“conscious” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “conscious”:

+ If a person is losing blood very quickly, they will only be conscious for 20 seconds to a few minutes.

+ The question, then, is how it can be possible for conscious experiences to arise out of a lump of gray matter endowed with nothing but electrochemical properties.

+ During these years, whenever he was conscious and felt well enough, he wrote poems.

+ She was the subject of a biography by author Neale Donald Walsch, “The Mother of Invention: The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Future of “YOU.”” Deepak Chopra called her, “the voice for conscious evolution.” In 1984 United States presidential election1984, she was nominated for Democratic Party.

+ These defenses are not under our conscious control, and our unconscious will use one or more to protect one’s self from stressful situations.

+ Thornton was his parish priest, and was conscious of his responsibility in that regard, so he visited Burgess in prison and heard his confession.

+ In the many-worlds interpretation, the gun fires in one world and does not fire in another, but the person can only continue being conscious in a world in which the gun does not fire.

+ Usually people have to be awake and conscious to have hallucinations.

conscious use in sentences
conscious use in sentences

Example sentences of “conscious”:

+ The method Lesgaft suggested was to learn conscious control of the body; being able to think about controlling the body and then actually doing it.

+ There are several states between a fully conscious state and a fully unconscious state.

+ It is important to note that in dealing firmly with a conscious vandal you may be doing what is necessary, but most often paying any attention to them other than.

+ He discussed the importance of the unconscious mind in understanding conscious thought and behaviour.

+ He noticed that the unconscious prejudices can be stronger than conscious thought and that they are more dangerous since they happen outside of conscious.Thomas K.B.

+ For example, there is a well-known tendency for all training to move from halting, difficult conscious steps to smooth, semi-automatic performance.

+ Freud made arguments about the importance of the unconscious mind in understanding conscious thought and behavior.

+ The method Lesgaft suggested was to learn conscious control of the body; being able to think about controlling the body and then actually doing it.

+ There are several states between a fully conscious state and a fully unconscious state.

+ It refers to the flow of thoughts in the conscious human mind.

+ Soon after winning the general elections in 1937, Sir Sikandar felt conscious of the need to maintain a balanced stance in a volatile and divided Punjabi political system.

+ Animals are born with these instincts, and they follow their instincts without conscious thought.

+ However, conscious of his lack of formal military education, he actually spent much of his term studying military science in libraries in Washington, D.C.

+ The role of the mind is something that Freud repeatedly talks about because he believes that the mind is responsible for both conscious and unconscious decisions based on drives and forces.

More in-sentence examples of “conscious”:

+ We do not make any conscious decisions: it is done without conscious thought.

+ Freud ultimately attempted to link unconscious sexual desires to conscious actions in each of his essays.

+ We do not make any conscious decisions: it is done without conscious thought.

+ Freud ultimately attempted to link unconscious sexual desires to conscious actions in each of his essays.

+ The ego, and to some extent the super-ego, is conscious or on the surface.

+ A conscious effort to rebuild after the damage was promoted, resulting into the boom of the economy of Cebu, dubbed CEBOOM.

+ He observed that the human perceptionperceptual system almost completely operates outside of conscious awareness.

+ This means you can control it with your conscious mind.

+ Todd Haynes’s “Far From Heaven”, for example, is a conscious attempt to replicate a typical Sirk movie.

+ She was the Co-founder and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution.

+ One example of this is Freud’s explanation to a patient that conscious material ‘wears away’ while what is unconscious is relatively unchanging: “I illustrated my remarks by pointing to the antique objects about my room.

+ The word mind gradually grew to mean all conscious thought over the 14th and 15th centuries.

+ However, some of the ANS’s activities work together with the conscious mind, like breathing.

+ Of the same way was key element in the overthrow of Abdalá Bucaram Ortiz in February of 1997, when, in the moment in that, conscious of the dangerous of the situation, declared publicly “that the Armed forces recognise like maximum authority to the only sovereign, the village of the Ecuador”, that can not be used to resolve political disputes and asks that the political conflict resolve peacefully and inside the field of the Right.

+ Higher scores show more conscious states.

+ Cortical activation in conscious and unconscious experience.

+ Crick’s book “The Astonishing Hypothesis” made the argument that neuroscience now had the tools required to begin a scientific study of how brains produce conscious experiences.

+ In ARSE he had brain surgery and his conscious and sub-conscious mind make him dream when he is a awake and vice versa.

+ For example, an animal should be considered conscious only if there is no other explanation for its behaviour.

+ Unconscious processes have a number of typical features which are quite different from the conscious processes.

+ People from the higher classes started to be interested in folk music because they were conscious of being part of a tradition.

+ They have an album called “Common Dreads” that contains “Common Dreads”, “Solidarity”, “Step Up”, “Juggernauts”, “Wall”, “Zzzonked”, “Havoc A”, “No Sleep Tonight”, “Gap in the Fence”, “Havoc B”, “Antwerpen”, “The Jester”, “Halcyon “, “Hectic” and “Fanfare for the Conscious Man”.

+ Because of where they live, whales are conscious breathers: they decide when to breathe.

+ Nikki Sixx took an overdose of heroin in 1987 and was legally dead for two minutes before getting an adrenaline shot, making him conscious again.

+ They are politically conscious and careful in electing their local representatives.

+ These include pop punk, rap rock, and rap metal, as well as conscious attempts to revisit rock’s history, including the garage rock/post-punk revivalpost-punk and synthpop revivals at the beginning of the new millennium.

+ His later work centered on conscious experience and self-knowledge.

+ If blood loss is slower, and the person does not get medical treatment, they may be conscious for a few hours.

+ Only with great difficulty can we control our emotions by conscious effort.

+ Body language signals happen on both a conscious and unconscious level.

+ During this meditation a person transcends conscious thought to a quieter state of mind, and this gives the technique its name.

+ Traumatizing information of thoughts and beliefs are blocked from the conscious mind, slips expose our true thoughts stored in the unconscious.

+ The preconscious was described as a layer between conscious and unconscious thought; its contents could be accessed with a little effort.

+ Italian Naval Headquarters was conscious that the British could replace ships lost in the Mediterranean, whereas Italian Navy resources were limited and there was a terrible lack of fuel.

+ There is always a friend, a friend in the crowd, a friend in the solitude; or while he is asleep, unconscious of this outer world, and when he is awake and conscious of it.

+ If their behaviour is conscious it means that they know what they are doing.

+ It detects with extraordinary acuteness certain changes in its interior, especially oscillations in the tension of its instinctual needs, and these changes become conscious as feelings in the pleasure-unpleasure series.

+ Csupó explained that “it was a very conscious decision from the very beginning that we’re not going to overdo the visual effects because of the story’s integrity and the book’s integrity.” There was only a small mention of Jess and Leslie fighting creatures in Terabithia in the book.

+ These experiments demonstrate a puzzling relationship between the act of measurement and the system being measured, but it is unclear if they require a conscious observer or not.

+ Italian Naval Headquarters was conscious that the British could replace ships lost in the Mediterranean, whereas Italian Navy resources were limited.

+ That, as Anderson recognised, is a shift from conscious to unconscious control as mastery is achieved.

+ It seems likely that unconscious learning by results evolved first in early metazoa, and conscious thought very much later.

+ Bakker’s Blind Brain Hypothesis is that we are only conscious of a tiny part of the information processed by our brains.

+ It is different from conscious processing: it is faster, effortless, more focused on the present, but less flexible.

+ Thorndike and Watson rejected looking at one’s own conscious thoughts and feelings.

+ It emphasised the role that conscious thinking plays in psychotherapy and is known as the “second wave” of CBT.

+ However, King never became conscious again.

+ The prince was in a minimally conscious state and it was unclear whether he would ever regain full consciousness.

+ Mike and Bryan have said that the world of Avatar has “definitely changed, and evolved, and advanced, but we’re very conscious of keeping the same feeling.

+ He said: I made a conscious effort to lose weight because I knew I could be happier as well as being healthier.

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