“confined” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “confined”:

– If the oscillations are confined to a plane the radiation will be linearly polarized.

– Some species have widespread distributions, with the Galah, for example, occurring over most of Australia, whereas other species have tiny distributions, confined to a small part of the continent, such as the Long-billed Black Cockatoo of Western Australia or to a small island group, such as the Tanimbar Corella, which is restricted to the Tanimbar Islands of Indonesia.

– At the start of the era, life was confined to bacteria, algae, sponges and a variety of somewhat enigmatic forms known collectively as the Ediacaran fauna.

– The northernmost Rubble Creek flow was party confined by a wall of ice, resulting in a lava flow over 244m thick.

– Bivalve molluscs took over their inshore habitats in the Mesozoic, and since then the brachiopods have been confined to deeper water, except for a handful of species.

– If the problem is confined to one section, or a few sections in an article that has several, use.

– Charlotte wrote, “Papa is now confined to his bed in a dark room and is not to be stirred for four days – He is to speak and to be spoken to as little as possible”.

confined - example sentences
confined – example sentences

Example sentences of “confined”:

– She remained confined to a room on the second floor, leaving the social chores to her daughter.

– This order confined in special camps about 110,000 American citizens of Japanese descent.

– She was confined to her invalid’s chair.

– In Europe, Hispanics are mainly confined to Spain.

– These structures are somewhat analogous to the high and low-pressure cells in Earth’s atmosphere, but they have a very different structure—latitudinal bands that circle the entire planet, as opposed to small confined cells of pressure.

– He was confined to a wheelchair because he was paralyzed since age 12, he was also nearly sightblind and could barely hear.

– After a childhood injury, she was confined to her house, and got around largely by carriage horse.

– Initially the unit was confined to performing small scale reconnaissance missions, platoon sized missions by sea and on occasion on land into Finland and later Norway.

– Another instance is fitting a number of differently-sized items into a confined space, like the trunk of a car.

– According to this model, Space space and eternal, the Earth is stationary, and all other matter is confined to rotating concentric spheres.

– Knowledge of Arabic alphabet is confined to religious leaders and men who had worked or studied in Arab countries.

– Dit Clapper died of complications from a 1973 stroke, which had left him confined to a wheelchair, on January 21, 1978.

– During the early 1880s, Mary Lincoln was confined to the Springfield, Illinois residence of her sister Elizabeth Edwards.

– A surviving member of the Abbasid House was installed as Caliph at Cairo under the patronage of the Mamluk Sultanate three years later; however, the authority of this line of Caliphs was confined to ceremonial and religious matters, and later Muslim historians referred to it as a “shadow” Caliphate.

– Each species is confined to a stretch of the north coast between rivers which descend from the Atlas mountains to the Mediterranean.

– Thus, clusters of the species are constantly threatened by the ever-changing hydrology of the range they are confined to.

– John Ball of Wilmington, Massachusetts, and for about 40 years thereafter its cultivation was confined to that immediate neighborhood.

– Stewards won’t lock this account, because it’s confined to a single wiki.

– They are chiefly confined to the cities; for the civilization of the country was always urban, just as its history is a record of isolated city-states rather than of a united nation.

– In the wild, the species is confined to two small populations, near Monterey and Carmel.

- She remained confined to a room on the second floor, leaving the social chores to her daughter.

- This order confined in special camps about 110,000 American citizens of Japanese descent.

More in-sentence examples of “confined”:

- He was asked several times to keep these edits confined to his bot, but did not.

- During World War II he was confined by the Nazi regime to a Jewish ghetto.
- It has a stock that can be extended or pushed in and a 14.5 in barrel to make it easier for soldiers to use the weapon in confined spaces.

– He was asked several times to keep these edits confined to his bot, but did not.

– During World War II he was confined by the Nazi regime to a Jewish ghetto.

– It has a stock that can be extended or pushed in and a 14.5 in barrel to make it easier for soldiers to use the weapon in confined spaces.

– He orders the Captain confined to his cabin.

– He is not confined to any particular nation or time.

– Test edits should be confined to a single mainspace article and be null edits such as unless a better idea is presented of course.

– It may seem strange that one of the commonest adaptations in birds is the loss of flight! To understand it one has to understand what the main benefits of flight are to animals which once had been confined to land.

– On 24 June 1989, after being confined to a hospital in Tokyo, she died from pneumonia at the age of 52.

– She is confined to a wheelchair.

– Lake Baikal is the only confined freshwater lake in which evidence of gas hydrates exists.

– During the 1850s he was sick much of the time and was confined to his bed.

– Qin study was initially confined to China in ancient times.

– Rarely is such study so specificly confined to just one orientation or the other.

– Combinatorial Game Theory is largely confined to the study of a subset of combinatorial games which are two player, finite, and have a winner and loser i.e.

– However, the surgery went very wrong; after 9 hours in surgery, Raymond, at 50 years of age, had a stroke that left him half-paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair.”How Helena Grew Up In a Violet Shadow” Valerie Grove, “The Times”, 10 May 1996 With Carter’s two older brothers away at college, she alone was left to help her mother deal with issues.

– The primary meaning of stream is a body of water, confined within a bed and banks, and detectably flowing.

– In the 1980s, the term was used for troops in tight, confined environments.

– In October 1191 the leading citizens of the city opened the gates to John while Longchamp was confined in the tower.

– In the startCollapsible template the color parameter bg colors the background of the entire collapsible section rather than its effect in ordinary BS”n” row templates which is confined to a single row.

– The joke was confined to 4chan for a short time.

– Amyloid deposits can be confined to only one part of the body or a single organ system in ‘local amyloidosis’ or they can be widely distributed in organs and tissues throughout the body in ‘systemic amyloidosis’.

– Areas of white canvas are often left to show through, and in later works, paint is sometimes confined to the edges of the canvas.

– After his death, most of his empire was divided between the Zands, Durranis, Georgians, and the Caucasian khanates, while Afsharid rule was confined to a small local state in Khorasan.

– He suffered from Parkinson’s Disease in his later years, and was eventually confined to a nursing home prior to his death in 1990.

– From the 15th to the 20th August, he was confined in a very small box cell, where he was made to sit to attention all day, being periodically beaten, prodded with bayonets, kicked and spat upon by the guards, and denied any washing facilities.

– They mastered the technique of building vast inner spaces confined by seemingly weightless yet massive domes.

– The convicts were housed below deck and often further confined behind bars.

– Where equipment losses are reported, this should be confined to major or significant types of equipment broadly categorized such as: tanks, guns, aircraft, destroyers etc.

– They are now confined mainly to deep water.

– In 1891, following another crisis, Carlo Cafiero was confined in the asylum of Nocera Inferiore where he died on Sunday July 17, 1892.

– Direct Roman rule became confined to a few coastal cities by the late 3rd century.

– Water flow in rivers and streams is normally confined to channels  which are depressions or scours in the land surface that contain the flow.

– However, while the American alligator’s range stretches as far north as Virginia, the American crocodile’s range in the United States is confined to southern Florida.

– Finney plays Edward Bloom, a former traveling salesman from the Southern United States with a gift for storytelling, now confined to his deathbed.

– Galba, after taking many strong places, and receiving the submission of the people, sent off two cohorts into the country of the Nantuates, and with the remaining cohorts determined to winter in Octodurus, which was in a valley with no great extent of level ground near it, confined on all sides by very lofty mountains.

– Pope Boniface VIII confined the former pope in the castle of Fumone, and he died there.

– The Commissioner is the highest ranking police officer in the United Kingdom, despite the fact that his authority is generally confined to Greater London.

– The monotremes are confined to Australia and New Guinea, and are the sole survivors of an earlier group of mammals.

– However, Kitami learns that a large number of industrial cylinders were unrelated to the dam construction have been purchased and Klima has secretly confined his secretary, and threatened to produce poison gas.

– After being confined to an Psychiatric hospitalasylum, he considers eating a human hospital orderly, but finds he can only capture and consume flies, spiders, and the occasional bird.

– However, these are confined to areas of active volcanoes.

– Queen Dowager Inmok was confined to the palace, and it was renamed West Palace.

– Many classic postage stamps were engraved, although the practice is now mostly confined to particular countries, or used when a more “elegant” design is desired and a limited amount of different colours is acceptable.

– Each genus is split into a number of species, each of which is confined to a stretch of the north coast between rivers which descend from the Atlas Mountains to the Mediterranean.

– Tropical and seasonal rainforests, though confined to Yunnan and Hainan Island, have a quarter of all the plant and animal species found in China.

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