“curl” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “curl”:

– Or it may come from the past participle of the Middle English verb “crumpen”, which means to curl up.

– A bicep curl uses only the muscles on the top of the arm.

– American Curl cats’ ears need cleaning often to keep away infections.

– To qualify for cat shows, ears must curl at an angle between 90 and 180 degrees.

– Magic Curl Barbie made its debut in 1982 feauting both black and white races.

– There is a theorem in vector calculus that states the divergence of a curl must always be zero.

– It can curl up into a ball when threatened, with its overlapping scales acting like armour while it tucks its face under its tail.

curl in-sentences
curl in-sentences

Example sentences of “curl”:

- The ears begin to curl in about eighty-two days.

- The American Curl is a cat breedsbreed of cat.
- The player can run, curl up into a ball and jump, and perform a new move, the Spindash.

– The ears begin to curl in about eighty-two days.

– The American Curl is a cat breedsbreed of cat.

– The player can run, curl up into a ball and jump, and perform a new move, the Spindash.

– In 1999, the American Curl was the first breed the Cat Fanciers’ Association Championship Class allowed in both longhair and shorthair categories.

– They curl back away from the face and seem to be sideways.

– In 1992, a longhaired American Curl became a champion in The International Cat Association.

– Some species, like “Drosera glanduligera” can curl its tentacles towards its prey in less than a second.

– The thickness of hair, its color and its tendency to curl are all inherited.

– In 1986, an American Curl was judged in a cat show for the first time.

– Kroto shared the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley for their discovery of fullerenes.

– The American Curl is a medium-sized cat.

– Foxes in the wild curl up in a ball out in the open to sleep, keeping warm by covering themselves with their bushy tails.

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