“courtyard” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “courtyard”:

+ A bridge over a sunken courtyard links the main entrance of the East Building to the main walkway that connects the auditorium and North Buildings to the rotunda.

+ Act II starts with Banquo and his son Fleance walking in a courtyard in Macbeth’s castle.

+ In front of the main entrance was large courtyard with a covered walkway all around.

+ Known as the Gaya of the south, Avani has a cluster of Ramalingeshwara temple all within one courtyard dedicated to Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrugna as well as a Shankar Math built by the Nolamba dynasty.

+ This courtyard is surrounded by roofed colonnades.

+ The old editorial office from the courtyard was to laid in Gerners “Townhouse”, because of a water damage.

courtyard - some sentence examples
courtyard – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “courtyard”:

+ The “Tempietto of San Pietro in Montorio” is a small commemorative Tombmartyrium built by Donato Bramante, possibly as early as 1502, in the courtyard of “San Pietro in Montorio”.

+ A riad normally has two or more storeys around an Andalusian-style courtyard that contained a fountain.

+ It was at this time that the three separate buildings surrounding the central courtyard were joined into a single structure.

+ It is held outdoors in a courtyard or square close to the mosque.

+ Every year on the National Day of Commemoration the President of Ireland lays a wreath in the courtyard in memory of all Irishmen and Irishwomen who have died in past wars and on service with the United Nations.

+ The courtyard at the front of the building is opened up.

+ This courtyard was open to the sky.

+ The "Tempietto of San Pietro in Montorio" is a small commemorative Tombmartyrium built by Donato Bramante, possibly as early as 1502, in the courtyard of "San Pietro in Montorio".

+ A riad normally has two or more storeys around an Andalusian-style courtyard that contained a fountain.
+ It was at this time that the three separate buildings surrounding the central courtyard were joined into a single structure.

+ She lies buried beside her husband in the courtyard of Harry S Truman Library.

+ San Pietro in Montorio is a church in Rome, which includes in its courtyard “The Tempietto” built by Donato Bramante.

+ In addition, the Nichols Bridgeway connects a sculpture garden on the roof of the Modern wing with the adjacent Millennium Park to the north and a courtyard designed by Gustafson Guthrie Nichol.

+ It makes the narrow courtyard and the view of the river look like a stage set where wonderful things might happen.

+ The Animation Courtyard is home to a number of attractions based on Disney characters of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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