“coniferous” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “coniferous”:

– At higher altitudes, there are more coniferous trees.

– There are not many different types of trees in coniferous forests because of the cold weather, and the poor soil.

– This region is covered with mountainous areas and coniferous forests.

– The goldcrest breeds in coniferous woodland and in gardens, It builds its compact, three-layered nest on a tree branch.

– The Cyprus cedar is a large coniferous member of the “cedrus” genus and is native to Cyprus where it grows in the Troödos Mountains.

coniferous in sentences?
coniferous in sentences?

Example sentences of “coniferous”:

- It is a large evergreen coniferous tree reaching 40–50 m tall, exceptionally 60 m, with a trunk up to 3m thick.

- The southern part of the resort town is bordered by the spurs of the ridge, which is covered with coniferous vegetation and shrubs: mountain ash, and bird cherry.
- It is normally an evergreen coniferous tree that is cut and brought into the home.

– It is a large evergreen coniferous tree reaching 40–50 m tall, exceptionally 60 m, with a trunk up to 3m thick.

– The southern part of the resort town is bordered by the spurs of the ridge, which is covered with coniferous vegetation and shrubs: mountain ash, and bird cherry.

– It is normally an evergreen coniferous tree that is cut and brought into the home.

– Loss of coniferous forest in some countries is a threat.

– The Atlas cedar is a large coniferous tree of the cedrus genus and is native to the Atlas Mountains of North Africa.

– Cold coniferous forests cover most of the north of the country.

– Junipers is the name for a number of species of coniferous plants in the genus “Juniperus”.

– Both coniferous and deciduous species are present on a large area of the whole union council.

– Summers are warm and winters are cold, but not as cold as the northern coniferous forests.

– Resin is a hydrocarbon secretionsecreted by many coniferous trees.

– This is why the soil in coniferous forests is not very fertile.

– The taiga International Phonetic AlphabetIPA pronunciation:, from Mongolian is a large area of coniferous forests.

– They live in forests, often pine coniferous forests, on higher land.

– South of the taiga are a belt of temperate broadleaf and mixed forests and temperate coniferous forests.

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