“cutlery” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “cutlery”:

– It is known for its ancient tumulusburial mounds and its cutlery industry.

– The most common types of cutlery are knives, spoons and forks.

– Serving practice and use of cutlery varies somewhat between cultures.

– In an informal restaurant, cutlery may come wrapped in a cloth napkin.

– Plastic cutlery is used for eating fast food, because it is very cheap, and may be thrown away afterwards.

– Formal dinners have cutlery set out in a traditional manner.

– A long time ago, it was used to make knives, forks, spoons and other pieces of cutlery because it did not take much effort to melt down many times.

– There are two active bazaars in the city where items as different as cotton, cotton cloth and goods, salt, sugar, tea, indigo, and cutlery are traded.

cutlery use in-sentences
cutlery use in-sentences

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