“cultivation” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “cultivation”:

– Diary Development Department maintains this sewage farm and fodder cultivation is done here.

– About 25% of Pakistan’s total land area is under cultivation and is watered by one of the largest irrigation systems in the world.

– The cultivation of grapevines is called viticulture.

– Brown rice flour can be combined with vermiculite for the cultivation of mushrooms.

– This agriculture is mainly the cultivation of rice growing on the plateau in the low land.

– The agriculture includes farming like cultivation of paddy, wheat, millets, maize etc.

– After cultivation a plot of land is cleared by felling the trees and burning them.The ashes are then mixed with the soil and crops like maize,yam,potatoes and cassava are grown.

cultivation some ways to use
cultivation some ways to use

Example sentences of “cultivation”:

- The movement against the British use of Indigo cultivation was also started from Faridpur under the leadership of Dudu Miah.

- In the years under Frankish rule, Santorini experienced the development of a thriving cotton cultivation and viticulture, but the island suffered as much from piratical raids as it did from the rivalries between the local Latin rulers as well as the Duke and the Sultan.

– The movement against the British use of Indigo cultivation was also started from Faridpur under the leadership of Dudu Miah.

– In the years under Frankish rule, Santorini experienced the development of a thriving cotton cultivation and viticulture, but the island suffered as much from piratical raids as it did from the rivalries between the local Latin rulers as well as the Duke and the Sultan.

– Its soil is fertile and the city is known for its horticulture produce and farming, of which the most celebrated is the mango cultivation with hundreds of varieties of mangoes produced each year.

– Even though Tibetans do cultivation in Chowkur but, the main source of Income of the residents are Sweater business.

– In some cases, death cap has been accidentally introduced to new regions with the cultivation of non-native species of oak, chestnut, and pine.

– By that time, Japanese people had learnt the cultivation of rice, and agriculture became the main part of the Japanese society.

– Government of Karnataka has provided housing facilities and field for cultivation to Tibetans with the help of other NGOs for the survival.

– Several forms of this species have been selected for cultivation as decorative garden plants including: Frances Tenenbaum.

– With this cultivation it was also introduced to other regions of the world.

– It is predominantly agricultural being the optimal land for the cultivation of wheat, Soybeansoy and sorghum in addition to the breeding of cattle and piggery.

– The grazing pattern of European cattle, the near-extermination of prairie dogs, and the plowing and cultivation of the land did the damage.

– He combined this with a strong emphasis on the cultivation of in-depth insight into the doctrine of shunyataemptiness as taught by the Nāgārjuna.

– Religions teach that purifying the soul also involves purification of the body which thereby enables connection with the Divine and the cultivation of inner peace.

– The development of the fishing industry, cultivation of staple food and expansion of the dairy industry permitted the growth of many of the towns on the island.

– Frederick also presided over other important modernization efforts in Prussia, including the establishment of a modern governmental bureaucracy, the cultivation of one of Europe’s most highly-regarded educational systems, and the abolition torture and corporal punishment.

– In addition to the cultivation of slaves, and the capture and transporting of exotic wild animals, the principal production and exports included the textiles, marble, wine, timber, livestock, pottery and wool.

– The island had an economy of only one crop until 1966, based on the cultivation and processing of New Zealand flax for rope and string.

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