“crank” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “crank”:

– Many crossbows have crank or windlass mechanisms to pull the string in drawn position.

– The Gatling gun is a machine gun, but it is not called an Automatic firearmautomatic weapon because a user must continue to crank it instead of merely holding down the trigger.

– The Playdate has a black-and-white 1-bit screen, 4 way directional pad, two game buttons, and a mechanical crank on the side.

– Dr Watson reports the eccentric happenings in Devon: the Baskerville’s butler Barrymore and his wife who act strangely; Jack Stapleton an ex-schoolmaster and eccentric butterfly collector and his sister Beryl; a local busybody/and crank Frankland and his estranged daughter Laura Lyons.

– The Love Sharpener used the pencil itself as a hand crank and a place to collect pencil shavings attached to the standard blade housing.

– It has been argued that the letter was mailed before the murders were publicised, making it unlikely that a crank would have such knowledge of the crime, but it was postmarked more than 24 hours after the killings took place, long after details were known by journalists and residents of the area.

– A ‘split’ crank pin is weaker than a straight one.

crank example in sentences
crank example in sentences

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