“consent to” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “consent to”:

+ Once the Senate gives advice and consent to the President, and that person is given the job, the Senate cannot go back and change its mind.

+ It was thought that the four great ballerinas would never consent to appear on stage together.

+ The king did not consent to this, but he did respond with various efforts to promote Nôm.

+ Threats, violence, and economic problems can often make a victim consent to exploitation.

+ With the conniving of Despina, the two sisters consent to marry the foreigners.

+ There have been a number of Supreme Court of the United StatesSupreme Court cases concerning what constitutes valid congressional consent to an interstate compact.

+ He also can dismiss or withhold consent to a request for the dissolution of Parliament.

+ The defendant, Georgia, refused to appear, claiming that, as a sovereign state, it could not be sued without granting its consent to the suit.

consent to in-sentences
consent to in-sentences

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