“compound” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “compound”:

– A carbonate is a chemical compound that has the carbonate ion,.

– This chemical compound has no uses.

– The city has a compound name in the fashion of almost all Spanish settlements in America.

– Butane is an organic compound with the chemical formula.

– The acidity of a pharmaceutical compound can also affect absorption.

compound how to use in sentences
compound how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “compound”:

- The word is a compound word, and said by Richard Lederer in his book "Crazy English" to be made up of these words: super- "above", cali- "beauty", fragilistic- "delicate", expiali- "to atone", and -docious "educable", with all of these parts combined meaning "Atoning for educability through delicate beauty." According to the movie, in which the word became widely used, the word is "something to say when you have nothing to say".

- Sodium dihydrogen phosphate, also known as monosodium phosphate, is a chemical compound with the formula NaH.
- This compound is taken up in the body instead of oxygen.

– The word is a compound word, and said by Richard Lederer in his book “Crazy English” to be made up of these words: super- “above”, cali- “beauty”, fragilistic- “delicate”, expiali- “to atone”, and -docious “educable”, with all of these parts combined meaning “Atoning for educability through delicate beauty.” According to the movie, in which the word became widely used, the word is “something to say when you have nothing to say”.

– Sodium dihydrogen phosphate, also known as monosodium phosphate, is a chemical compound with the formula NaH.

– This compound is taken up in the body instead of oxygen.

– Almost all unicellular organisms are microorganisms but you can observe eukaryotes and many prokaryotes by using a compound microscope.

– They are different from most plants because they have large crowns of compound leaves and a stout trunk.

– Ammonium chloride is a chemical compound composed of ammonium and chloride ions.

– Nitric oxide is in cells and is a way for cells to Transmittertalk to each other, this can be measured with the compound luminol.

– The second and third floors were the last section of the compound to be cleared.

– Hard words are 3-syllable words other than proper nouns, inflected verbs of three syllables, and easily understood compound words.

– Methyl isocyanate is an organic compound with the molecular formula CHNCO.

– Silver oxide is a chemical compound with the formula AgO.

– Beetles have compound eyes, which means the two big shiny eyes on the head are actually made out of many smaller parts.

– Two words may be joined to make a compound word.

– The name may also mean an ester of carbonic acid, an organic compound containing the carbonate group C of carbon and oxygen.

– The main use of indium is in the chemical compound Indium tin oxide in liquid crystal displays.

– It is a supplementary compound to the Wingate Institute in Netanya.

– In organic chemistry, an alkene, olefin, or olefine is an Saturation unsaturated chemical compound containing at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond.

– In chemistry, a saturated compound is a chemical compound which resists addition reactions, such as hydrogenation, oxidative addition, and the binding of a Lewis base.

– Makinde was born to a renowned teacher turned accountant, late Pa Olatubosun Makinde and Madam Abigail Makinde of Aigbofa Compound in Oja’ba, Ibadan.

More in-sentence examples of “compound”:

- A very dense solution of a thallium compound was used to test minerals for specific gravity, but it is too toxic for use.

- Where the complex metaphor uses stacked layers to enhance the metaphor, the compound metaphor uses sequential words.
- Alum is both a specific chemical compound and a class of chemical compounds.

– A very dense solution of a thallium compound was used to test minerals for specific gravity, but it is too toxic for use.

– Where the complex metaphor uses stacked layers to enhance the metaphor, the compound metaphor uses sequential words.

– Alum is both a specific chemical compound and a class of chemical compounds.

– Since a compound is often first discovered in nature instead of being made on purpose in a lab, people may know the compound exists, and even know what it does sometimes, but not know exactly what atoms it is made of and how it is arranged.

– For example, the word “tokidoki”, which means “from time to time”, uses the same kanji for “time” twice, but is written as 時々 instead of 時時 because Japanese would see the second compound as redundant.

– Butanone, also called methyl ethyl ketone, is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH.

– Because each compound in the sample sticks to the coating in a different way, each compound comes out of the tube at a different time.

– A longbow has practical advantages compared to a modern recurve bowrecurve or compound bow; it is usually lighter, quicker to prepare for shooting, and shoots more quietly.

– Sometimes, the kanji in certain compound words may not even use their kanji readings at all, but are used only to show the word’s meaning.

– The Wingate Institute is located in Netanya and has a supplementary compound in Tel Aviv, the National Sport Center, that includes many headquarters of Israeli sport organizations.

– The birds secrete an acidic compound from a gland located in their mouth.

– The chemical compound thujone, although present in the spirit in only trace amounts, was blamed for its alleged harmful effects.

– This noble gas compound can be used as a good fluorinating agent.

– Now Hydrogen storing technology using Hydrogen storage compound metal comes to practical use step in the side of technical, however, hydrogen storing capacity per weight is no match for demand of user, so this technology is not widely used yet.

– The compound may be cyclic, acyclic, linear or mixed.

– Pepper spray is another chemical compound that acts very similarly and is sometimes used to control crowds.

– Neun Phra or Neun Yai Hom This area was once an ancient temple and that the hill must have been a large chedi that was in the temple compound dating back to the Dvaravati period, or earlier, roughly about 1,000 years ago.

– A mineral is a chemical compound with a given composition and a defined crystal structure.

– Aluminium iodide is any chemical compound made up of only aluminium and iodine.

– Hydrazine, a compound in the -2 oxidation state, is a strong reducing agent.

– TLC plates are also commonly dipped in stains to force a compound to appear on the plate.

– On July 9, 2015, at a campaign fund-raising conference in the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, Bush announced that super PACs which support his candidacy, mainly Right to Rise, had received a total of $103 million during the previous six months.

– Ores are rocks that have a chemical compound of a metal with oxygen, called an oxide.

– Arsine is made by reacting any arsenic compound with any hydride.

– After 1949, she and Xu Xiaobing lived in the same compound as Mao and took both official photos, some used for posters and publicity, which became the most widely circulated photos of Mao, and some family photos, taken informally behind the scenes.

– Just in the small section there, I saw compound sentences, complex words, links to dab pages, and links to Wiktionary.

– So, the mass spectrometer had to finish working on one compound before the next one flowed out of the chromatograph.

– This page presents several chemical infoboxes to present chemical compound data in a standardised form.

– The raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabadbin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan was launched from Afghanistan.

– A salt can also be explained as an ionic compound which dissociates, forming a positive ion other than hydrogen ion, and a negative ion other than hydroxyl ion.

– A +1 compound has been found but it is hard to make.

– Cellulose is the most common organic compound on Earth.

– In some of those languages, the capitalization is retained even when those words occur within compound words or suffixed to a verb.

– The word Kok-borok is a compound of the words “kok”, which means “language”, and “borok”, which literally means “nation”, but is used to denote the Borok people.

– The next day he was buried at his compound in due to a hasty funeral in Ramallah on November 12, he was reburied on November 13, around 3:30 am.

– It was a compound of arsenic which went by the trade name of “Salvarsan”.

– Later, it was discovered that the drug was split into two pieces inside the body, releasing from the inactive dye a smaller, colourless, active compound called “sulfanilamide”.

– For instance, a mixture of the gases hydrogen and nitrogen contains hydrogen and nitrogen, not the compound ammonia which is made of hydrogen and nitrogen atoms.

– An example of a monoatomic gas is neon, an example of an elemental gas is hydrogen and an example of a compound gas is carbon dioxide.

– The body of “Ophiocoma wendtii”, a type of brittle star, is covered with ommatidia, turning its whole skin into a compound eye.

– A blister agent, or vesicant, is a chemical compound that causes severe pain on the skin, in the eyes, and in the mucus membranes.

– Hexane is an organic compound with the chemical formula.

– A compound metaphor is one where there are multiple parts in the metaphor that are used to snag the listener.

– The compound also may be got by treating palladium metal with nitric acid.

– But the degree of certainty about the identity of that compound is reduced.

– Chromium chloride is a chemical compound composed of chromium in its +3 oxidation state and chloride ions.

– This gives information on whether the compound is an Insulator.

– People may have started using the compound word, living room, in the early twentieth century.

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