“condiments” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “condiments”:

– However, as another word ‘jang’ was used more frequently to refer to condiments made with meju, the meaning of the word ‘meju’ shifted to refer only to the stage before it is used in condiments.

– The meaning of the word ‘meju’ originally included all condiments and seasonings made with meju.

– The leaves are used as condiments and medicines.

– Toast can be eaten with a range of condiments spread on the surface, such as butter, jam, honey, and cheese to make cheese on toast, though these are optional as some people prefer their toast without condiments.

– For example, Carnaroli is less likely than Vialone Nano to get overcooked, but the latter, being smaller, cooks faster and absorbs condiments better.

– Hot sauce, chili sauce, or pepper sauce are all spicespicy condiments made from chili peppers.

– As many Koreans now buy Korean traditional condiments instead of making them, it is difficult to find the wide variety of unique tasting condiments made from homemade meju.

condiments example in sentences
condiments example in sentences

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