“courtship” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “courtship”:

– A courtship is a time in the relationship of a couple.

– Salamanders also secrete poison from glands in their skin, and some additionally have skin glands for secreting courtship pheromones.

– In the more traditional forms of Christianity, this concept of courtship has been kept.

– Bowerbirds are most known for their unique courtship behaviour.

– Another is the Great Crested Grebe, whose courtship dances were first described by Julian Huxley.

– The male attracts the female with a courtship display: oblique runs and head-bowing movements, an open beak, and a “strangled” low song.

courtship use in sentences
courtship use in sentences

Example sentences of “courtship”:

– A courtship may be a private and informal matter between two people.

– In larger animals, eyespots may play a role in intraspecies communication or courtship ndash; the best-known example is probably the eyespots on a peacock’s display feathers.

– She is a main character in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s 1858 poem, “The Courtship of Miles Standish”.

– Males may have had larger frills than females, indicating that the frill may have been used in courtship and mating.

– The function of this courtship ritual is to attract a mate.

– There they perform territorial and courtship displays which include loud trumpeting, leaps and dance-like movements.

– Bill Bixby was nominated for three Emmy Awards for his work in “The Courtship of Eddie’s Father”.

– If courtship is successful, the male injects his sperm from the pedipalps into the female’s genital opening on the underside of her abdomen.

– Animal courtship may involve complicated dances or touching, vocalizations, or displays of beauty or fighting prowess.

– Trains of up to ten males may follow a single female in a courtship ritual that may last for up to four weeks; the duration of the courtship period varies with location.

– She is the heroine of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s 1858 poem, “The Courtship of Miles Standish”.

- A courtship may be a private and informal matter between two people.

- In larger animals, eyespots may play a role in intraspecies communication or courtship ndash; the best-known example is probably the eyespots on a peacock's display feathers.
- She is a main character in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's 1858 poem, "The Courtship of Miles Standish".

– They are believed to be the product of sexual selection for traits which give an individual an advantage over its rivals in courtship and fighting.

– They had a strange courtship and he married her in 1833.

– Moonlight shines bright, a courtship in moonlight.

– Ostriches reared entirely by humans may not direct their courtship behaviour at other Ostriches, but toward their human keepers.

– The courtship happens on land.

– She is known for her roles in “Operation Petticoat”, “The Sundowners”, “BUtterfield 8”, “The Courtship of Eddie’s Father”, and in “Caddyshack II”.

– They claim territory and are used in courtship and mating.

– Bixby continued to have success on television as the star of the American Broadcasting CompanyABC sitcom “The Courtship of Eddie’s Father where he played a widower who cares for his young son played by Brandon Cruz.

– Male wrens pluck yellow petals and display them to females as part of a courtship display.

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