“consecration” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “consecration”:

– He would even preside over the reburial of his personal hero Edward the Confessor at the consecration of Westminster Abbey in 1269, which was seen as the greatest personal triumph of his reign.

– The basilica arose from the idea, proposed by father Julio Matovelle in 1883, of building a monument as a perpetual reminder of the consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart, President Luis Cordero issued the decree on July 23, 1883, and it was carried out by president José María Plácido Caamaño on March 5, 1884.

– The song became the official Song of Consecration for the Nazi Party, and was much used at party functions and sung by the SA during street parades.

– Chapter 1 tells of God’s creation of the world, ending with the consecration of the seventh day as the Sabbath.

– A blessed image of the Sacred Heart, either a statue or a picture, is then “enthroned” in the home to serve as a constant reminder to those who dwell in the house of their consecration to the Sacred Heart.

– He was appointed Bishop of Amiens on 14 February 1963 and received his episcopal consecration on 9 May 1963.

– In 2008, the cathedral celebrated the 750th anniversary of its consecration in 1258.

consecration use in sentences
consecration use in sentences

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