“crest” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “crest”:

– The name of the animal refers to the latin word for crest, “”crista”” because it had a crest on its snout.

– The flag was adopted by Greater Manchester County Council in 1974, and derives from the shield and crest design on the coat of arms of Greater Manchester; the design itself is used by a number of organisations that represent the Greater Manchester area, such as the former Greater Manchester County Council, the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, and the Greater Manchester Army Cadet Force, all of which use ten golden towers on a red background to represent the ten metropolitan boroughs.

– When excited or aggressive, the crest may be fully raised.

– The crest is always placed on the top of the helm.

– It was 60 Centimetrecms long and had a wingspan of 1 metre and a head crest on its skull.

– In 1974, the club changed its name back to Futbol Club Barcelona and went back to using the original crest with the Catalan flag and the red and blue colors.

crest in sentences?
crest in sentences?

Example sentences of “crest”:

– The bony wrinkles on its snout may have helped to support a structure, such as horny crest or a wattle, like on a rooster or a turkey.

– When the crest and the trough of two waves of equal magnitude and frequency intersect or collide when in phase with each other the result is called constructive interference and the magnitudes double, when 180° out of phase the result is destructive interference with each other the resulting wave is the undisturbed line that is in the middle of the diagram having zero amplitude.

– It had an unusual bony crest running along its snout and long, narrow, curved jaws with a pointed tip.

– Koyamaki was chosen as the mon Japanese Imperial crest for Prince Hisahito of Akishino, currently third in line to the Chrysanthemum Throne.

– Cedar Crest is on top of a hill in western Topeka.

– The crest of the range is the boundary between the drainage basins of rivers; those which drain east into the Pacific Ocean, or southward into Bass Strait; and those rivers which drain west and south into the Murray-Darling BasinMurray-Darling rivers.

– Like other Lambeosaurinaelambeosaurines such as “Parasaurolophus” and “Corythosaurus”, “Lambeosaurus” had a distinctive crest on the top of its head.

– It had a triangle-shaped crest on the top of its skull.

– Males had a sagital crest on the tops of their skulls.

– When the bird is Eatingfeeding among other jays or resting, the crest is flattened to the head.

– Also unveiled that day were the State Crest and the National Anthem.

– On February 1, 2010 it was announced that Lionsgate, Crest Animation Productions and Crest Animation Studios were developing “Norm of the North”, an animated family feature in stereoscopic 3D, Lionsgate will also distribute the movie.

– Hoopoes have black, white and orangey-pink coloring with a large crest on their head.

– The males also have a crest on top of their heads.

– The squirrel is the crest of the arms of Aston Manor.

– His crest was “out of a coronet Or Or, a demi-lion Azure, crowned of the first”.

– The crest has been much discussed by scientists.

- The bony wrinkles on its snout may have helped to support a structure, such as horny crest or a wattle, like on a rooster or a turkey.

- When the crest and the trough of two waves of equal magnitude and frequency intersect or collide when in phase with each other the result is called constructive interference and the magnitudes double, when 180° out of phase the result is destructive interference with each other the resulting wave is the undisturbed line that is in the middle of the diagram having zero amplitude.
- It had an unusual bony crest running along its snout and long, narrow, curved jaws with a pointed tip.

More in-sentence examples of “crest”:

- The Imperial Seal of Japan, also called the, is a crest used by members of the Japanese Imperial family.

- The bird has a Crest crest of bright green feathers.

– The Imperial Seal of Japan, also called the, is a crest used by members of the Japanese Imperial family.

– The bird has a Crest crest of bright green feathers.

– The higher and more rugged parts of the “range” are not always part of the crest of the range.

– Males have a brighter crest and face, and sing louder and more frequently than females.

– The crest is more pronounced in males.

– It is in Potosí DepartmentPotosí in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes at an height of 3,656 metres above sea level.

– The bird is white, brown and black, and it has Orange orange crest feathers on its head.

– The word Tinjurey or Teenjurey has been derived from the Nepali language ‘Teen’ meaning ‘three’ and ‘Jurey’ meaning “the crest of a hill” because at the top, the hill bifurcates into three peaks therefore giving it the name “Teenjurey”.

– The head probably had a small crest or tuft.

– Upon the death of a Knight, the banner, helm, mantling and crest are taken down.

– In other words, the wave crest is called a peak.

– The method of joining the crest to the helm was usually concealed by decoration.

– Like other hadrosaurs, it had a hollow, bony crest on top of its long head in the shape of a helmet flattened on the sides.

– The Garda crest is also present on vehicles.

– All oviraptosaurs have this crest but it is certainly the largest in “A.

– Kimono with crests have either one, three, or five crests on them – the crest on the centre back, the centre back and the sleeves, or the centre back, the sleeves and the shoulders.

– Above the crest or coronet hangs the Knight or Dame’s heraldic banner, showing the coat of arms.

– It was produced by Crest Animations Productions.

– The part of the wave halfway in between the crest and the trough is called the baseline.

– Its crest has been changed several times in attempts to modernise or re-brand.

– The crest on top of the helmet is a conch shell.

– The uniform would be a set of clothes with the school crest or symbol.

– The crest of a wave and the trough of a wave are always twice the wave’s amplitude apart from each other.

– The interference pattern will appear as bands and each band represents 2 path length difference or 1 wavelength, that is because the crest of wave 1 has caught up with the crest of wave 2, causing a constructive interference.

– In 1890 the tribe stopped the march of British troops along the crest of the Black Mountain, and so an army was sent against them in the spring of 1891.

– According to Vic Elford “The reason that banking was so horrific, was that at the end of the straight we went over a blind crest at around 190/200 mph and “dropped into” the banking.

– The imaginary line joining the highest points along the upfold is called the crest line.

– The club did not have an official crest before 1972, but several variations on the letters AFC had from time to time featured on the shirt, usually in some kind of cursive font.

– The crest of the riverhead directs towards the villages of Petrovo Polje, Imljani, Vlatkovići, and the Skender Vakuf Municipality.

– The crest fills in the trough.

– With a crest line of about 20,000 feet, the range parallels the northeast bank of the Indus River.

– The crest “is very large and made of paper-thin bone, so it was not able to take much stress.

– When scared, the crest comes outwards, brushlike.

– The function of “Anzu’s” large crest is debated.

– They have a crest of feathers on their heads.

– At the top of the emblem is the national crest that has two horns with corn in the ear and filled with sand.

– It has a red centered crest of Brunei on a yellow field cut by black and white diagonal stripes.

– The female is smaller than the male, somewhat duller in plumage and more heavily marked, with reduced red facial skin, a shorter crest and lacking the male’s spurs.

– These include the British Science Festival, British Science Week, the CREST Awards, Huxley Summit, Youth Pannle, Media Fellowships Scheme.

– The crest allows the owner to have an idea of what they are feeling; straight up if scared or excited, flat when they’re angry, and slightly curved is normal/happy.

– The plumage of cockatoos ranges from mostly white to mostly black, with a mobile crest of feathers on the tops of their heads.

– The crest which is on the shirts and shorts of the kit shows a horse, with one hoof resting on a football.

– Stepping on the family crest was taboo.

– Gharials have a strong crest on the outer edge of the forearm, leg and foot.

– Its colourful golden crest feathers gives rise to its popular name.

– The crest may have acted as a rudder when flying or may have been a secondary sex characteristic.

– Images of a mermaid symbolized Warsaw on its crest since the middle of the 14th century.

– The college crest was burnt into sugar on top of a custard using a hot iron.

– The first image is intended to be a full heraldic achievement, coat of arms, or a Crest crest, badge, seal, emblem, banner, standard, or other identifying symbol.

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