“congregational” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “congregational”:

+ In 1857, he became the pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church Plymouth Congregational Church in Lawrence, Kansas, and continued being the pastor until 1875.

+ She attended a local dame school, a seminary, and a Congregational church.

+ Religion in Samoa includes the following: Christian Congregational Church of Samoa 35.5%, Roman Catholic 19.6%, Methodist 15%, Latter-day Saints 12.7%, Samoan Assemblies of God 10.6%, Seventh-day Adventist 3.5%, Worship Centre 1.3%, unspecified 0.8%.There is also about 522 Jehovah’s Witnessses in Samoa since 1931.

+ She is currently starring in the recurring role of Agatha Finn in “Emmerdale”, Barker also runs her own drama classes at Springhead Congregational Church, along with choreographer Adele Parry and musical director Dave Bintley.

+ The college was established in 1769 by Congregational churchCongregational minister Eleazar Wheelock who wanted to use the college to Christianize the Native Americans.

+ Both Puritans and Baptists thought that congregational singing was important.

+ Her father, Sydney Dix Strong, was a minister in the Congregational Church and was a missionary.

+ They started a number of congregational investigations.

congregational - sentence examples
congregational – sentence examples

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