“conversation” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “conversation”:

– A conversation ensued and Shaw dared the young Pascal on the shore to take off his clothes and join him in the water.

– Kenney was inspired to enter politics after having a short conversation with former Prime Minister of CanadaPrime Minister John Diefenbaker at an early age.

– A conversation may be contrasted with formal presentations.

– Their intimate conversation is overheard by the Sheriff who will accept Locksley as son-in-law if he proves his marksmanship at tomorrow’s fair.

– Harassment can include actions which are expected to be noticed by the target and clearly meant to target them, where no actual conversation takes place.

– Given how long it’s been since the conversation has started, I suggest demotion now.

– Summers refused to comment on the details of his conversation with West, except to express hope that West would remain at Harvard.

conversation - sentence examples
conversation – sentence examples

Example sentences of “conversation”:

- After a conversation later on in which Will orders Nico to stay at the infirmary for three days of rest, Nico sees Percy and Annabeth and decides to clear the air between them, since they will be seeing a lot of each other in the next few years.

- His best known paintings are "Astronomer Copernicus - Conversation with God", "Hanging of the Zygmunt bell", "Prussian Homage" and "Battle of Grunwald".
- Such phrases as "ace in the hole", "beats me", "blue chip", "call the bluff", "cash in", "buck pass the buck", "poker face", "stack up", "up the ante", "when the chips are down", "wild card", and others are used in everyday conversation even by those unaware of their origins at the poker table.

– After a conversation later on in which Will orders Nico to stay at the infirmary for three days of rest, Nico sees Percy and Annabeth and decides to clear the air between them, since they will be seeing a lot of each other in the next few years.

– His best known paintings are “Astronomer Copernicus – Conversation with God”, “Hanging of the Zygmunt bell”, “Prussian Homage” and “Battle of Grunwald”.

– Such phrases as “ace in the hole”, “beats me”, “blue chip”, “call the bluff”, “cash in”, “buck pass the buck”, “poker face”, “stack up”, “up the ante”, “when the chips are down”, “wild card”, and others are used in everyday conversation even by those unaware of their origins at the poker table.

– They serve the function of guiding the conversation and attempting to keep it focused, whether in tutorials or in seminar.

– One of these characters generally breaks off and the remaining character is then joined by another character, who initiates another conversation as they continue walking.

– There is a very important conversation going on and we need some more advice.

– Reason why Hindi and Urdu speakers are able to have a somewhat easy conversation with each other.

– Creator disagree, and appendix in the below is a short conversation I had with the creator.

– Check out that, um, conversation between he and I on his most recent sock’s talk page.

– It was an occasion for male conversation and debate.

– Can the atomic bombings on japan be justified? A conversation with dr.

– While waiting, the sisters communicated with their friends online, one of whom ended their conversation with the phrase “well good luck – wear gloves”.

– He co-chaired the National Parenting Organization’s Task Force on Parent Empowerment and participated in President Clinton’s National Conversation on Race.

– He reveals himself to be Voldemort’s ‘faithful servant.’ He explains that he put Harry’s name into the Goblet of Fire under a different school and has been guiding him through the tournament to ensure he would touch the Cup first: he gave him the hint about flying, staged a conversation about Gillyweed in front of Dobby, cursed obstacles from outside the hedge maze, and used the Imperius Curse on Krum to force him to curse Cedric.

– When the defiant Raja was brought before Alexander, a legendary conversation took place in which Alexander inquired of Porus, “How should I treat you?”, the brave Porus shot back, “The way a king treats another king.” Alexander was struck by his spirit.

– See above section for original conversation about this.

– Tim has released Imaginary Kingdom in 2006, The Conversation in 2008.

More in-sentence examples of “conversation”:

– The user during the conversation explained his edit, he claimed the article was stating the facts as if we believed them and thus made the article biased.

– He carries a tape recorder contain a secret conversation between a group of firearms smugglers and NVA officers.

– Seems with all the commotion about Oversightship, this conversation died.

– They have a long conversation after which they journey to the throne of judgement.

– Not being able to hear a conversation when there is a lot of noise around is usually a good sign of hearing loss.

– Gesturing warmly – Talking with hands, particularly with palms open, indicates involvement in the conversation and openness to the other person.

– A reporter who heard the conversation said that as Ocasio-Cortez walked away from Yoho into the Capitol, Yoho called her a “fucking bitch”.

– He shot “The Conversation and three “Rocky” sequels.

– Ideas about occultism were topics of conversation among her travelling companions, especially her future husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley.

– She spoke in public all over Oregon as a scholar with Oregon Humanities’ Conversation Project for six years on topics such as Oregon Black history, alternatives to putting people in prison, and the history of hip hop.

– The topic of conversation should generally revolve around what needs to be done to make the associated article better.

– In conversation with the Viennese regional leader of publisher Arovell, Ebner talked about the hidden meanings of his characters’ names.

– To this end, this template allows you to keep a conversation on one talk page, but still inform the other party that you have responded on your own talk page.

– In July 2003 he had an Off the record off-the-record conversation with 2002 dossier on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, which stated that some of Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons were deployable within 45 minutes.

– The band’s name came from a conversation with Rick Parfitt of British band Status Quo in which Parfitt said he’d like to name a band “Quite Right”.

– From watching this conversation over the last few days, it has turned from a discussion of Auntof6’s administrative actions to a cross-wiki drama.

– The conversation on my RfA has got me thinking.

– Blocking one guy just to end the conversation is not going to end this, it only makes matters worse.

– When interpreter comes on their screen, the caller can call any hearing person and have a phone conversation through the interpreter.

– I think a brief conversation among admins should give us an answer shortly.

– It shows Adele having a conversation on a flip phone when she suddenly loses reception.

– After his friend and biographer David Ritz arrived to interview him, Marvin and David collaborated on a reggae-styled track in which Ritz titled “Sexual Healing” after a conversation between the two evolved into pornography.

– Instant messaging offers real-time communication and allows easy collaboration, which might be considered more akin to genuine conversation than email’s “letter” format.

– She began writing young-adult novels after a conversation with her two teenaged daughters.

– Could users please say whether they prefer “change” or “edit”, based on the conversation above and their personal opinion? You are encouraged to add your reasoning.

– It follows then that machine translation of government and legal documents more readily produces usable output than conversation or less standardised text.

– The performance usually takes the shape of a conversation between the dummy and the puppeteer.

– This had come up in a conversation over at MediaWiki.

– When the child works alone he or she puts the conversation into his or her private speech.

– Join the WMF as we begin a conversation about Community Health.

– Meeting at a park bench, Aaron shows Abe that he has been using a recording to say their conversation from an earlier time to fool him.

– However, such conversations threading back and forth between two talk pages can make reading back a conversation quite cumbersome even for those involved, and leaves a very hard to decipher trail for other editors who may wish to read the conversation at a future date.

– Instead of having a one-way conversation with the patient, the therapist would engage him through the use of real world examples to elicit the desired responses.

– A conversation is two or more people talking about something.

– Their conversation pauses as they are joined by Asphodel.

– We could certainly have a conversation about the latter, but elsewhere, please.

– It is named after the fact that a person attending a noisy cocktail party is able to focus their listening to the conversation they are doing, and disregard the other conversations.

– Letter is more personal and official than Phone callphone conversation or an email.

– So, I think it would be good if you would use IRC there is no need to take part in any conversation if you don’t like it or to talk to other.

– Lucy did mention the White Witch in a conversation and Edmund realizes that the witch was none other than the “Queen of Narnia”, but the magic of the Turkish Delight was so strong that he decided to go to the castle for more.

– I realise that that conversation on Gwib’s page was not necessary/ or good in anyway and I should have just stopped after the first post, i’m sorry.

– The British version comes with two discs: one with the “Thomson Electronic Directory” for April 1992 on it, and one with the “Pocket Interpreter 5-language conversation book for travelers” on it.

– This is because the conversation is mostly about gay issues and icons.

– In a personal conversation on 13 December between Walther Model and Friedrich von der Heydte, who was put in charge of Operation “Stösser”, von der Heydte gave Operation “Stösser” less than a 10% chance of succeeding.

– But when the Beavers and the other three Pevensie children are having a conversation about the arrival of Aslan, Edmund sneaks away to the White Witch’s castle, where he hopes to be made a prince and later on a king.

– The Routing Layer works to coordinate related parts of a data conversation to ensure that large files are transferred.

– Marine Corps Colonel Bill Eddy, who recorded the men’s conversation in his book “FDR Meets Ibn Saud”.

– Aaron and I have discussed how to interact without allowing your personal thoughts and beliefs on a matter spill over into conversation with others.

– She hallucinates a conversation with Lucie.

- The user during the conversation explained his edit, he claimed the article was stating the facts as if we believed them and thus made the article biased.

- He carries a tape recorder contain a secret conversation between a group of firearms smugglers and NVA officers.

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