“constitution” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “constitution”:

+ It changed California’s Constitution by adding a section that says, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” The law was in response to a judge’s ruling that gay marriage was legal under the California state Constitution.

+ On June 20, they took the Tennis Court Oath, where they promised to work until they had created a new constitution for France.

+ But they had less than the two-thirds majority that would let them change the Constitution of the Free City of Danzig.

+ But the United States Constitution says that the vice president takes over if the president dies, and Tyler said that meant he was the new president.

+ The Confederate States Constitution was similar to United States Constitutionthat of the United States; however, it emphasized states’ rights and clearly protected the enslavement of black Americans.

+ Conventions play a powerful role in the operation of the Australian constitution because of its set-up and operation as a Westminster system of responsible government.

constitution use in sentences
constitution use in sentences

Example sentences of “constitution”:

+ This means he wanted the Constitution interpreted exactly as its framers had wanted it.

+ After the Constitution was passed, he was a Congressman and Senator from Connecticut.

+ This means he wanted the Constitution interpreted exactly as its framers had wanted it.

+ After the Constitution was passed, he was a Congressman and Senator from Connecticut.

+ To become a state, Kansas had to give an acceptable constitution to the U.S.

+ The office of Prime Minister was restored in 2009 and held by Morgan Tsvangirai until the position was again abolished by the 2013 Constitution of Zimbabwe.

+ Was created by the Constitution of Mexico in 1924, and was finally abolished by the current Constitution of 1917.

+ The constitution also said that the president be elected by the people.

+ This case showed that the Constitution could even limit the power of treaties, and was truly the supreme law of the land.

+ The 2001 Constitution has been controversial because its establishment did not follow the rules of the 1948 Constitution.

+ The government said that it would have to follow the Soviet constitution if it wanted to leave.

+ It was created with the November 1994 adoption of the Constitution of Abkhazia, and Gennady Gagulia was appointed to the position in January 1995.

+ An amendment establishing a formula for determining the appropriate size of the House of Representatives and the appropriate apportionment of representatives among the states was one of several proposed amendments to the Constitution introduced first in the United States House of RepresentativesHouse on June 8, 1789, by Representative James Madison of Virginia.

+ States may grant their citizens broader rights than the federal Constitution as long as they do not infringe on any federal constitutional rights.

+ The Weimar Constitution had the Reichswehr outside of the control of the parliament or the public.

+ After some previous warnings in September and November 1994 on March 17, 1995, the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, signed the law of Ukraine that repeals the amended Constitution of Crimea and some other laws of the Republic of Crimea, because they were contrary to the Constitution of Ukraine and jeopardized the sovereignty of Ukraine.

+ The original 1816 Constitution of Indiana provided for the election of a governor and a lieutenant governor every three years, limited to six years out of any nine-year period.

+ When the Constitution was written, constitutional democracy was still in its infancy, and the founding fathers of Switzerland had little in the way of examples.

+ The 1974 Yugoslav Constitution was a source of a great dissatisfaction and concern of the Serbs in Yugoslavia.

+ Chapter VIII sets out how the Constitution can be changed.

+ On July 1st, the constitution came into force.

+ There are certain parts in the Constitution that may affect the rights of LGBT Pakistani citizens.

More in-sentence examples of “constitution”:

+ These would be protected by the Parliamentary system and independent judiciary which the Constitution would create.

+ This assembly prepared the Constitution of India.

+ The United States Constitution was approved in 1788, and the new republic’s first Senate, House of Representatives, and President—George Washington—took office in 1789.

+ The Vice-President was previously appointed by the President before the amendment of the Constitution in 2016.

+ Before the Constitution was approved, the United States was covered by its first constitution, the Articles of Confederation.

+ Each state has a constitution of its own, different from the federal Constitution.

+ To make things worse, Mexico had a new president, Antonio López de Santa Anna, who got rid of the Mexican Constitution and made himself president for life.

+ It was dissolved on 29 November 2007 by the Ecuadorian Constituent Assembly and replaced by the National Assembly of Ecuador under the 2008 Constitution after being weaken by corruption.

+ It tells how the country’s leaders are to be chosen and how long they get to stay in office, how new laws are made and old laws are to be changed or removed based on law, what kind of people are allowed to vote and what other rights they are guaranteed, and how the constitution can be changed.

+ In 1939, singer Marian Anderson was not allowed to sing in the Constitution Hall in Washington, because of her race.

+ Created on December 15, 1791, the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that establishes the rightsright of possess firearms for lawful purposes.

+ The Twenty-fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution is the twenty-fourth time the United States Constitution has been amended.

+ Article Four of the United States Constitution outlines the relationship between the various states, as well as the connection between the states and the federal government.

+ PA Constitution article IV, § 14 The position of lieutenant governor was created in the 1874 constitution.

+ Section 3 The twenty-third article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.

+ A new constitution has been in place since 2012.

+ The Constitution of Venezuela lets the President of the National Assembly hold the role of Interim President of Venezuela if nobody else can have it.

+ The United States Constitution did not provide for judicial review of laws and court decisions.

+ Although the constitution said the Republics could leave the Union if they wanted, it was a completely centralized government, with no states’ rights for the member countries.

+ The languages listed in the constitution are: Sesotho.

+ In 1939, the African-American opera singer Marian Anderson was denied permission by the Daughters of the American Revolution to perform at Constitution Hall in Washington because of her race.

+ However, there is one punishment that the Constitution does not allow: punishing a person’s family and descendants for that person’s crime.

+ In the U.S., the Constitution protects the rights of citizens, and no individual law can take those rights away.

+ The constitution was sent to Washington.

+ The Constitution does not say how the United States can “end” a treaty.

+ These would be protected by the Parliamentary system and independent judiciary which the Constitution would create.

+ This assembly prepared the Constitution of India.

+ Here, the Constitution gives the President the power to make treaties with other countries.

+ Oli also was prime minister from 11 October 2015 to 3 August 2016 and was the first elected prime minister under the newly adopted Constitution of Nepal.

+ She sung at the Constitution Hall.

+ In 1937 when the Constitution of the Irish Free State was replaced by Bunreacht na hÉireann the Vice President was replaced by the Tánaiste.

+ RatificationValidated on December 5, 1933, the Twenty-first Amendment to the canceled the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and ended the Prohibition Era in the United States.

+ After much debate, the framers of the Constitution compromised and made population the basis of determining the number of seats in the House of Representatives.

+ Dagestan has the status of “republic” in Russia and has its own constitution and official languages.

+ Article II of the Constitution lets states decide how to give out their electoral votes.

+ To the point: I recently started the Constitution of the United Kingdom article, as I noticed its absence due to a link in another page.

+ He upheld the law and the constitution to the letter and won respect and admiration of all political parties.

+ Following the end of World War I, a German National Assembly gathered in the town of Weimar, in the state of Thuringia, in January 1919 to write a constitution for the “Reich”.

+ In the UK, the constitution can be changed with a new Act.

+ The apartheid system in South Africa was abolished in 1994, when a new constitution was ratified which abolished the previous system of segregation.

+ Forty-four proposals to change the Constitution have been voted on at referendums.

+ It is sometimes called the “First State” because it was the first colony to accept the new constitution in 1787.

+ The Constitution empowers the President to dissolve the National Assembly in his discretion if a situation has arisen in which the Government of the Federation cannot be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and an appeal to the electorate is necessary.

+ The Constitution Party, previously known as the U.S.

+ The goal was to create a constitution for the European Union for the Council to finalise and adopt.

+ Under the Constitution of Yemen, the Prime Minister is appointed by the President.

+ In 1991, a section of the constitution was scrapped, that automatically made it a multi-party state.

+ The United States Constitution says that the Vice President of the United States is the person who will replace the President if the President is not able to continue.

+ The question of states’ rights were debated at the Constitutional Convention Constitutional Convention in Federalists and Anti-Federalists while the Constitution was being ratified.

+ Mexican Constitution states that the President must be inaugurated by taking the oath of office before Congress in the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies.

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