“confederate” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “confederate”:

– Two small Confederate cannon were on the road perpendicular to Mead’s advancing troops.

– Clanton, a General officers in the Confederate States Armybrigadier in the Confederate States Army.

– By May 1652, Cromwell’s Parliamentarian army had defeated the Confederate and Royalist coalition in Ireland and occupied the country, ending the Irish Confederate Wars.

– For the final time that day, the Union army charged into Confederate fire with the same results as the previous charges.

– On August 15th, 2016, she was heavily criticized by Korean social media because she posted a Confederate Japanese flag on the Korean Liberation Day.

– It is named in honor of Mississippi United States SenateSenator and Confederate President Jefferson Davis.

– It applied to slaves in the Confederate States of Americastates still in rebellion in 1863 during the American Civil War.

– He was a general officergeneral for the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War.

confederate - example sentences
confederate – example sentences

Example sentences of “confederate”:

– The far-away war is over now, and despite Scarlett’s protests, they share their food with returning Confederate soldiers passing through.

– At both locations the Confederate army began crossing the river that evening.

– After the war ended, Lincoln pardoned all of the Confederate soldiers and so they could not be arrested or punished for fighting against the Union.

– When Raven asked the Confederate Government for a diplomatic exequatur on 20 July 1861 he was accepted.

– As they pushed into Shepherdstown, West VirginiaShepherdstown they met the Confederate reinforcements commanded by general Stonewall Jackson.

– After Lincoln’s election in 1860, seven States formed the Confederate States of America.

– On Confederate Memorial Day each year, the Daughters of the Confederacy puts flowers at the statue of a Confederate soldier.

– The last Confederate general to surrender was Brigadier General Stand Watie, who surrendered on June 23, 1865, in Oklahoma.

– After four months Walker, along with other surgeons in the Union, were released in a trade for 17 Confederate doctors.

– A few Confederate military units were started by Serbs in Louisiana, such as the Cognevich Company, and the First and Second Slavonian Rifles.

- The far-away war is over now, and despite Scarlett's protests, they share their food with returning Confederate soldiers passing through.

- At both locations the Confederate army began crossing the river that evening.
- After the war ended, Lincoln pardoned all of the Confederate soldiers and so they could not be arrested or punished for fighting against the Union.

More in-sentence examples of “confederate”:

- They were able to stop a Confederate attack.

- She was honored with a Confederate military funeral.

– They were able to stop a Confederate attack.

– She was honored with a Confederate military funeral.

– During the American Civil War, Arkansas was one of the Confederate states, however, it was the second state to be put back in to the U.S.

– But as Burnside’s soldiers attacked, more Confederate soldiers arrived.

– Andersonville was run by the Confederate States Army.

– Quantrill led a group of 400 guerrillas and Confederate Army to attack Lawrence.

– They also wanted the leaders of the Confederate States of America to be punished for any part they played in the Civil War.

– Resaca Confederate Cemetery in Resaca, Georgia is home to over 400 confederate soldiers who died during the American Civil War, also known as the War Between the States.

– During the 2020 George Floyd protests, the United States Marine Corps made a rule against showing the Confederate flag at their bases.

– On August 10, Sigel’s flanking maneuver surprised the Confederate army.

– The city is named after Patrick Cleburne, a Confederate General.

– On the first day, he engaged the Union before all of the Confederate army had arrived.

– By the end of the Civil War, about 30,000 Union soldiers, and about 26,000 Confederate soldiers, had died in prisoner of war camps.

– They race against the background of the great fire caused by the Confederate Army destroying the fuel depot to prevent it from falling into the enemy’s hands.

– Even though Johnston was in charge of the Confederate army, Beauregard became famous after the battle.

– This put him in a position to outflank Banks if the Union forces moved any further south and allowed him to stay in contact with Ewell’s Confederate division if he needed support.

– Burns was born on July 29, 1953 in Brooklyn, New York City, New York His ancestors owned slaves, and one was a Confederate soldier.

– The Union and Confederate cavalry units fought throughout the day and by evening Buford had fought his way back across the Rappahannock.

– The Confederate artillery shells hit “Lackawanna’s” berth deck near the magazine.

– Stevens’s division made part of the Confederate army retreat.

– The first Confederate volley of shots depleted the Union forces considerably.

– They were built provide defensive buildings in case of attack by Confederate States of AmericaConfederate guerrillas.

– The county is named for Jefferson Davis, the 23rd United States Secretary of War and President of the Confederate States of America.

– The Confederate Army was ready to attack on the morning of the 6th.

– At the Battle of Five Forks, on April 1, 1865, Union General Sheridan’s cavalry broke through and flanked the Confederate lines at Petersburg.

– Army bases named after former Confederate generals.

– The bodies of confederate soldiers were buried in crude makeshift graves all across the yard.

– Kilkenny was the capital of Confederate Ireland between 1642 and 1649.

– Sturgis The Confederate army called the battle of Wilson’s Creek, the Battle of “Oak Hill”.

– Later he represented Montgomery County, AlabamaMontgomery County in the Congress of the Confederate States of America.

– Pickett was one of three Confederate generals who led the attack under Longstreet.

– Mortar Mortar shells were dropped on the Union troops and the Confederate cannons were rolled up to the edge and fired canister shot at the soldiers trapped in the crater.

– Lee wrote President of the Confederate States of AmericaConfederate President Jefferson Davis that he could not hold out much longer.

– The unexpected fighting capabilities of the small Confederate army had temporarily created a reprieve for the salt works.

– This was four-and-a-half months after the Union Army had a victory over the Confederate States Army at the Battle of Gettysburg.

– At the beginning of the American Civil War, Forsyth was occupied by Confederate forces.

– Lee’s plan was to win over the citizens of Maryland, a border state, to the Confederate side.

– Siegel’s attack had at first proved very successful, but fell apart when he mistook the Confederate 3rd Louisiana for federal troops and allowed them to get too close without being challenged.

– Major General George Stoneman, commander of the Union Army in Kentucky and Tennessee, proposed another expedition into southwest Virginia to destroy all facilities and supplies of benefit to the Confederate war effort.

– After the Confederacy established itself in 1861, the elected president, Jefferson Davis appointed Stephen Mallory as his Secretary of the Confederate Navy.

– Despite Confederate efforts to topple the state government, Washington provided both economic and political support.

– The formation of the Confederate States Army was a matter initially undertaken by the individual states.

– First, a bombardment by about 140 Confederate cannons on the Union lines was ordered.

– Daniel Weisiger Adams brigadier general in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War.

– Army, a Confederate States ArmyConfederate general in the American Civil War, and later a railroad executive, planter, and author.

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