“copying” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “copying”:

+ After copying text from any application to the Clipboard clipboard, pressing the configurable hotkey will open the user’s default web browser and perform the search.

+ This means that if the main copy of the data is lost, we can bring it all back simply by copying the data back from the backup.

+ DNA replication is the process of copying a double-stranded DNA molecule.

+ GParted is a program used for creating, deleting, resizing, moving, checking and copying Partition partitions, and the file systems on them.

+ By copying a wallaby’s tail hitting the ground, Aboriginal hunters could attract crocodiles, making it easier to shoot the animals.

+ At around 1750, architects began copying classical architecture again.

copying how to use?
copying how to use?

Example sentences of “copying”:

+ When possible, the user who copied the text should be informed about the rules for copying text between pages.

+ However it might limit the direct copying from English.

+ If the writing is a later copy, not from the Fifth Dynasty, there is also the chance that errors were made in the copying process.

+ Most miscarriages are due to problems with the copying of chromosomes, but some are caused by environmental factors.

+ Efficient and rapid template-directed nucleic acid copying using 2′-amino-2′, 3′-dideoxyribonucleoside-5′-phosphorimidazolide monomers.

+ This makes each backup quicker, because we are only copying what has changed since the last backup.

+ Arno also began the copying of 150 volumes from the court of Charlemagne.

+ This template is similar to, but with the arguments reversed for easier copying from the edit history.

+ They think that DRM makes copying harder than copyright laws allow.

+ The laboratory copying of a molecule to produce exact copies is also called cloning.

+ Plagiarism is copying another person’s ideas, words or writing and pretending that they are one’s own work.

+ What it looks like he’s doing is copying the cats from EN wiki, and if redlinks show up, creates the category.

+ This is backed by an electric guitar copying the acoustic guitar.

+ The problem of copying recordings got better with the invention of the phonographgramophone around 1888.

+ He might have got the idea for the murder by a copying the way another, almost successful, murder was done in the British Virgin Islands.

+ The IP has been copying lead sections from en.wiki article and then making pages with them.

+ It is just a contest; there is no need to expand an article with uncited content or directly copying from enwiki.

+ This infobox may be added by copying and pasting the following blank.

+ Cruz published his first book, “Papo Got His Gun! And Other Poems”, on a copying machine called the mimeograph.

+ With this method, instead of copying discussions to a different page, you simply have a link to an earlier version of the page.

+ When possible, the user who copied the text should be informed about the rules for copying text between pages.

+ However it might limit the direct copying from English.

More in-sentence examples of “copying”:

+ You can add more information by copying any relevant parameters available from the full syntax.

+ As a child, Knight was deeply interested in nature and animals, and spent many hours copying the illustrations from his father’s natural history books.
+ If someone breaks a DRM technology then copying is possible.

+ You can add more information by copying any relevant parameters available from the full syntax.

+ As a child, Knight was deeply interested in nature and animals, and spent many hours copying the illustrations from his father’s natural history books.

+ If someone breaks a DRM technology then copying is possible.

+ But it’d really just involve copying the code from over there.

+ So I repeat, simply copying an en.wiki article over if it is simple is not a delete reason.

+ The copying of traditional artwork is also used to sell these didgeridoos to unsuspecting tourists.

+ Berg and Webern were official pupils of Schoenberg only for two years, but they continued to work with him, often copying out music for him.

+ Copyright should not be a problem with this process as the the GDFL rules allow copying between wikis as long as there is attribution.

+ Many can also work as a copying machine or with a digital camera to print directly without using a computer.

+ If copying or moving by WP:Transwiki importtranswiki import from another Wikimedia project that is licensed under CC-BY-SA or by providing a direct link to the original material.

+ Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects.

+ Because the record media was flat, copying recordings was much simpler.

+ Ariana Grande was accused of copying the 2015 song “Firefly” by Mura Masa and Nao.

+ At the time of the warning, there is usually still time to do certain things to prevent data loss, for example copying the data to a different drive.

+ However, Gustav was never very keen on conducting and he spent all his time there in the library studying music scores and copying music out.

+ The Link argument should be determined by copying the link location from.

+ But people criticised it for copying things from previous “Arkham” games without improving them, or pointlessly changing it.

+ He seems not to understand that copying and pasting is a problem.

+ She wrote that she felt that they were copying her style.

+ However, attribution must be done when copying material by other users which is “creative” enough to be copyrightable under US law.

+ This is useful for creating space for new operating systems, reorganising hard disk usage, copying data between hard disks, and disk imaging.

+ When James VII revived the Order in 1687, he wanted the Abbey Church at the Holyrood PalacePalace of Holyroodhouse to be the Chapel for the Order of the Thistle, perhaps copying the idea from the Order of the Garter.

+ In many of these cases, it is just a simple matter of copying the pagename to the interwiki link and the page will be fine.

+ New provinces announced country-wide and Istanbul University edited with copying France Education System.

+ Alternatively, it may be easier to use the basic syntax and then add more information by copying any relevant parameters from the template below.

+ This was because Giotto drew his figures from life, rather than copying the style them from old well-known pictures in the way that the Byzantine artists like Cimabue and Duccio did.Giorgio Vasari, “Lives of the Artists”, trans.

+ You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.

+ Attend young “Castello Sforzesco” where he enjoys copying the studies and designs of the past greats such as Leonardo and Michelangelo.

+ To get around this, creative teams will make a product that is kind of like the first game in some way, without copying the first directly.

+ To make sure that people cannot always do this, there are computer programs that try to stop people from copying other people’s work.

+ Many fiddlers have not received classical training but have learned by listening to other fiddlers and copying them.

+ Following the names of their en.wp counterpart would be ideal so we wouldn’t have to change anything when copying stuff.

+ There are English-name aliases for many of the German-name parameters, so either the German or English parameter name can be used, depending on copying infobox data from other sources.

+ Software piracy refers to the illegal copying of software.

+ Some of them may have been able to read music, but many would have learned by copying other players and memorizing the music.

+ Recently, rather than creating new pages as copies from En, he’s been copying section from En into already existing articles.

+ The optical printer is used for making special effects for motion pictures or for copying and restoring old movie material.

+ If you move contents around by copying and pasting.

+ To help with this, it is helpful to make a note of the copying on the talk page of the source article.

+ They just don’t learn how to edit properly and they think copying from En and other sites is the easy way out.

+ It can be easier to copy a section of code to the top of a template during edit-preview, or to just edit an empty page, copying a section of code, for checking repeated use, during edit-preview, with different values set as the defaults for parameters.

+ Owens’s main celebration was copying the dance of Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis in a win against the Ravens.

+ I have been copying some paragraphs over from en, and as you can see, its not the best looking en article in the world.

+ These errors are then copied again and again as cells keep dividing and copying themselves.

+ It helps protect authors from other people copying their works without permission and/or for commercial purposes.

+ Some people call illegally copying movies and music, “piracy” or “theft”.

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