numbers are increasing again.

+ In some places, DDT may be a useful part of a program to stop malaria.

+ The book documented detrimental effects of pesticides such as DDT on wildlife, particularly birds.

+ Dieldrin was developed as an alternative to DDT and has proved to be a highly effective insecticide.

+ The convention does not affect the use of DDT for public health issues.

+ As a very practical example, about 9 of the 12 substances listed in Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants can be used as pesticides; some substances like DDT are still used that way, because there are no alternatives.

+ The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic PollutantsStockholm Convention which took effect in 2004, restricts the use of DDT to vector control.

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