“cut down” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “cut down”:

– The reform was done in order to cut down administration costs.

– Algonquin Park started as a logging area, where people would come to cut down trees.

– The Sons of Liberty, a Boston based group, were part of a long-term battle with British authorities over liberty poles that were sometimes raised by the Sons of Liberty and cut down by the British.

– Large numbers of volunteers cut down these invaders, particularly along waterways.

– The most basic ideas in military science can be cut down five words; defense, attack, military mean, military aim and political end.

– Around 500,000 years ago seismic activity diverted a nearby stream which began to cut down into the sediments, revealing seven main layers in the walls of the gorge.

– To do this, Brazil cut down much of the rain forests to grow more sugar cane, which is then fermented into Ethanol.

cut down - some sentence examples
cut down – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “cut down”:

– They cut down the flag pole flying the British flag.

– In the course of the building of the Berlin Nord-Süd-TunnelNord-Süd-Tunnel for the Berlin S-Bahn in 1934/35 most of the linden trees were cut down and during the last days of World War II the remaining trees were destroyed or cut down for firewood.

– When someone wants to change rainforest land into a farm or other thing, first they cut down the trees and leave them there.

– Environmentalists and scientists have said that the government has cut down too much of Jeju’s forests to make roads, buildings, resorts and golf courses for visitors.

– The last extensive oak woodlands were cut down to build ships for the Royal Navy in the 18th century.

– When people cut down many trees, this means less carbon dioxide is taken out of the atmosphere by those plants.

– In a tree farm, three musically inclined chipmunks, Alvin the chubby sweethearted chipmunk, find their tree cut down and are transported to Los Angeles.

- They cut down the flag pole flying the British flag.

- In the course of the building of the Berlin Nord-Süd-TunnelNord-Süd-Tunnel for the Berlin S-Bahn in 1934/35 most of the linden trees were cut down and during the last days of World War II the remaining trees were destroyed or cut down for firewood.
- When someone wants to change rainforest land into a farm or other thing, first they cut down the trees and leave them there.

– The circus workers had cut down part of a fence so they could lead the elephants across the track.

– New weapons, such as machine guns, and long-range artillery had an increased rate of fire that cut down huge numbers of soldiers during mass charges, a tactic leftover from older warfare.

– Then, he was always in the minor leagues and, of course, he was cut down for his annual salary.

– These can be seen if the tree is cut down or in cores taken from the edge to the center of the tree.

– In the chaos following the murder, Claudius witnessed the German guard cut down several uninvolved noblemen, Germans: special group within the Praetorians dedicated to Caligula including some of his friends.

More in-sentence examples of “cut down”:

– Each time the Maori cut down the flag pole, the British Army made a new one.

– People cut down trees, Miningmine ores, and grow crops.

– This frog was in danger because human beings would cut down its forests to take the wood to build things.

– We should therefore cut down on the references, and get the list re-created.

– I think that’d cut down on overhead.

– In addition, reevaluate the protection policy and see where it can help us cut down on the vandalism.

– He tried to cut down on wasteful spending, often by merging programs into more efficient single ones.

– Flat-headed cats are endangered because of pollution and because humans catch too many fish but mostly because humans have cut down the forests to build farms.

– Many species must have become extinct in the last century as forest habitats were cut down by people.

– As the Genoese attempted to retreat, they were cut down by the French knights, who thought the withdrawal was cowardly.

– Leaders of sanctuary cities say they wish to cut down fear of deportation and possible family breakups with people who are in a country illegally.

– Cork oaks cannot legally be cut down in Portugal, except for forest management felling of old, unproductive trees.

– Wire cutters were built in to reduce the time that IDF troops took to cut down wire fences.

– When the forests are cleared they are usually cut down and burned.

– He cut down more than a hundred oak trees on his estate.

– A saw designed to cut down trees or cut branches from trees is a chainsaw.

– Even South American nations have established the Bank of the South in order to cut down on US influence there.

– I got a yellow legal pad and wrote down 24 names, and cut down to 18.

– Reforestation is often needed after deforestation, when trees are cut down to make lumber.

– It started as a place to cut down timber from the forests in 1830.

– However, Lynch cut down the content in “Chained” so it could get an R rating.

– If all the wood is cut down for timber, it has a value of about US $1000.

– At first, her sentence was cut down to two years and she was set free.

– The earthquake of June 2011 cut down telephone lines and caused numerous outages which left next to 54,000 houses without power.

– The first enemies in the game, the Centipede, can be turned into an item called a “Centisaw”, which can cut down trees.

– This frog is endangered because humans like to cut down its forests to build farms.

– To cut down shipping costs, Perkins found a way to remove the liquid from Fruit Smack and leave only a powder.

– It is a renewable source of energy that helps to cut down on the pollution of earth’s air.

– According to the IUCN Red List, green-thighed frogs are endangered because people cut down the forests and build roads and railroads in the places where they like to live, because of fires and pollution, and because of invasive species.

– His aide-de-camp described the scene: “I managed to turn toward the general; he was standing at the head of the bridge of Clausen and holding it alone against the whole squadron; and as the bridge was narrow and the men could only get at him two or three abreast, he cut down as many as came at him.” Even Napoleon was won over, nicknaming Dumas ‘the Horatius of the Tyrol’, after the hero who saved Rome.

– It was signed in early 1946 and said that German heavy industry was to be cut down to half% of its 1938 levels by the destroying 1,500 manufacturing plants.

– They cut down some forest, and settled in the clearing that was created that way.

– Large areas of forest were cut down for use in the gold mines and for firewood in surrounding areas.

– The last Sonoma race was held at the previous road course passage was in 1997 on October 5 at a Camping World Truck SeriesTruck Series event, There, Joe Ruffmann won the race but controversy erupted when Rich Bickle blamed a loss of top-ten finishes on rookie Boris Said, Rich Bickle cut down a tire, and in reply, Boris Said ran in to Bickle and waited for him to come around and crash him, NASCAR after a brief red flag for a massive crash in a wall of tires, disqualified Said and placed him $10,000 for his actions.

– Before humans cut down forests, Black Swallowtail were rare.

– To make room for the new farmland, these early agricultural communities cut down trees across the islands.

– This is mainly because people cut down forests for agriculture.

– It can be used to open coconuts and cut down small trees.

– Some saws have other sources of power and can be very powerful, such as a chainsaw that is used to cut down trees.

– But after that, the wild trees were cut down to get the berries and only a few allspice are left.

– German units in the area were given charcoal instead of wood for cooking fires to cut down on smoke and reduce chances of Allied observers realizing a troop build up was underway.

– He was killed, it is generally assumed, by an arrow shot by one of William’s archers, but some reports say he was cut down by many soldiers.

– The remixed version of the song by Brad was cut down in a shortened version for radio mainstream.

– The trees in streets are cut down to half every year – but they grow back.

– About 500,000 years ago Earthquakeseismic activity diverted a nearby stream which began to cut down into the layers in the walls of the gorge.

– King Hiram cut down the wood and sent them on to a place called Joppa.

– He cut down the thousands of peach trees in the Canyon.

– Rainforests are being cut down too quickly.

- Each time the Maori cut down the flag pole, the British Army made a new one.

- People cut down trees, Miningmine ores, and grow crops.

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