“complement” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “complement”:

– This template should complement text, instead of taking the place of text.

– Renamed a naval air station, its flight operations were conducted by a Fleet Air Detachment, with station complement dropping from about 250 officers and 2000 men to 40 officers and 500 men and the Assembly and Repair Department discontinued but still used by the CASU on board.

– Speakers of those languages can join the subject to the complement without any extra words since they share the same kind of inflection.

– In the National Museum of Warsaw, there are two paintings by the master Pittoni, which complement a pair, which complement each other in terms of composition and theme.

– The most common is as two’s complement of their positive form.

– In addition to running the ONDCP, the director evaluates, coordinates, and oversees both the international and domestic anti-drug efforts of executive branch agencies and ensures that such efforts sustain and complement State and local anti-drug activities.

complement use in sentences
complement use in sentences

Example sentences of “complement”:

– One way to avoid this problem is to round each value “y” upwards with probability equal to its fraction, and round it downwards with the complement of that probability.

– These mechanisms include antimicrobial peptides, phagocytosis, and the complement system.

– MTRCL has often developed properties next to stations to complement its already profitable railway business.

– Consequently, HST students are trained to have a deep and exposure in understanding of engineering and scientific fundamentals that complement with hands-on experience in the clinic or in industry.

– The complement of ɸ is called the “pitch”.

– The complement of each primary color.

– Microsoft developed the Windows Sound System sound card specification to complement these extensions.

– According to Stephanie Lawrence, the global director of licensing for Lego, “We’ve created an evergreen franchise to complement the many event-based properties on the children’s market.

– The minimal gene complement of “Mycoplasma genitalium”.

– In short, while epidemiology is good at understanding numerical patterns and biological causes for disease/health conditions, it is unable to fully explain all the factors that underlie certain diseases/health conditions, and this is a gap that medical anthropology has been able to pick up on and complement by providing rich qualitative data which looks at health and diseases from a holistic perspective.

– The carriages will then be used as a “Heritage Train” to complement more modern carriages.

– Formula Two was first formally defined in 1948 by the FIA as a smaller and cheaper racers to complement to the Grand Prix cars of the era.

– They complement conventional antibiotic therapy.

– The complement system consists of a number of small proteins found in the blood, made by the liver.

– With a station complement of about 2,500 officers and men, the initial aviation cadets began their training.

– A literal and its complement cannot appear in the same clause.

– Elements of the complement cascade can be found in many non-mammalian species including plants, birds, fish and some species of invertebrates.Janeway C.A.

- One way to avoid this problem is to round each value "y" upwards with probability equal to its fraction, and round it downwards with the complement of that probability.

- These mechanisms include antimicrobial peptides, phagocytosis, and the complement system.

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