“Data encryption” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “Data encryption”:

– Schneier and Blaze based MacGuffin on Data Encryption StandardDES, their main change was spliting the DES 64 bits data block into two unequal halves in the Feistel network, 48 bits of the 64-bit data block are fed through the round function, whose output is XORed with the other 16 bits of the data block.

– The 8 S-Boxes of DES were the subject of intensive studies for many years cause of a concern that a method of bypassing the Data Encryption StandardDES cipher to obtaining access to the “vulnerability” in the cipher.

– Schneier made Blowfish as a general-purpose algorithm, to be used as a replacement for the old Data Encryption StandardDES algorithm and to remove the problems and difficulties of other encryption algorithms.

– In 1997, the National Institute of Standards and TechnologyNIST announced a competition to choose a successor to Data Encryption Standard.

– One of the early block cipher designs was the Data Encryption Standard, developed at IBM and published as a standard in 1977.

– During the mid-1990s, the Federal government of the United StatesUnited States Government did not allow for international use of any cryptographic product unless the decrypted by a third-party with a promise that the government could not read messages protected by the Data Encryption Standard even after it was shown as weak and broken.

Data encryption in sentences?
Data encryption in sentences?

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