“coupled” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “coupled”:

– All of that coupled with my thoughts that we don’t need any admin at the moment makes this just a comment but pending other comments that may change.

– The C151 is made out of 2 3-car trainsets permanently coupled together.

– This, coupled with the fact that he is currently indefinitely blocked at En.

– It is based on hooking together an inductively coupled plasma as a method of producing ions with a mass spectrometer as a method of separating and detecting the ions.

– At first the units were coupled cab-to-cab but it was easier to couple Master nose to Slave cab.

coupled how to use?
coupled how to use?

Example sentences of “coupled”:

- The attacks, however, backfired; the reaction, coupled with the endorsement of the "Washington Post" newspaper, increased Fenty's lead in the campaign's final weeks.

- Xena and Gabrielle's relationship has been cited as one of the reasons why the series has been so popular, coupled with the denials of her character's lesbianism from Lawless while the series was running.

– The attacks, however, backfired; the reaction, coupled with the endorsement of the “Washington Post” newspaper, increased Fenty’s lead in the campaign’s final weeks.

– Xena and Gabrielle’s relationship has been cited as one of the reasons why the series has been so popular, coupled with the denials of her character’s lesbianism from Lawless while the series was running.

– This template displays links to the popular web mapping services Google and Bing on articles, and when coupled with the content of a KML file produces a route line on those maps.

– Process cycle time reductions, coupled with improvements in yield, have made SPC a valuable tool from both a cost-reduction and a customer-satisfaction standpoint.

– Also, the data obtained from experiments using an inductively coupled plasma source is often linear.

– Inductively Coupled Plasmas in Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, VCH Publishers, Inc., New York, 1992.

– La Niña is a coupled ocean atmosphere phenomenon that is counterpart to El Niño.

– Conscious language revival movements in the 19th century, such as Félibrige in Provence, coupled with wider literacy and regional presses, enabled a new flowering of literary production in the Norman language and others.

– This makes inductively coupled plasma a rather expensive source.

– The rear wheels may be coupled to enable heavier load, but they may also be single.

– The lido was eventually closed in the 1970s after complaints of noise disturbance were made by residents of the newly built Oak Farm estate, coupled with new and stringent health and safety regulations relating to outdoor public swimming facilities.

– Chiappe maintained that “Rahonavis” could probably fly, noting that its ulna was large and robust compared to “Archaeopteryx”, and that this fact, coupled with the prominent quill knobs, suggest that “Rahonavis” had larger and more powerful wings than that earlier bird.

– This coupled with the already elevated heart rate seems like it can certainly cause problems for people with “bad” hearts, but it’s still not proven as there’s still been absolutely no certain recorded deaths caused by only cannabis.

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