“curiosity” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “curiosity”:

– Another curiosity that we can talk about this Album is that José Rafael Cordero Sánchez dedicated this album to the President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros.

– After dinner, Belle gets a tour of the castle courtesy of Cogsworth and Lumière, her curiosity leads her to enter the West Wing, a place the Beast told her was forbidden.

– But this will probably remain a curiosity with negligible consequences at the international level.

– Though facing the scene of the crime, the police do not demonstrate any curiosity and prepare to leave the residence.

– Soil samples are studied inside Curiosity using a chemistry and mineralogy instrument called CheMin.

curiosity in-sentences
curiosity in-sentences

Example sentences of “curiosity”:

- A "morbid curiosity" is an Addictionaddictive curiosity with death, violence, or something else that may hurt you physically or emotionally.

- When I asked out of curiosity for the "username", not the IP address, of the vandal, I merely wanted to know.

– A “morbid curiosity” is an Addictionaddictive curiosity with death, violence, or something else that may hurt you physically or emotionally.

– When I asked out of curiosity for the “username”, not the IP address, of the vandal, I merely wanted to know.

– The goal of the Curiosity rover is to study the history of Mars.

– From that he developed a curiosity about the world around him.

– She says her attraction to Alba is only from curiosity toward the same sex and not love.

– The lugworm itself is not seen except by people who dig them up from curiosity or to use as fishing bait.

– Another curiosity of the poem is that the crew of ten all have occupations beginning with the letter “B”.

– The strikingly beautiful Haleakala silversword has always aroused the curiosity of human visitors to Haleakala Volcano.

– The Curiosity rover has three scoops which can dig up the soil on Mars so it can be studied.

– Roger Ebert was less enthusiastic; he felt that the script could have been better and said that the movie “feels like it’s going to be terrific”, but Tarantino’s script does not have much curiosity about the characters.

– But their plan of using Numbuh 2’s T.A.R.P.O.O.N to anchor a rope so Numbuh 5 may board the Sweet Revenge and capture Stickybeard has to be adjusted because of Numbuh 4’s curiosity of pressing buttons resulted in the T.A.R.P.O.O.N being fired at the Treehouse instead of the Sweet Revenge so they make a plan to make a new T.A.R.P.O.O.N by collecting all the parts from the boats of Stickybeard’s henchmen.

– As curiosity of this locality emphasizes that Gwyneth Paltrow is an adopted child of this locality.

– The “wild man” caught the imagination and attention of thousands of onlookers and curiosity seekers.

– Often, the curiosity value is greater than the artistic worth of a work, as in the case of the portrait of Edward VI by William Scrots, Patrick Brontë’s painting of his sisters Charlotte, Emily and Anne, or a sculpture of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in medieval costume.

– Seres Produções started in 2000 due to a curiosity between DJ Satelite and his brother DJ Vamburgue, who saw their older sister’s group producing songs for the Grupo Sindicato Album.

– It is a creeping annual or perennial herb often grown for its curiosity value: the compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, re-opening minutes later.

– These visits help satisfy others’ curiosity about Sikhism.

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