“cryptography” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “cryptography”:

+ The mathematical field of cryptography is the basis for Bitcoin’s security.

+ Different types of cryptography can be easier or harder to use and can hide the secret message better or worse.

+ To do this, ideas from public-key cryptography are used: digital signatures, certificates, and hash codes.

+ Or it is created at the start of the communication session by using a key-agreement protocol, for-instance using public-key cryptography such as Diffie-Hellman or using symmetric-key cryptography such as Kerberos.

+ This is useful in cryptography because Alice and Bob do not share their private numbers, which means a third party cannot spy on the result unless they can find both private numbers; even if a third party knows Alice sent ‘.

+ In public-key cryptography the key for encryption can be given to the public with no problem, and everyone can send you secret messages.

cryptography - some sentence examples
cryptography – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “cryptography”:

+ How much ILP exists in programs depends on the application type, for example, in graphics and scientific applications the amount can be very large while in cryptography the amount much less.

+ They were used a lot in World War I and even in World War II, although by the end of World War II electronic communications and cryptography had improved so that despatch riders were rarer.

+ Even though cryptography is often used, the term electronic signature has a legal meaning.

+ Simple forms of cryptography that people can do without machines are Caesar ciphers and transposition ciphers, but many other kinds were used before computers were used.

+ Another advantage of stream ciphers in military cryptography is that the cipher stream can be generated by an encryption device that is subject to strict security measures then fed to other devices.

+ Asymmetric cryptography generally takes more time and requires more computer power, therefore it is not used most of the time.

+ Modern cryptography is a mix of mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering.

+ Extensions to Kerberos can provide for the use of public-key cryptography during certain phases of authentication.

+ Asymmetric cryptography is harder to use.

+ Kerberos builds on Symmetric-key algorithmsymmetric-key cryptography and requires a key distribution center.

+ Each person who wants to use asymmetric cryptography uses a secret number that they can tell everyone.

+ How much ILP exists in programs depends on the application type, for example, in graphics and scientific applications the amount can be very large while in cryptography the amount much less.

+ They were used a lot in World War I and even in World War II, although by the end of World War II electronic communications and cryptography had improved so that despatch riders were rarer.

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