“constitutional convention” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “constitutional convention”:

– He was elected president of the constitutional convention that drafted the state’s constitution in 1779.

– The Constitutional Convention of 1787 went over several different proposals for electing the President.

– The role of the Prime Minister is not formally defined, being based on constitutional convention rather than specific legislation.

– During the Constitutional Convention Constitutional Convention many, including George Mason, Elbridge Gerry and James Wilson felt the courts could decide if a law was unconstitutional, and if so, refuse to enforce it.W.

– A Constitutional Convention was convened in Manila on July 30, 1934.

– The Great Seal of California was adopted at the California state Constitutional Convention of 1849.

constitutional convention - some sentence examples
constitutional convention – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “constitutional convention”:

- After the war was won, a Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in 1787 to write the United States Constitution which states the most important laws of the United States.

- The question of states' rights were debated at the Constitutional Convention Constitutional Convention in Federalists and Anti-Federalists while the Constitution was being ratified.

– After the war was won, a Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in 1787 to write the United States Constitution which states the most important laws of the United States.

– The question of states’ rights were debated at the Constitutional Convention Constitutional Convention in Federalists and Anti-Federalists while the Constitution was being ratified.

– In 1998, he was elected to the Constitutional Convention as a candidate of Australians for a Constitutional Monarchy.

– This was one of the issues taken up by the Constitutional Convention in 1787 and changed in the Constitution.

– The delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention Constitutional Convention set the representation ratio at one representative for every 40,000 people.

– The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.

– This was decided at the Constitutional Convention Constitutional Convention, because small states like Delaware did not want the larger states to be able to decide everything.

– This was one of the weaknesses that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and a new constitution.

– A contentious issue at the 1787 Constitutional Convention was whether slaves would be counted as part of the population in determining representation of the states in the Congress or would instead be considered property and, as such, not be considered for purposes of representation.

– Later, he was Constitutional Convention part of the group that made the Constitution of the United States.

– The Constitutional Convention could propose as many amendments as they wanted to.

– Missouri citizens approved a new fourth constitutional convention in 1874.

– He was a delegate to the United States Constitutional Convention in 1787 but did not sign it.

– Lane joined the Free-State movement in 1855 and became president the Topeka Constitutional Convention from October 23 to November 11, 1855.

– The constitutional convention that wrote the Leavenworth Constitution was provided for by an act of the Territorial Legislature passed in February 1858, while the Lecompton Constitution was being debated in Congress.

– The fifth constitutional convention met in Jefferson City from May 15, 1922 to November 6, 1923.

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