“cooling” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “cooling”:

+ If the cooling side is the inside of a refrigerator, it gets cold.

+ Black antimony is normally made by heating metallic antimony until it boils and then cooling the vapors very quickly.

+ At the industrial level, foods move on a conveyor belt through preheating, holding, and cooling systems.

+ Most cattle, except those of the “Bos indicus” subspecies do not have sweat glands in their skin, but their wet nose is a useful cooling system.

+ Magma may become solid by cooling slowly below the surface.

+ For example chilled water can be transferred directly to a rack of servers which is quite helpful as we want to provide cooling to specific places.

cooling in-sentences
cooling in-sentences

Example sentences of “cooling”:

+ It is very hard to save palm seeds because they are killed by cooling them, which is the normal way of keeping rare seeds for the future.

+ The sensitivity of the PMT can be improved by cooling it, to reduce temperature induced noise.
+ The main advantage, following an on-chip cooling approach is that, since direct discharge liquid stream is used, the energy capture is easier, permitting the waste heat recovery.

+ It is very hard to save palm seeds because they are killed by cooling them, which is the normal way of keeping rare seeds for the future.

+ The sensitivity of the PMT can be improved by cooling it, to reduce temperature induced noise.

+ The main advantage, following an on-chip cooling approach is that, since direct discharge liquid stream is used, the energy capture is easier, permitting the waste heat recovery.

+ The cooling is needed to remove decay heat even when a plant has been shut down, due to the long term atomic reactions.

+ Humans can make a little bit of quark-gluon plasma in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, but it doesn’t last long before cooling down.

+ Air cooling has some important advantages as it’s practically easy to move and it doesn’t provoke any damage to the IT apparatus.

+ The steam is then condensed in huge cooling towers, and it turns back into water and is sent into the reactor again.

+ The compressor flywheel may drive a cooling fan.

+ All power for cooling was lost and reactors started to overheat.

+ He hoped eventually to use his ice-making machine to regulate the temperature of buildings and even considered cooling entire cities with a system of centralized air conditioning units.

+ Some local authorities have even set up public cooling centers for the benefit of those without air conditioning at home.

+ Jones designed a portable air cooling unit for trucks carrying food.

+ When cold aisle containment approach is used, row doors, aisle ceilings or overhead vertical walls are installed to contain the cold air coming from the cooling systems into the cold aisles.

More in-sentence examples of “cooling”:

+ The combined power stations feature a chimney which is one of the List of tallest buildings and structures in Great Britaintaller structures in the United Kingdom, and six hyperbolic cooling towers, which can be seen from much of the surrounding area.

+ This ash cloud blocks out some of the incoming solar radiation, leading to worldwide cooling that can last up to two years after an eruption.
+ Geothermal energy is also used directly for district heating, or in other heating and cooling applications.

+ The combined power stations feature a chimney which is one of the List of tallest buildings and structures in Great Britaintaller structures in the United Kingdom, and six hyperbolic cooling towers, which can be seen from much of the surrounding area.

+ This ash cloud blocks out some of the incoming solar radiation, leading to worldwide cooling that can last up to two years after an eruption.

+ Geothermal energy is also used directly for district heating, or in other heating and cooling applications.

+ An example is when the cooling effects of vaporization controls the body temperature of humans.

+ The cooling tower is usually the tallest and most visible part of a nuclear power plant, much taller than the reactor building or turbine hall.

+ Chemists can get carbon dioxide from cooling air.

+ By the late 19th century, scientists found that air could be turned into a liquid and the compounds in it could be isolated by compressing and cooling it.

+ Atop the Jerai is a resort and the mountain boasts some tall and cooling waterfalls.

+ Higher humidity reduces the effectiveness of sweating in cooling the body by reducing the rate of evaporation of moisture from the skin.

+ However, Springfield Lake is a primary source of water for the cooling system at the Southeast Power Plant which sits by the dam.

+ Room based cooling, as an air cooling system, uses the most classical type of refrigerating technique: the basic idea is that coolers push cold air in the environment, extracting warm air to the outside.

+ Crushed ice is also used to cool a drink or other liquid quickly because the speed of cooling depends on the amount and average radius of the ice particles.

+ Obsidian is found in rhyolitic lava flows known as “obsidian flows”, where cooling of the lava is rapid.

+ They were used in industryindustrial chemistry, and to make certain transformers, capacitors, and cooling fluids.

+ It has smaller cooling towers that can’t be seen as easily, but that make a more obvious cloud that appears to come from the ground.

+ Ventilation usually collaborates with heating and cooling systems, but not always and they aren’t only limited to buildings.

+ Emerging clean tech cities are seen to include Copenhagen, where wind power generates 20 percent of Denmark’s electricity, and Chicago, a leader in “green” buildings saving energy, heating and cooling costs.

+ These systems in order to let the whole system provide increased dehumidification of the “internal” air, they add heat to conditioned cold air coming out of a precision cooling device.

+ Spacesuits have their own heating and cooling systems and a radio communication system.

+ Instead of trying to “balance” a desirable temperature throughout an entire room, it initializes the cooling process in the exact point that is needed; at a particular rack or cabinet.

+ The weather is hotter in Africa than in Asia, so cooling is important for African elephants.

+ In this field, DSC is used to analyze the thermal behaviour of lipids mainly by two processes, the cooling process, which reports information about the crystallisation and the heating process, which gives information on the melting behaviour of the building blocks of lipids.

+ This technology makes use of the higher heat transfer capacity of the liquids, leading to greater savings in terms of energy requirement, in fact, single phase cooling systems can reduce, and sometimes eliminate needing for CRAC units.

+ The free cooling method is composed of two main systems: the air-side economization and the water-side economization.

+ While CRAC units makes use of mechanical refrigeration, a computer room air handler uses fans, cooling coils and a water-chiller system to remove heat.

+ The zirconium is a hazard because at high temperatures, it can react with the cooling water and make flammable hydrogen gas.

+ Basing his figures on the cooling rate of iron tested at his Laboratory le Petit Fontenet at Montbard, he calculated that the age of the earth was 75,000 years.

+ As a device that increases humidity, humidifiers can play an important role in the cooling process by preventing any unexpected overheating which may occur due to static electrical discharge.They are usually placed inside precision cooling devices in order to replace water vapor lost during the cooling process.

+ The 1957 Kyshtym disaster occurred when the failure of the cooling system for a tank storing tens of thousands of tons of dissolved nuclear waste resulted in a non-nuclear explosion having a force estimated at about 75 tons of trinitrotolueneTNT of radiation.

+ Four reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant had cooling problems after back-up diesel generators were destroyed by the tsunami.

+ Perspiration, or sweat, is your body’s way of cooling itself, whether that extra heat comes from hardworking muscles or from overstimulated nerves.

+ On the cooling side, heat is taken up to boil the refrigerant from a liquid to a gas.

+ Despite technological improvements, many American lifestyle changes have put higher demands on heating and cooling resources.

+ During warm daylight hours, there is less evaporative cooling in cities than in country areas.

+ Distillation is the process of boiling and cooling a liquid to purify it.

+ A common way to combine metals into an alloy is by melting them, mixing and then allowing them to solidify by cooling at room temperature.

+ The extreme cooling of the global climate around 700 million years ago and the rapid evolution of primitive life during the following Ediacaran and Cambrian periods may have been triggered by the breaking up of Rodinia.

+ The cooling liquid, or refrigerant is pumped into the cooled compartment.

+ The M1A1 model had no cooling fins, could only use the stick magazines and had a simplified sight.

+ So, to help treat sickness, he advocated for the draining of swamps and the cooling of sickrooms.

+ This cooling effect may cover the effect of greenhouse gases caused by global warming.

+ It is the biggest one with the big cooling towers that are in two groups.

+ Two-phase cooling means using devices that can transform at least part of the cooling fluids into vapour when in contact with warm IT components.

+ They colonize pipes constricting flow, therefore reducing the intake in heat exchangers, condensers, fire fighting equipment, and air conditioning and cooling systems.

+ This model has more cooling for the engine and other machines.

+ The Galaxy S10e and S10 make use of “advanced heat-pipe” cooling systems, but the more expensive Galaxy S10 Plus uses a vapor chamber cooling system.

+ Solar thermal power plants designed for solar-only generation are ideally matched to summer noon peak loads in prosperous areas with significant cooling demands, such as Spain.

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