“Computer program” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “Computer program”:

– In computer science, a memory address identifies the place in the computer memory where a computer program or a hardware device can store data and later retrieve it.

– Then they will write a computer program that tries to simulate the same answers that the humans gave.

– R-Drive Image is disk cloning computer program that can create copies of computer hard drives.

– Automatix was a computer program to install software on Ubuntu in an easy way.

– A compiler is a computer program that translationtranslates computer code written in one programming language into another programming language.

– A database system is a computer program for managing electronic databases.

– Game Maker is a computer program for the Microsoft WindowsWindows operating system.

– A Computer crash is when a computer program stops running normally.

Computer program example in sentences
Computer program example in sentences

Example sentences of “Computer program”:

- This is very important for computer programs and archives, since even a very small change in a computer program will make it unusable.

- He explains to Neo that the Matrix is a computer program made by robots to simulate a world which humans think is real.
- In computer-based education, a tutorial is a computer program whose purpose is to assist users in learning how to use parts of a software product such as an office suite or any other application, operating system interface, programming tool, or video game.

– This is very important for computer programs and archives, since even a very small change in a computer program will make it unusable.

– He explains to Neo that the Matrix is a computer program made by robots to simulate a world which humans think is real.

– In computer-based education, a tutorial is a computer program whose purpose is to assist users in learning how to use parts of a software product such as an office suite or any other application, operating system interface, programming tool, or video game.

– SATySFi is an open source computer program used for making articles, reports and mathematical formulas.

– For example, an OEM computer program will usually only come with the disc and a licence, but no instruction manuals.

– The computer program does several things at the same time, similarly to how several horses run at the same time in a horse race.

– A tropical cyclone forecast model is a computer program that uses meteorologymeteorological data to forecast where tropical cyclones will go and how strong they will be.

– In March 2016 a Google computer program beat the best Go players in the world.

– A vector graphics editor is a computer program that lets users make and change vector graphics images and save them in one of many popular vector graphics formats such as EPS, PDF, WMF, SVG or VML.

– Trainz is a computer program that allows you to create your own Railway.

– A computer program is written by a programmer.

– Then the computer does what the computer program tells it to do.

– The music parts contain notes which are arranged with a computer program called a sequencer.

– A computer program goes into beta when programmers have made the software do everything it needs to do, but there may still be problems.

– Once the TCP receiver has finally reassembled a perfect copy of the data originally transmitted, it passes that data to the computer program that asked for it.

– An emulator is a computer program or hardware that makes one kind of computer behave like a different one, so that it can use the same programs or do the same things as the other one.

– Microsoft Outlook is a email computer program part of Microsoft Office.

– It can also mean a computer file or computer program which malfunctions or becomes infected with a computer virus.

– A computer program called a compiler and/or an interpreter would take the program that the programmer typed in and convert it into a form that a computer can run.

– In October 2011, Microsoft announced “Tiger”, a new internal search computer program for Bing.

More in-sentence examples of “Computer program”:

– AlphaGo is a computer program that plays the board game Go.

– A mobile application, also referred to as a mobile app or simply an app, is a computer program designed to run on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices.

– Most instruments are controlled by a computer which operates a computer program called an “instrument method.” The instrument method controls the temperature in the GC, the MS scan rate and the range of fragment sizes being detected.

– In computer programming, source code is a text file version of a computer program or software that contains instructions that the computer follows to do something.

– When a computer program is written, very often, large amounts of data need to be stored.

– In 1997, IBM Deep BlueDeep Blue became the first computer program to beat chess world champion Garry Kasparov.

– In computer science, an interpreter is a computer program that performs commands written in a computer programming language.

– A computer program also often has a user guide.

– FrostWire is a computer program for downloading files, like music, video, etc.

– A computer program is like a horse race.

– The Russians used a computer program to compare photos of Anastasia with the skulls from the grave.

– However, no known custom maps have been made because there is no level editor for the game and the developers made it impossible for players to use the level design computer program “UnrealEd”, which works for other Unreal engine games.

– Dreamweaver is a computer program that is used to make web pages.

– The word ‘error’ can be used to describe a computer program that was not written in the right way.

– In the computer science, a program specification is the definition of what a computer program is expected to do.

– Like software, it is a computer program which is run by a microprocessor.

– The name of the cron computer program is from the word “cron” which is from the Greek word for time, χρόνος.

– A return statement is the information that part of a computer program gives to another part.

– A computer program is stored as a Computer filefile on the computer’s hard drive.

– If a computer program tries to divide an integer by zero, the operating system will usually detect this and stop the program.

– Alpha software is a computer program that can do most of what the programmers want it to do, but it has lots of problems.

– The word is also used for a type of computer program that does useful things in the background of a computer, but this use is not related to the religious meaning.

– Westley’s computer program can be ROT13’d or reversed and still compiles correctly.

– Robots are controlled by a computer program or electronic circuitry.

- AlphaGo is a computer program that plays the board game Go.

- A mobile application, also referred to as a mobile app or simply an app, is a computer program designed to run on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices.
- Most instruments are controlled by a computer which operates a computer program called an "instrument method." The instrument method controls the temperature in the GC, the MS scan rate and the range of fragment sizes being detected.

– There’s a computer program that takes the schedules of all 15000 students.

– VMware ThinApp is a computer program that can make portable applications.

– An author who wants to make his computer program free must allow other people to use it for anything, study it, change it and share it without limits.

– A compiler is a computer program that does this translation.

– Synaptic is a computer program which is a GTK+ graphical user interface front-end to the Advanced Packaging Tool for the Debian package management system.

– An IRC client is a computer program that works with IRC.

– A software release life cycle is the different stages of making a computer program, giving it out to other people, and making sure the computer program works right after it is released.

– A bot is a computer program which acts automatically.

– Microsoft Bob is a computer program that was made by Microsoft.

– Microsoft Store or Windows Store is MicrosoftMicrosoft’s computer program made to sell computer software.

– An executable is a computer program written by a programmer and compiled by a compiler.

– Edd Straw, Autosport CFD is computer program used to design a race car that will move through the air well.

– Once a model can respond with the correct words, then it is likely that the rules the computer program uses are the same rules that people use to decide whether words are similar.

– GNU Parted is a free computer program for creating, destroying, resizing, checking, and copying Partition partitions, and the file systems on them.

– Lars Ulrich is also known for his part in the removal of a music-sharing computer program called Napster, which he felt to be illegally using and sharing the music he and Metallica made.

– A computer program can control these peripherals by reading or writing numbers to special places in the computer’s memory.

– A computer-based model is a computer program that is designed to simulate what might or what did happen in a situation.

– Word salad can be generated by a computer program for various purposes.

– Of course, this will not work for computer programs and other such data where every piece is important; throwing away pieces of a computer program is generally unhealthy for the program.

– Cyclomatic complexity is a measurement to see how difficult a computer program is to understand.

– An IRC bot is a computer program that helps control and protect channels.

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