“could” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “could”:

– According to the book of Exodus, God parted it for Moses and the Israelites so they could escape from the Egyptian Army.

– The Macintosh was one of the first computers in which the people could use a mouse for pointing on a screen which had icons.

– Ada could not seek re-election to a third term, so Blas joined with Simon Sanchez to stand for office.

– It could accommodate between fifty and sixty passengers.

– Genma then says that Akane could marry Ranma, and so they become engaged.

could use in-sentences
could use in-sentences

Example sentences of “could”:

– No one could find May.

– Young slaves could not be put to hard work, and had to be brought up by the mistress of the household.

– He had an amazing musical memory and he could improvise very well.

– For example, they could be put in jail without a trial, or without even knowing what crime they were being charged with.

– Joan sued Kerouac for child support, but he was ill and could not work at the time, and she collected almost no money.

– Also, they could show a change in a character’s appearance, for example, Oedipus after blinding himself.

– He said that she could buy as much land as she could cover with the skin of a dead ox.

– Petersen could not, however, endorse Johnson’s preferred Vice Presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Governor, William Weld.

– He knew that matrices could be multiplied, so doing all the calculations for accounting for one physics problem could be handled by multiplying one matrix by another.

– Pushkin was in a difficult position because he could not write anything that the tsar would not like.

– If the painting was too big to fit through a doorway, the artist could just roll it up.

– He wants to live so he could look after his family, but chose to keep his respect and honor instead.

– The man who owned the company, Henry Ford, heard about meat being cut on a disassembly line, which moved meat from worker to worker so that the meat could be cut up.

– After the military had left, the area was only guarded by a few watchmen and sometimes of homeless people went in the area for sleep or for living there.On 4 September, 1971, neighbours of the area broke down a wall for making a place where their children could play.On 26 September, 1971, Christiania was opend to people by Jacob Ludvigsen, a well-known provo and journalist who published a magazine called “Hovedbladet”.

– It used a carbon transmitter created by Thomas Edison which could increase sound by about 15 decibeldecibels by using an electric current to make the sound signal stronger.

- No one could find May.

- Young slaves could not be put to hard work, and had to be brought up by the mistress of the household.

More in-sentence examples of “could”:

– However, Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified so that the crowd would not get angry and that he could keep his job.

– The Third Estate thought this could be improved by giving members of the Estates-General a vote each.

– The communists signed a peace treaty with Germany so that they could focus on winning the civil war.

– This could be a bit vague, but we would ideally leave it to the reviewing admin to determine if the article is really too complicated to justify keeping it around.

– Planes dropped information leaflets across the area, but the natives could not read the leaflets and were wary or afraid of the aircraft.

– The Federal Constitutional Court said that the bill was not law because Brandenburg’s vote could not be included in the total.

– Some people also believe that cavemen used mime to communicate as they could not talk.

– In 1877 large mounds of earth were placed between the pits to make sure the guns neither could fire upon each other and to help protect the gun crew from enemy fire.

– A vigorous cold front associated with the mid-level trough moved across the area to the west of Wilma, yet the cooler and drier air behind the front could not fully penetrate the inner core of the hurricane to weaken it.

– Each had their own wit and personality, could entertain an audience, and could also sing.

– Everyone who could be played in “Super Mario Bros.

– They could be picked up and put on a table.

– Also, units could be changed as people moved in or out.

– I considered it quite rude that it was set up where anyone could attack Ric, and indeed people did, and he had no opportunity to defend himself.

– However, Abyss left ROH before he could use the privilege.

– In April 1931 a woman called herself “Esther Carlson” was arrested in California on a charge of poisoning a man named August Lindstrom for his money; she died of natural causes before she could be tried or identified as Gunness..

– However, due to sociopolitical chaos, environment issues that Tehuatican could recover from, and declining population, Teotihuacán became very weak in regards to defending itself from the outside world.

– A political faction could be described as a “party within a party”.

– He studied as much as he could about navigation and science.

– It could also be put onto a tripod to fire for a long time.

– As it is not possible for a person to be president for three terms, Obama could not run for president again.

– The former railways were purchased by the local councils in 1974 where the routes could be used by the public for walking.

– They then built the reed islands, which could be moved into deep water or to different parts of the lake for safety.

– It could have helped form English and French’s “z”.

– There is a chance that a Y-DNA sample may be isolated from Ned’s bones one day using more advanced laboratory procedures, however, it is also possible that a Y-DNA sample could be taken from the remains of one of Ned’s male relatives such as his father, his uncles or his brothers.

– Samoset could only speak broken English, while Squanto was seen as a master.

– They could either start to attack the Germans, which might not be supported by the Soviets, or do no attacks and be criticized by the Soviets.

– Probably not much use as a stand-alone template but could be easily adapted to similar projects.

– This meant that the 727 could run its systems without any power from the ground.

– Beauregard to force the fort’s surrender before the supply ships could arrive.

– Because the dispatcher could not be asked, investigating the crash was difficult and took about a year.

– You could say that it’s a great project just waiting to happen.

– Also, the narrowness of the field meant that Boudica could put forth only as many troops as the Romans at any given time.

– I’d like to nominate Creol to become an admin, as he/she has done excellent work improving our articles, and could certainly use admin tools to speed up and improve their work.

– Cayce claimed that in dreams people could receive valuable insight into their own lives and that the insight was always of use to the dreamer.

– Since only females were used for egg-production, early identification of male chicks, which were destroyed or separated for fattening, meant that limited animal-feed and other resources could be used more efficiently.

– Kapos could often help other prisoners by getting them into better barracks, or getting them assigned to easier work.

– Her family could not afford to send her to high school.

– Like “Grapevine”, Motown refused to release it due to it being “uncommercial” and “risky” since Gordy could not find a song to match anything with and also because Gordy was against anyone in his company to talk openly about serious issues.

– Perseus was sent to retreive Medusa’s head by King Polydectes, who wanted him dead so he could marry his mother.

– People still argue about what the Allies could have done to save more of the prisoners at Auschwitz.

– It could also have a greater effect than the death of the commanding officer.

– Lord Shiva and his Son Murugan is said to have laid the first tenets for the Tamil Language, probably long long time before sage Agastya could compile the same.

– He said that the two electrons must have been spin-up or spin-down all along, but that quantum mechanics could not predict which characteristic each electron had.

– In the doubles she could win silver.

– The judge rejected the ban and cleared Ginsberg, who could then continue to publish and perform the poem.

- However, Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified so that the crowd would not get angry and that he could keep his job.

- The Third Estate thought this could be improved by giving members of the Estates-General a vote each.
- The communists signed a peace treaty with Germany so that they could focus on winning the civil war.

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