“counter to” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “counter to”:

– Douglas took up the Topeka Constitution in a bill counter to Senator Cass.

– His counter to the doctrine of original sin, born amid the optimistic atmosphere of Renaissance humanism, was taken up by another author who lived at the same time, the essayist Richard Steele, who attributed the corruption of contemporary manners to false education.

– They say they must exist as a politically right counter to the anti-fascist group Antifa.

– Formed as a counter to Jim Crockett Promotions’ successful Starrcade event, WrestleMania I was broadcast to one million nationwide via closed-circuit television and pay-per-view.

– The machine recorded the answer on a counter to the back of the machine, and showed the next question.

– The move is uncommon and is a counter to the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker/tilt-a-whirl mat slam.

– At greater issue is Bentley’s mysticism and spirituality, which is nontraditional for the Pentecostal and Charismatic congregations he serves and counter to others.

counter to in-sentences
counter to in-sentences

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