“crawling” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “crawling”:

+ They could become angry, depressed or sick, There are new Oddworld creatures as well as different versions of creatures from the first game, for example flying and crawling “Sligs”.

+ Originally, none of the actual web crawling and storage/retrieval of data was done by Yahoo! itself.

+ They are sometimes seen raising their heads above the grass where they are crawling to see what is around them.

+ Wiwaxia probably grazed or scavenged by walking or crawling along the sediment.

+ Some users also report formication: feeling like things are crawling on the skin.

+ This ending is achieved by using the nail file on the door, reacting to both quick-time events, choosing the chair, crawling to the right, and choosing to use the plungers.

+ In 2017, Al Muftah performed the Umrah, a Muslim pilgrimage to Makkah, by crawling around the Ka’abah on his hands instead of using a wheelchair.

crawling use in-sentences
crawling use in-sentences

Example sentences of “crawling”:

+ If a person uses cocaine for a long time, they can start to get strange feelings, like there are bugs crawling under their skin, or they can get paranoia.

+ Suspension Suspension-wise, rock crawling vehicles sometimes have aftermarket lift kits installed, raising the flexibility.
+ Rock crawling is about slow-speed, careful driving.

+ If a person uses cocaine for a long time, they can start to get strange feelings, like there are bugs crawling under their skin, or they can get paranoia.

+ Suspension Suspension-wise, rock crawling vehicles sometimes have aftermarket lift kits installed, raising the flexibility.

+ Rock crawling is about slow-speed, careful driving.

+ Highly modified rock crawling vehicles are less suitable for driving on roads and highways.

+ Acts in the 1890s had a woman slowly removed clothes in a vain search for a flea crawling on her body.

+ If you notice your potted plants have one or two of them crawling around on the plant, there are probably many more that you don’t see feeding off of the roots.

+ They are very cold-resistant and can be seen crawling on the snow in winter.

+ Two others, they must have been over 60, were crawling toward the latrine.

+ A rock crawling competition consists of obstacle courses that are about 100-200 yards long.

+ The horned lizard eats mostly ants or other crawling insects.

+ On October 16, 2006, however, this crawling peg was modified due to weakness in the U.S.

+ Rock crawling competitions range from local events to national series.

+ It is a crawling type of movement got by pushing out cell cytoplasm in the form of pseudopodia.

+ After being moved to the North Dakota State Penitentiary, McNair and two other inmates escaped by crawling through the ventilation shaft.

+ There are different variants with the Sligs such as flying Sligs and crawling Sligs.

+ A bug crawling along the center line of the loop would go around twice before coming back to its starting point.

+ However, critically it noted that the choice of roles for Catherine is based primarily on the exterior attractiveness of the character, and when required to “”jump out of the trench, crawling under bullets and undermined by a mine”” then the performance stunts Klimov duplicates professional kaskadorsha.

+ A rock crawling competition consists of obstacle courses that are about long.

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