“cruelty” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “cruelty”:

– On August 23, 1500 Columbus was arrested in Hispañola, now called Santo Domingo, for cruelty to natives and Spaniards.

– Food and Drug Administration has begun to approve non-animal alternatives to LD50, in response to research cruelty concerns and the lack of validity/sensitivity of animal tests as they relate to humans.

– HSUS opposes cruelty against animals used for food.

– In 2010, Moore was charged with cruelty to children, after police investigators determined that he assaulted his infant daughter.

– Baumeister argues that the common explanations of violence and cruelty are not helpful because they say that the victim was innocent.

– Ustashe’s unseen cruelty and savagery applied against Serbs and Jews even prompted the German command to demand that Francetić, as the commander of the 1st Brigade Black Legion, be dismissed.

– On May 31, 2006, formal charges were laid against the zoo by the Crown Counsel of British Columbia, in accordance with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act because they failed to provide acceptable facilities for a baby hippo named “Hazina” that they acquired in October 2004.

cruelty use in-sentences
cruelty use in-sentences

Example sentences of “cruelty”:

– While photographing the city of the settlers, Ricardo showed the inhumanity and cruelty of colonialism.

– At first Sadism meant only cruelty for sexual pleasure, but as the word became more widely used its meaning changed.

– In the movie, he is a Stormtrooper for the First Order who escapes after being shocked by their cruelty in his first combat mission before joining the fight against them.

– Not only that, there are also many other countries who have participated in this effort to prevent cruelty not only against domestic pets but also to other almost extinct or endangered wildlife.

– Superintendent Hatfield of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children came aboard the “Only Son”.

– Although ambitious and greedy, Otho did not have a record for tyranny or cruelty and was expected to be a fair emperor.

– The administration of Ovando in Hispaniola was one of great cruelty toward the Taíno Indians.

– Tippett’s music is about the cruelty that humans show towards one another.

– Even the peasants, tired of the cruelty of Vlad, abandoned him.

– Later, the word came to mean someone who ruled with cruelty and injustice.

– Amloki is frightened at the prospect of Chandana marrying Ratan once again as she has been witness to the cruelty imposed to Chandana firsthand.

- While photographing the city of the settlers, Ricardo showed the inhumanity and cruelty of colonialism.

- At first Sadism meant only cruelty for sexual pleasure, but as the word became more widely used its meaning changed.
- In the movie, he is a Stormtrooper for the First Order who escapes after being shocked by their cruelty in his first combat mission before joining the fight against them.

– In French the term had been the “Good Savage the word “savage” did not necessarily have the connotations of cruelty we now associate with it, but meant “wild” as in a wild flower.

– In 1972 he joined the Council of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

– West supports of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in its Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaign, aimed at eliminating what PETA describes as KFC’s inhumane treatment of chickens.

– The Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty campaign group are the main opposition group.

– It was they first time that a major Canadian zoo was charged with cruelty to animals.

– William Hogarth, who had been very sorrowunhappy at the acts of cruelty that he saw on the streets of moral learning.

– His cruelty earned him the nickname “The Devil”.

– Stanley’s expeditions are known for the cruelty and murders of Africans.

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