“cyanide” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “cyanide”:

– In World War II, the Nazis used a form of hydrogen cyanide gas to mass murderkill many people in their concentration camps.

– Hydrogen cyanide had been discovered in the late 18th century and was usually used in California for the fumigation of citrus trees.

– They can counter the hydrogen cyanide which makes these millipedes poisonous to most carnivores.

– There are a few different antidotes to cyanide poisoning.

– He started using Zyklon B, a pesticide with hydrogen cyanide in it, to kill prisoners in gas chambers.

– In 1954, Turing died from cyanide poisoning.

– Each member had cyanide carried in a necklace which they could swallow if they were captured.

cyanide - sentence examples
cyanide – sentence examples

Example sentences of “cyanide”:

– On 29 November 2017, Praljak drank cyanide at the ICTY in The Hague, Netherlands.

– Firefighters or people who were trapped in fires can get cyanide poisoning or carbon monoxide poisoning from breathing in these toxins.

– Hydrogen cyanide is a chemical compound.

– On the same route to the Town Hall a man, also from the Black Hand, called Cabrinovic threw a bomb at the car injuring lots of Ferdinands staff but he failed to kill the Archduke himself so he tried to swallow cyanide and jump into the river Miljacka but failed to die and got arrested.

– Starting in 1924, the United States has used hydrogen cyanide in gas chambers to executionexecute prisoners who were given the death penalty.

– Also, cyanide compounds and arsine are used in pesticides.

– The camps used either carbon monoxide or cyanide gas, with the first gassing occuring late 1941 and the last in August 1944.

– The cyanide antidote kit used most often in the United States includes three medications: amyl nitrite and sodium nitrite, which attach to cyanide and change it to a less dangerous chemical, and sodium thiosulfate, which turns cyanide into a harmless chemical that a person can urinate out.

- On 29 November 2017, Praljak drank cyanide at the ICTY in The Hague, Netherlands.

- Firefighters or people who were trapped in fires can get cyanide poisoning or carbon monoxide poisoning from breathing in these toxins.

– To make people believe this he showed them the cyanide with serial numbers like the ones that were on the cyanide that Göring used.

– One of the members swallowed cyanide and attempted to jump into the river, however the cyanide was old, and the river was shallow, so he was arrested.

– During the Holocaust, the Nazis used a form of hydrogen cyanide called Zyklon B to kill people in the gas chambers at their death camps and concentration camps.

– Lady beetles put out a cyanide compound when molested.

– It is similar to cyanide poisoning.

– They have glands that release cyanide to protect them from predators.

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